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After looking at my statistics for this book I found out that not only people from the USA (like 55%~) and Canada (Like 6%~) are reading this but people from Saudi Arabia, Russia, Italy, Indonesia and even the Philippians are reading this! 

I'm very honoured by this! like my jaw honestly dropped when I saw that.

And I'm very sorry for my absence with this book, I've been VERY busy lately with school and homework and stuff, I'm behind in school and not to long ago I had a mantel break down over French class because I go to a French school my entire life. it's all the work and verbs and shit I swear... :(

Anyways I hope you guys don't have a stressful day like me! :D

~*Word count: 129*~

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2023 ⏰

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