Chapter 4- Reunion

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(Ruby's P.O.V)

We searched for platform six ,after I'd had my picture taken at platform 9 ¾, when we finally found it the train was just coming in. I walked down the platform, my mum closely following behind, until we found coach f (the quiet coach). Ten minutes later the train left Kings Cross and I watched London disappear. The train journey was nothing exiting, I spent most of the time reading “The Fault In Our Stars” by John Green. There was only one chapter left when the train stopped for the last time. I hopped off the train and started to hum “They don't know about us” as I wandered to the car park were my dad was waiting to pick us up. He drove us home and when we arrived at our house I was shocked to see Imogen sitting on the doorstep, an impatient expression on her face. The moment she saw me climb out of the car, she leaped up and said something I couldn't understand as she spoke so fast. I told her to calm down, and I led her to my bedroom were she sat down on the bed.

“Right Imogen,” I cooed “Speak slowly and clearly,”

“One Direction called me, on your phone, they want to find you!” I hugged Imogen right there. We both leaped off the bed and began screaming our heads off. I was over the moon. They weren't giving up on me, I'd get to see Zayn again. I'd be able to find out more.

“Imogen, how much did you tell them?” Imogen thought for a moment.

“I told them you were coming back home today and that you lived in Yorkshire.” Yorkshire's a big place. I couldn't be much to go on.

“I need to talk to Zayn.” I stated. I had to tell him where I was but most of all I just wanted to hear his voice. I grabbed her phone from her hands and started to type in my number. Then something hit me. They didn't have the charger. I almost burst into tears.

“What is it?” Imogen asked in a concerned tone.

“What if the phone's out of charge?” Then Imogen shook her head.

“They won't have used it much and even if they have, all they need to do is tell a fan they need a HTC charger and they'll get one.” She was right. If I tried calling them now it would be fine, but what would I say? I didn't have time to think about it though. I picked up the phone and called myself (something I don't often do). It rang three times before I picked up.

“Why helloooo there.” it said. I was surprised that Louis had picked up, but it didn't bother me.

“This is Ruby!” I said

“Well your a liar, because it quite clearly says Imogen!” I laughed at his stupidity.

“Don't be dim!” I told him “This is Ruby on Imogen's phone!” Having a serious conversation with Louis wasn't easy. I managed to tell him my address and that he needed to give it to Zayn. Louis agreed and then said something about a photo shoot, so I took his word for it and hung up.

(Zayn's P.O.V)

I walked into the room just as Louis put down the phone.

“Who was that?” I asked suspiciously. Louis beamed at me.

“It was Ruby!” he said. He handed me a scrap of paper and I saw that it had an address on it. Ruby's address. I nearly hugged Louis I was so happy with him. I read the address for a second time. I knew the area and it would be easy for me to find her. I grabbed my wallet and shoved it in my jacket pocket then ran out the door and leaped into my car. I saw someone commando roll over the bonnet and hop into the passenger seat. Harry.

“I'm coming with you.” he said. He was closely followed by Niall, then Liam, then Louis who all sat in the back. I started the car and headed towards the motorway. Liam was the first to speak.

“Shouldn't we be at a photo shoot now?” It was true ,we should have been, but this was more important. Everyone just shrugged their shoulders. We'd rearrange another shoot for next week.

The ride went quicker than expected. It might have been that we were so exited or maybe that there wasn't much traffic. We got into the right town but I wasn't sure of the street so we asked a passer by were we could find it. It was a mistake to ask a sixteen year old girl, she just stood stock still, too amazed to say anything. I stopped again and asked a middle aged man. You could tell he recognised us but of course he wasn't at all bothered. He gave us directions and we discovered her house wasn't far away. I parked in Morrisons car park and we all got out the car. There were several gasps but we just ignored them. I say we but Niall stopped so a little girl could get a photo. I sighed and he gave me a look which made you forgive him easily. It wasn't long before we found her house. To our luck Ruby was just unlocking the front door. This meant no awkward explanations to her parents. She heard our footsteps and glanced behind her. Her eyes widened and she grinned at me.

“Well,” She said “It's not everyday you get the world's biggest boy band outside your front door.”

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