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Jungkook had a wonderful sleep in his entire life. He woke up feeling the warm rays of the sun.

And he forget their still have classes today, they are late, but he know that exhaust Jin a lot last night.

Their just stop when the first ray of sunlight appears. Jungkook can't control himself when it comes to him. He feel the side of the bed and it was empty.

"Where's Jin? Don't tell me he manage to go to the university after what we did? He will be possibly limping! Jungkook thought himself

But the door opens and Jin appeared freshly showered came in, carrying a tray of breakfast.

"Good morning daddy." Jin smiled at him radiantly and it already made his day.

"Morning baby... How are you? Are you okay?" Jungkook worriedly asked and Jungkook lost count how many times Jin cum last night.

"Yeah.. I just soaked in a hot tub, then I took 2 pain medicine, and I drink a ice banana protein shake and I'm good." Jin put the tray on the bedside table. "We are already late on the first subject." Jin added said

Jungkook kiss his forehead the moment he sit beside him.

"Can you walk straight? We'll go to the university now. I don't want you to be out of the dean's list." Jungkook said

"Don't worry ,okay!! eat up. Then take shower and go prepare.. I'll change also." Jin kissed his cheek.

Jin is glooming because last night confessed their feelings.

After Jungkook eat he took the tray to the kitchen and washed everything then he go to his room to take a shower, but Jin was standing on the dressing room. He's on his usual nerdy outfit but his eyes Jin so handsome.


Like what usual, Jungkook let Jin rode on his car, he stops meters away from the gate.

"See you later?" Jungkook ask him while he unbuckles his seat belt.

"Of course.. Remember what I told you." Jin glared at him again, his eyes saying that no woman should come close to him. And raised his hand showing their wedding ring band.

"Married and happy man here." Jungkook proudly said.

"Yes you are married Sir, careful on your philandering deeds, you have a future lawyer here.. Take care." Jin said and get out of the car.

"Baby, you forget something." Jungkook called him. He walk towards his side.

"What?" Jin said and he's busy looking around, afraid if anyone will see them.

"Goodbye kiss." Jungkook pouted said.

"Jungkook, we kissed and fuck the whole night, good heavens and don't act tantrums to me ".. Jin said but Jungkook still pouted like want banana milk again

"Okay fine.." Jin said blowing a kiss on his hand.

"Can't risk it of someone will saw us. Later at home hubby." Jin said

Jungkook pouted again. Trying to be cute.

*A/N he's cute actually like this pic 😍*

*A/N he's cute actually like this pic 😍*

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"Stop it, I hate that face. I love you hubby." Jin said and then he run to the gates.

"I love you too baby." Jungkook manage to said as he hitch his breath, hearing him saying he love him is a total euphoric feeling.

Jungkook shook his head and drive towards the parking area. He's so damn happy.


Jin run after saying he love him, He can still feel his face heat up. Jin not used on saying it. Their made love the whole night, still, saying it to him directly hits different.

Reema is already waiting on their next subject.

"Why are you late?" She was glaring at him. His friend really hates waiting.

"Sorry... Something came up." Jin said

"Let's go.. The rumours said that our English Professor will take a leave and he will be replace for a while."

Jin raise his brows,

"Really?!" Jin said

"Yeah and We should hurry up." Reema saud

Their entered the classroom, all the students are already there. Jin settled on his chairs when their teacher came in.

"Good morning class." Professor Lee said

"Good morning Sir..." their all chorused.

Jin can't sit properly because of his ass but he like it.

"I just want to inform you that I'll take a leave and a visitor from a famous law school in the London will teach you for the mean time. Come on dear, get inside." The professor said

They all look at the door, and Jin world turn upside down when he saw it was Hannie who's his husband ex lover.

"Good morning, I'm Atty. Hannie Lee from University of West London. It's nice to meet you all, I hope we can get along well."

Jin saw her look at him while frowning.

Jin did the same on her, but with his sharp eyes intimated look at her. And Jin saw her look away.


After a few teaching for the new professor and break time came in.

"Kim SeokJin, please stay for a while, I need to talk to you." Hannie said to him and Jin rose his brows on her.

And then he look at Reema and Suzy.

"Wait outside, I'll make this quick." Jin said to them

"Just call me if you need anything." Reema said

"Nah, I can handle her." Jin said

And then Jin friends left and Jin stood near on his side table of Hannie

"What is it Prof?" Jin

"I saw you earlier with Jungkook, do you have any relationship with him?" Hannie said

Jin cocked brow on her.

"Let's say, we have a deep connection." Jin said

Hannie remain on her desk, her sharp glares darted at him.

"Do you know who am I to him?" Hannie said

"An ex?" Jin straight said

"Also Jungkook said, he will never ever love anyone as much as he loves me, He promise me " Hannie said

"And so " Jin said

"I don't think so, look at you.. I can't believe Jungkook will fall for you.. We are so different." Hannie said

"Because I am a keeper.. Your kinds are the ones fitted only for bed. While me I am all around. Don't you ever insult a student inside a classroom because you are bitter professor.. At Least try to move on. What do you think?" Jin smiled at her bit he really wanted slap her thick face.

"He won't love you.. I'll make sure about that.. I am back.. that's means I will do anything to have him back." Hannie said

"Try your luck then, I challenge you.. Such a pity.. A half breed snake and chameleon hiding inside a dignified professor, Pathetic.. Anyway Professor Lee, I can sue you if you laid a finger on him." Jin said

"On what ground?" Hannie ask while smiling.

"Once you plan on something, make some research first will you? We are married.. Please.. Know your place. Excuse me. I don't have time for this lowly catfight." "And Prof, bitter gourd is food. Not an attitude. Happy moving on." Jin said as he rolled his eyes on her and he get out.

And Jin saw his friends waiting for him

"Maybe I need to be changed my styled"
Jin confidently said.

Thanks for standby ☺️

Jinkook Short Stories: Married to Pleasure Seeker Where stories live. Discover now