Chapter 12

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Inside a chamber was an odd contraption and inside it was withered man with red hair and Rinnegan eyes, "How.. How could I have fallen" he thought.

"Because even supposed God are not above reproach" naruto says, standing behind him. Pein glances back with a glare, "How did you find me" he asks.

"Since becoming the new Kyubi.. My sensing skills have improved.. So tell me Pein or Nagato.. Why do you want the Biju" naruto say, rounding the contraption.

"Peace.. I would bring peace to this world.. Kohai" pein states and naruto's eyes narrow, "Kohai" he says.

"Once I known by the name Nagato but I have forsaken it.. Jiraiya was my Sensei like you" pein or rather nagato says. Shadows cover naruto's eyes but a small laugh escapes, "That Pervert was never my Sensei nor was he to you Senpai.. You were a means to an end.. Jiraiya is working for Danzo.. Danzo set you up with Hanzo.. They thought if you died.. They could take the Rinnegan for themselves" he states. Nagato was about to retort but naruto's crackling left arm was sticking out his back, "Sorry.. The old me would try to talk this out.. Convince you to help me but I can tell by your emotions.. You're too far gone" he says, as nagato slumps forward. Naruto pulls his arm free with a solemn look on his face, slipping off his coat and reaching towards nagato's eyes.

"Step away from the Rinnegan eyes.. Kyubi incarnate" a cold voice states.

"Finally revealed yourself.. I could sense you on the outskirts of the battle" naruto says, bursting the eyes with his biju charka.

"You have no idea what you have done Boy" tobi states. Naruto drapes his coat of over nagato and turns to tobi, "So who are you" naruto asks.

"Madara Uchiha" tobi says but naruto snorts.

"I'm gonna call Bullshit on that.. I have some Kurama's memories and he remembered Madara's oppressive charka and yours is more Pathetic.. So again who are you" naruto says.

"I should have killed you as a child" tobi hisses.

"But then you didn't.. My Father caught me and saved me.. I owe you alot of pain and suffering.. Because of you I had to endure Hell in Konoha.. Beatings.. Starvation and a whole host of other things but I should also thank you.. Your actions allowed me see Konoha for what it is and break free of the shackles it represents.. I told Nagato I would break the Wheel of the Shinobi system by taking away the Biju.. You are another spoke on that wheel" he says. Tobi was about to lung forward but a chakra rod goes through his thigh, "How?!" he thought.

"I had my clone set up a barrier negating your abilities.. My Father fought you remember and deciphered your skills" naruto states. Tobi collapses to one knee as the rod scrambles his chakra, "This will not stop me" he says.

"Yes it will.. You Uchiha are all the same.. Thinking you're superior to everyone.. Well except Itachi and her mother" naruto says and grabs tobi by the face, cracking the mask.

"Consider this Repayment for Killing my Parents" naruto says, ripping out tobi's soul and letting him fall.

"Obito Uchiha teammate of Kakashi huh" naruto says and looks down at him, "I may still have a use for you" he muses, creating several clones.

"Find Hidan's body and search for any notes Nagato could have" naruto says, hoisting obito on his shoulder.

"Mom.. Dad.. Kurama.. I have avenged you.. Now to start taking the next steps" naruto thought. Two clones appear with the body of hidan and shockingly the sword samehada, "It survived my bijudama" naruto asks.

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