Stephine's pov...
I was just trying to analysis what his mother just said.
"Why would you as a mother want your daughter to sleep in the same room as a man?"
I asked feeling a bit angry like come on i barely know the guy even if he is a Greek god or what ever!
"But it's not like you haven't before" she said grinning and then winked at me EWWWWW.
"MOM WHAT THE HELL" Kalu finally Said something "why would you want me to sleep with her??" He said pointing at me like he was disgusted.
I felt very offended towards his remark "I didn't say sleep with her, i said stay in the same room but if you can sleep with her do so, your old enough to give me grandchildren!"
Mrs. Adichie said with a frown almost like she wanted to cry, O lord why am i always in the middle of family drama i finally spoke up.
"Fine! we will stay in the same room but nothing more okay!" i said rolling my eyes when i tell you the excitement that rushed through their faces, made me almost laugh at their childish act just to get what they want.
I held Kalu's forearm and his jaw flexed I whispered "Let's just go okay?" .
we were walking through the hallway of the hotel apparently the hotel is fu*king huge , we found our room we dropped our bags down and I looked around the room was STUNNING!
I needed to take a hot shower because we got to the hotel by evening time, so immediately I when to take the shower I needed, leaving Kalu in the room.
When i got into the bathroom i opened my suitcase up and brought out everything i needed, I turned on the shower to get that HEAT flowing through the shower head,let me not bore you with how i take my shower.
I stepped out of the bathroom, One would say i gave birth inside the shower but i am a lady so i have to smell good, because not only am i sleeping in bed with a greek god but the man of my dreams, So a girl gotta do what a girl gotta do!
"Did you hide the body well?" I turned in kalu's direction confused why would he ask me that?? did we kill anybody???
"What do you mean by that unreasonable question?" I asked in a serious tone, Like is he drunk??
"Oh sorry! i forgot to put it in a Reasonable way did you die and wake up again you took so long inside there" he said rolling his eyes at me, WHAT THE F*CK!
"See i don't know if your drunk or what but i'm letting this slide because i'm in a very good mood!" I answered back in confidence, finishing my skincare i wore my matching pj set which i was in love with.
With that i hopped on the bed and picked up my phone, *PINGGG* my phone buzzed i opened my whatsapp to see that Gabriella canceled meeting me here.
"So i'm going out safe i guess...?" kalu speaked up as the room was so quiet.
" To where?" I asked in a questioning look.
"To hang with the boyz at the club... What's your business?" He said frowning abit and crossing his hand.
" Nothing ooo but.." i grabbed my bag from beside me and brought out a co*dom waving it between my fingers " Use protection always, you know all this Abuja girls you can contact a lot of infections from them" i threw the co*dom at him he was shocked but caught it fast and put it in his pocket.

Storie d'amoreShe never met anyone like him. All her past relationships were just men who didn't plan for the future, some were mama's boys some never regarded her as someone just some cheap woman who they could use and dump. "HE" was different he treated her lik...