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Author's narrative

Amayra looked up at Zaira, who has entered her room.

"Hey baby," Zaira spoke, sitting next to her.

"I'm here to clean you up," she said, gesturing towards the clothes in her hands.

"I-I'll do it myself," Amayra stammered.

"Are you sure?" Zaira asked hesitantly.

Zaira placed the clothes on the bed and silently walked out of the room as Amayra nodded her head. She slowly stood up and looked at herself in the mirror.

She still wasn't comfortable with letting her scars visible.

She changed into the fresh pair of clothes after cleaning herself in the washroom.

She didn't knew why, but she wasn't scared now. Maybe because she knows she's back with her family safe and sound.


Trisha was humming a song carelessly when all of a sudden, a hand slammed her into a wall by wrapping around her throat. She scratched the person's hand but that didn't loosen the grip; it tightened further.

"What are you doing?!" She gasped out painfully.

"What did you do to her?" Vivaan asked furiously.

"I-I didn't do anything!" She spoke.

Vivaan's grip was hurting her.

"You bitch," Vivaan gritted.

"Tell me!" He yelled.

He dropped her on the floor mercilessly. Trisha panted breathlessly, trying to stabilize her breathing.

"Are you mad!" Trisha yelled furiously.

"What did you say?" Vivaan was furious.

"You heard me!" She yelled again.

"Listen! I don't have time for your talks. You were the one who sent those men to hurt Amayra, didn't you?" He asked.

"It wasn't me! Do you think I would do that Vivaan bhai?" She spoke quietly.

"Oh shut up! I'm not going to be fooled by your talks. All these years, you made Abhimanyu bhai the culprit, but we didn't believe you. We only sympathized with you because you told us that Abhimanyu bhai was drugged. So when you saw that we weren't going to believe you, you cunningly changed the story. And that means that you bullied Amayra too. How shameless!" He blowed up.

"Whatever! But I was not the one to harm her today," Trisha said, knowing she couldn't hide it from Vivaan now.

"Then who?!"

"How would I know that?! Last time when Dad and Abhimanyu came to know about me bullying that little brat, that psycho, Abhimanyu almost killed me! And Dad appointed Ryan to follow her. Do you think I'm that stupid to attack her? Ask your Amayra, did I ever bully her after that?!" Trisha shouts.

Vivaan went silent after that.

Abhimanyu knew that Trisha had bullied Amayra. Considering his personality, Trisha wouldn't have dared to harm Amayra again. Simply because Abhimanyu would have killed her.

Trisha's lips twitched in annoyance, "Get out now!"

"Are you really our sister?" He asked quietly.

Trisha looked at him blankly.

Vivaan nodded to himself and stormed out of the room angrily.

He was the stupidest all along!


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