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     Today was the day of Peneople Eckhart's birthday and her Coming to Age banquet. Everyone was busy today making sure today went well. Well...except Ivonne. She was sitting on her bed, watching thoroughly out the window as guest by guest was arriving. Ivonne sighed to herself as she plotted flat on her pillows. "I never got the chance to apologize." She groaned and stuffed her face on the pillow. 

     Earlier in the morning..

     Ivonne heard a knock coming from her door. "Who is it?" She called out. "Ivonne dear, it's your father," A fatal voice was heard from the other side of the door. She hummed in confusion before opening the door to reveal the Duke. The Duke gave her a soft smile before entering her room.

      They sat on the couch as he had a request from her. "What is it?" She tilted her head in curiosity. The Duke raised his hand and pet her head. "Ivonne, please do not take this the wrong way, but would it be alright if you stayed here for the night." She could hear the hesitation coming from the Duke, still, she was a bit surprised by the sudden request. "Today is Peneople birthday...and I want it to be the make up for the loss caused that happened to that poor child."

      "And, I know it's a lot to ask-"


     Ivonne cut him off. The Duke glanced at her, she had this small smile planted on her face. Ivonne placed her hands over his to show a kind of comfort. She sighed as she looked down at the floor. "When I found out that Penelope was turning 18, I felt horrible because I couldn't imagine what she thought when I arrived."

      And she had this face that sad.

     She turned to the Duke who had this stunned look. To be honest, he never expected her to take it so easy. His face softened and he wrapped his arms around her. "Thank you, Ivonne."

     And so here we are now, doing absolutely nothing. She groaned before sitting up on her bed. It's been a couple of days since she was abducted by that guy she was told was named Eckles. And it's been great knowing who her biological family was, but she was starting to miss Oliva.

     Speaking of Oliva, was she doing okay? Was she eating well? Wait, I still owe her a cake? I should visit her soon. These were the stuff that were going through her mind. She hugged her legs and rested her head on the wall. In the corner of her eye, she could see something sparking. Ivonne turned her head to see what the object was. Ah yes, it was the gift that Ivonne bought for Penelope. She had bought it the other day when she got permission to go out for a couple of hours. It was a small necklace with a ruby stone that matched her magenta hair color. It was too bad that she wouldn't be able to give it to her.


     Ivonne head turned straight at the door, her face furrows at the sound of someone knocking.


     But...wasn't everyone at the party? Ivonne quickly tried to grab something she could defend herself with before hesitating to go near the door. She bit her lip, wondering whether it was a good idea or not. "Fuck it." She whispered to herself before slamming the door open and positioning herself immediately to hit the person behind the door.


     Ivonne halted halfway in the air. She recognized that voice. "Derrick?!" She asked. Derrick looked at her with a stunned look, before clearing his throat. "Ivonne, why do you have that in your hand?" Ivonne looked at her hand to realize she still had her weapon in her hand, she immediately threw it across the room and hid her hands behind her back. "I have no idea what you're talking about-" She avoided his look. Then a thought came to mind.

     "Wait, Derrick aren't you supposed to be at the banquet, what are you doing here?"

     "Well...I thought I escorted you to the Banquet."


     Ivonne looked at him like he had grown two heads. Why was he here to escort her? If anything shouldn't he be escorting Peneople? "Why would you be escorting me, I was told to stay here." Ivonne started to get confused here. But Derrick's face hardened. "She told you that?" He demanded to know.



     Derrick places his hands on her shoulders. "Ivonne, you don't have to listen to her." Ivonne felt this weird feeling coming from him. "Actually, I should because it's her birthday." She protested, taking his hands off of her shoulder. "Besides I'm not gonna barge in like that, It'll look bad on her and that's the last thing I want." Derrick sigh. Ivonne didn't want to go but he wasn't having it. He grabbed her hand and dragged her to the Ballroom. "Derrick? What are you-"

     "I refuse to have her lock you out like that, even if it is her Birthday."


     "You don't have to keep defending her."


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