~*Ship 6: Germany 🇩🇪 X Poland 🇵🇱*~

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1.) History
To sum it down, Nazi Germany 卐🇩🇪 invented Poland 🇵🇱 with the help of the USSR 🇷🇺☭ in WW2 with the promise of splitting Poland 🇵🇱 in half between each other.
2.) Relationship
Poland 🇵🇱 and Germany 🇩🇪 today are now both apart of NATO and have put their history aside for the moment, they seem a bit close from the research that I have done.

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I give this ship a 8/10!
Look it, I know it sounds like I might have lost my mind but hear me out. I have a feeling it could work, both countries are a part of NATO and have a stable relationship with each other, despite their history with each other. And I feel like this ship is a bit sweet, but ofc the history behind them takes my rating down by a bit. And yes... I'm very much aware of what Nazi Germany 卐🇩🇪 did in the past, it was brutal and utterly disgusting/cruel, NO ONE in Poland 🇵🇱 deserved ANYTHING that happened back then, same goes for today.

~*🇩🇪X🇵🇱Final rating: 8/10*~

~*Word count: 185*~

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