banana government structure (first and highest branch)

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as the title reads, we are discussing the highest branch in my government (one of which i am a part of),  the basement council. this is where all great decisions are made. (and state secrets) running under the oath "what happens in the basement, stays in the basement". those who do not comply are, in this order

1. ejected from the council

2. after discussion, reviewing if they can even stay in the faction

2A. if yes, they are put under close watch, and maybe after some time, let back on the council

2B. they are ejected from the nation and publicly shamed

2BB. returned into nation if reasonable to do so

the information shared are all in the memory of the grand high librarian, joseph ballin. if one member is to defect from the nation, the information given to us about their secrets will be released to the public.

the trial to enter the council is simple yet difficult. earn our trust. we gave someone who was never even part of the council a 2 week ban for nearly leaking intel.

we may be getting a 3rd lady (kind of like first lady, but since not on top of command in relations, and instead, relations to level 3 government.)


aaannnd... thats about it. yall tell me what you want to hear next

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