it all began in art class. as soon as i sat down, my eyes got that vision like when you rub them, but it didn't go away. like, i went to get some water and I COULD BARLEY SEE THE TEACHERS FACE. i was like 3 feet away. i soon got a headache, and on the way to science class with nearly-a-girlfriend-in-his-grasp friend, he held up his glasses to my eyes, they were hella blurry, but as soon as he removed them, I COULD SEE! when i got to science, i asked to see the nurse as my legs felt like jello and my headache was worse. i went back after being given the OK, and my headache got WORSE. my stomach got that feeling. my head felt like the fucking surface of the the sun, and i walked to the nurses office. again. earlier i was given the option to lie down, and i now took up that offer. after 2 minutes, i threw up dem chickin nuggies i had for lunch. my mom came to get me and we left. i threw up in the car, and slept when we got home for a good 3 hours. i could then eat, threw up some coffee, and went to bed for the night. the next day, i did the school work i could do a full hour earlier than i would have if i would have been there. i felt fine that day but we could not send me back due to 24hr post vomiting policy. (i was told this the night before) i finally beat the halo reach mission pillar of autumn on heroic after 3 days, and now here we are.
thats... about it. it was short but i dont give a fuck. peace!