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  Ivonne turns around to see a certain brunette running toward her. "Olivia." Ivonne giggled as Olivia had finally caught up to her. Olivia pants as she tries to catch her breath.

     "Gosh Ivonne,"


     "You are–"


     "A fast-"


     "Walker, Holy shit-"

     Ivonne caught Olivia before she collapsed on the floor. "Are you okay?" Ivonne asked Olivia as she composed herself. Oliva crosses her arms and pouts at her, "This is the 4th time you walked off without me, you know if you didn't want to be friends you could have just said so," Olivia complains as they continue to walk.  "Ohh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I promise," Ivonne hugged Olivia, trying to comfort her. "I don't think I could believe you anymore," Olivia rolled her eyes and lightly pushed her away. 

     "Oh come on, I promise to buy you a piece of cake as my apology." Ivonne knew that Olivia would do anything for sweets, especially cake. And to no surprise, she was right. "Hmm, Alright then!" Olivia finally hugged her back and the two girls laughed together as they continued on their path.

     It's been a while since Ivonne and Olivia first met. When Ivonne was in a tough place, Olivia found her and offered to help her. And ever since, they have been very close.
"Oh, by the way, any luck with your memories?" Olivia questioned Ivonne. She shook her head. "Not a clue," Ivonne sighed at that fact. It has been a very long time since the day she lost all memory before she ended up in the village. The only thing she could remember was her name and date of birth. Other than that, blank-

     Olivia looks at her concerned. It wasn't the first time they talked about but every time they did, it just seemed kinda sad because even if Ivonne looked like she was fine, Olivia knew how she truly felt. Ivonne took a glimpse at Olivia to see that she looked sad. Ivonne sighed and flicked her head.


      "I'm fine really, you know sometimes I think it's for the best that I don't know my past."

      "Why do you say that?" She questions while rubbing her head. Ivonne just shrugs in response. "Well, who knows what my past could have been, for all I know I could have been a very young maid who ran away from its master." Olivia hums at that, "Oh! Or maybe you were destined to rule an army and help save the world!" Ivonne chucked at her assumption. She did know how to light up the mood. "Well, in that case, I guess I better come save you," Olivia dramatically gasped, "Oh sire, please save me, a damsel in distress." Ivonne playfully rolled her eyes at her dramaticness.

  "Well I guess we-" Ivonne got cut off as she accidentally bumped into someone. "Ah- I'm so sorry!" She quickly apologized.  She takes a good look at the person who she bumped, it was a guy. He was tall, with grey-brown hair and grey-colored eyes. Ivonne could admit that this stranger was not that bad-looking. But what caught her eyes was the weird choker that he had on around his neck. But what was even weirder, was that this man had not said a single word and was staring at Ivonne's soul.

     Ivonne and Olivia looked at each other in confusion as this random guy continued to stare at a certain pinkette. Olivia cleared her throat and asked if he was okay. Still, he didn't answer.

     "What the fuck is up with this creep," Ivonne muttered as she felt her eye's twitched. "I don't know, but it doesn't seem good," Olivia whispered back. At this point, they were just getting annoyed. Ivonne sighed deeply, "Look do you have a problem?" She asked angrily, still this man did not answer but looked at them blankly. Ivonne felt her anger go up even more. She was ready to just push this creepy man off their way.

     "Listen here you- What the"

     Suddenly something unexpected happened. The grey-brown-haired man just picked up Ivonne and put her over his shoulders. Like a sack of potatoes. Then he just walks off with Ivonne cursing while on his shoulder. At the same time, Olivia was just trying to process what just happened.

    "Did my best friend get kidnapped by some random guy?!"

     Meanwhile, at the Eckhart Mansion.  It was   almost time for Penelope's birthday ceremony. And the family was discussing what Penelope wanted as a gift. They laugh as they mention the accident with Reylond's magic yacht.


     Penelope whispered quietly.

     "Early in the morning, could you come say hello?"

     Penelope looked at the duke such sad eyes. For some reason, it felt painful for what she was saying.

     "And say goodbye to your immature daughter."

     The duke raised his eyes in confusion at her request. "Say goodbye? Just what are you talking about?"

     "Now that I'm finally becoming a decent adult. I want to become a mature person after my coming-of-age ceremony and forget the shameful past."

     The Duke's eyes softened as he heard the reasoning. He nodded, "Alright, I'll make sure to visit in the morning."

     As the moment was starting to get a little awkward, suddenly the family could hear something outside. The butler opened the door and walked towards the Duke.

     "Your grace,"

     "Pennel, what is up with that noise outside?"

     "Your grace, I think you should come outside and take a look for a moment,"

     The Duke furrows his eyebrows in displeasure. "And why is that?"

     The butler hesitated to answer. He bent down and whispered in the Duke's ear. At this moment, the Duke jumped out of his seat and sprinted out the door.

     The Eckhart siblings looked at each other in confusion. Just what exactly was going on? Was it the Crown Prince?

     Derrick was the first one to get up from his seat and left to see what was going on. Soon after, Reynold and Penelope got up and went to find out what it was.

     As the two reach towards the main door. Penelope's eyes widened in disbelief. What she saw right in front of her, was real Eckart's daughter being held back by some servants as she was throwing some curses at Eckles while he just stood there.

     I never would have thought,

     For some reason, it felt like the world just stopped. Penelope felt all the emotion inside of her but couldn't release it if she wanted to.

     That you,

     She could only look at one person at that moment. The person who swore to be her devolved slave. The person who she thought was her way out of this stupid game.

     Would have been the one to betray me.


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