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Author's narrative

"You ready?" Lorenzo asked the girls in front of him, eyeing them suspiciously.

A sinister smirk crept up on their lips, their expressions and intentions mirroring each other's.

"Sure," Jiya replies.

"Can I ask you all something?" Lorenzo asks again. One of the girls, Reya, hummed in response.

"Why do you all want revenge on Rahas? Did he do something to you all?" He couldn't contain his curiosity, ever since Abhimanyu introduced these girls to him.

Vedangi chuckled at him, "You don't need to know that Lory-Pory."

Lorenzo cringed at the nickname, giving her a side eye.

Bhawan couldn't help but chuckle at his expression; he looked constipated at that point.

"Come on girls!" Jiya clapped her hands. "Let's get to work," her words emitted a dangerous intensity.

"I'm gonna sue these girls for mental harrassment," Lorenzo mutters under his breath, following them inside the room.

Rahas was tied on a metal chair, unconscious. A bucket of chilly water was thrown onto him and he woke up with a gasp.

"Who are you guys?" He sneered, looking around the room.

A tight slap landed on his cheek as his face whipped back. "How come you forget us, darling?" Reya clicked her tongue mockingly.

Bhawan snickered at his confused and paranoid expression, "I expected that, honestly. Little shit harassed too many to remember."

And then it clicked him, their faces feeling familiar in his vague memory.

"What do you want?" His expressions changed drastically, as he glared at the girls before him.

Vedangi smiled at him, tracing his features with her sharp nails, "What do you think?" She gripped his jaw and squeezed his chin.

"Alright," Lorenzo interjects. "If you all want revenge, then do it faster. No need to have a chat," he rolled his eyes.

Jiya smiles sweetly at him, before digging her heels on his foot. Lorenzo's face contorted into one of pain as he winced.

"Do not interrupt," she shooed him away.

Muttering a string of profanities under his breath, Lorenzo glared at the girls and went away.

"Now," Reya clapped her hands. "Let's really not wait anymore."

With a swift move, she punched him straight on his face, leaving his nose bleeding. "You bitch!" Rahas screams at her. "Uh-huh, a badass bitch," Vedangi chuckles, looking at her nails.

"Let's get his makeup done," Bhawan says as she picks up a knife. Jiya says, "Leave his face for me."

Inching closer, Bhawan slashed his thumb slowly, before cutting it off. Rahas screams in pain, making the girls laugh.

"Vedangi, do you wanna have a go?" Reya questions, wiping the blood of her face. By now, the fingers which were once attached to the wailing boy were all lying on the floor listlessly.

"Sure," Vedangi smirks at the bloody figure. "Get me that," she says. A bottle containing a substance was presented before her and without any hesitation, she emptied it on Rahas' legs.

Fluoroantimonic acid.

Burns like the devil's sin.

One of the strongest acids present out there.

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