Chapter 9

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Eliza POV

Why does college have to be so boring?

I was once again sitting in class. This time actually trying to listen to the teacher and taking some notes. I mean I gotta learn something or I will just end up wasting years on nothing.

"Pssst, Eliza" I turned my head towards the person whispering. It was a girl I hadn't seen before. She had blond hair and blue eyes. "What?" I asked her.

"Have you seen the picture of your sister yet?".

"What picture?" I was getting kinda nervous.

"Here let me just show you" she said while pulling out her phone. A few moments later she was handing her phone over to me. Making sure the teacher didn't see anything then I looked down at the phone.

At first I couldn't really make out what was happening in the picture. Then I recognised one of the persons in the photo as Peggy. It also seemed like she was kissing someone. Someone with brown bushy hair wearing a red hoodie. I summed in on the picture and the other girl's face got more recognizable.

What the hell was Peggy doing kissing Maria!?

After class, which was my last of the day, I sprinted out of the room. I had to find Peggy right now. People were staring at me all the way down through the halls, but I barely noticed it. While running around looking for Peggy I suddenly crashed to the ground. I had run into someone. A hand was extended to me and I grabbed it. When I was back on my legs only with a few scratches I looked to see the person I had hit. It was my sister.

"Sorry Angie didn't see you there I was looking for...".

"Peggy?" she finished. "Me too. I'm guessing you've seen the picture too".

"Yeah. I was gonna have a talk with her. I take it you had plans of doing the same".

"You would be correct. Then we can both have a talk with her, but first we gotta find..." I interrupted her. "There" I said pointing. We both made a run for it luckily not hitting someone this time.

"I know what you want. Let's just go to my room and talk" she told us when we stopped in front of her. With that we left for Peggy's dorm.

We got to the dorm and sat on Peggy's bed in her room. For a while we were all quiet. It seemed Angelica had enough and finally asked the question we were all waiting for "Why Peggy, why would you kiss Maria?".

"It was a dare okay. I was playing truth or dare with Philip and Theo, then Philip dared me to kiss Maria, so I did". Not the answer I had expected from Peggy.

"S-So, you don't like her?" I asked nervously trying to hide my own emotions.

"And you couldn't just have said no to the dare?" Angelica added.

"No, I don't like her and no I couldn't just say no to the dare. It was either Kiss Maria or tell them my crush, which I was not about to do".

"Wait, you got a crush. A bit offended you haven't already told us, but now you gotta tell us who" Angelica said eagerly.

"You better not tell anyone, but i-it's Theo" she said trying to hide her blush by burying her face in a pillow.

"Awhh, you guys would be so cute together" I giggled.

"Yeah they would, but Peggy you can't just go and kiss someone who hurt our precious Eliza. Like she ruined her relationship and hates her, so you can't just..." I interrupted Angelica.

"Wait, I don't hate Maria".

"You don't? I just thought... you were so upset when you saw her yesterday" said Angelica.

"I was upset, but I don't hate her. I actually feel pretty bad for her both for the way we acted yesterday, but also because she gets called all kinds of stuff wherever she goes. I even saw someone pour a milkshake over her head at lunch today. She is getting the blame for all of that with Alex, but what about him? He was the one who cheated on me and should be blamed just as much".

"You're right. It's not just Maria's fault and besides we haven't even heard her side of the story" Peggy said, having removed her face from the pillow.

"How about we all try to be a bit nicer towards Maria. I will try to hear her side of the story and then we can figure out what to do afterwards. I just think I might need to get to know her a little more before she will want to tell me" I said.

We all agreed before Angelica and I left. On my way back to the dorm I remembered our fridge was still empty. Then I decided to take a detour to go grocery shopping. 

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