Chapter 2

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Naruto sits on the roof of the Kage tower with his legs crossed and haru in his lap, "This tower indeed resembles the one in Konoha" he thought. It has been a month since he brought tsunade and the others to uzushio, turning them into pseudo fox biju. Naruto sent a clone to Spring and inform koyuki that he would delay his return and properly train the others. However something unexpected or expected in naruto's case came about as tsunade, anko, shizune, sakura and hinata were unconsciously releasing pheromones. Tsume and hana were the first to notice and confronted him about it, to which he explained that the five of them would experience animal urges such as wanting to mate and lay claim to the alpha.

Tsume knew what naruto meant and agreed to teach the others to control their urges. Needless to say hinata and the others were shocked at this revelation and spent the next week avoiding him but eventually came around. The next three weeks naruto taught them the Kage Bunshin, allowing them to shape up their flaws and strengthen their core skills. Naruto showed them a treasure trove of weapons, jutsu and knowledge for them to learn, allowing them to expand their respective skill sets.

"Ready to go home Haru" naruto muses, rubbing her ear and haru yips. Naruto rises to his feet and vanishing with a swirl of wind, reappearing outside the village. Tsunade and other were mediating but their fox ears twitch at every sound, "Time for us to leave" tsunade asks.

"Yeah.. I've been gone too long.. Koyuki will be mad" naruto says. Everyone gets to their feet, "I am so taking a long and hot shower" sakura says.

"Same with me and some Dango" anko comments. Naruto hands haru to hinata and everyone joins hands, before the vanish in a huge white flash.

-Spring Country-

Naruto and his group appear in the courtyard of a large compound, "Welcome to my home" he says. Everyone looks around in shock at the beautiful scenery and large home, "It has several training areas.. A dojo and Outdoor bath" naruto says, letting haru down to run around.

"I need to report in.. The house is yours.. Feel free to explore" naruto says and vanishes in a flash. Anko, sakura, yugao, hana and tsume quickly rush off towards to the outdoor bath as tsunade, shizune and hinata start to explore.

"This place doesn't look cheap" tsunade comments but it has a spartan feel. The three continue to explore, finding ten bedrooms and five bathrooms also, a fully stock kitchen and a room full of weapons. However one weapon stood for its large size, it was a incredibly large halberd with a large double-edge sword. Its pommel has a large crescent moon design and white wrapping to the blade.

"Kami.. That is a huge weapon" tsunade comments. The three continue to explore but eventually make it to the outdoor bath, "Bout time" anko chirps.

"We wanted to see the place" shizune says, stepping into the water. Tsunade and hinata follow but the younger hides her breasts and anko grins, "I bet Naruto gonna love riding those titties" she says and hinata eeps.

"Or Tsunade-sama's" anko adds and tsunade chuckles.

"Think so or is it the hormones talking" tsunade comments. Sakura runs her towel over her cheek, "I can understand Hinata being attracted to Naruto but all of us" she says.

"Since Naruto made you into pseudo foxes.. He is the alpha and you want him to mate with you.. We taught you to control the urges on Uzushio but its still there until you actually have Sex with him and mark him our alpha" tsume comments, sipping some sake.

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