Chapter 4 - Settling comfort

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After Donnie was taken to have a chat with Master Splinter, Mikey felt bad about what happened, he still didn't understand why Donnie got so hostile on him, after all, he was just insulting him for no reason and didn't even explain what was going on or why was he so upset in the first place, April was feeling more concerned than guilty about the situation, she knows how Donnie can be temperamental and territorialist when it comes to her, but she didn't expect him to lash out on Mikey so soon, Mikey noticed she was upset, and since they had nothing better to do, he thought it would be a neat idea to just throw a dinner movie night, basically have dinner while watching some movie, April kinda liked the idea and helped Mikey set everything up, the two gathered the rest of the people for the movie and Mikey headed off to the kitchen to prepare the food while the others discussed about which movie should they watch.

After a while, Donnie walks iut of the Dojo with a grumpy face of defeat as he stumbles upon his family and friends choosing a movie in the living room, April is there, sitting by herself, that's his chance, Donnie approaches April and sits by her side, blushing happily, April was not really comfortable with that and scooted away, Donnie tried following up with her but Raph stopped him and pulled the nerd closer to keep him off April's back for a second, this bothered Donnie bur he didn't really do anything, probably to jot get in trouble with Sensei again, Mikey shows up with a few bowls of instant Ramen he just made, he sees Donnie will be joining them, so he gives Donnie the bowl he was gonna eat and goes back to the kitchen to get something else for himself to eat.

Donnie begrudgingly eats the noodle soup that his little brother gave him, but he's still mad about the fact Mikey was hanging out with April behind his back, so he decides to tease Mikey around, he placed a fake cockroach in his own food, not letting anyone see him and leaves ir on the floor for when Mikey comes back.

🟠 - "Hey, guys. I'm back, did you pick a movie yet?"

🔵 - "No, you got something to eat?"

🟠 - "Yep."

🟣 - "I don't think this is fair."

🔵 - "What?"

🟣 - "Mikey, I know I went a bit overboard on you back there, but did you really need to put a roach in my food?"


🔵 - "Ew! Mikey, did you do this?!"

🟠 - "No!! I'm sorry Donnie, I didn't saw that, it might have crawled inside the bowl while I wasn't looking."

🟣 - "If you say so, please be more careful next time, I'm lucky if I don't get sick from eating this."

🟠 - "Sorry..."

Mikey leaves the room again with the bowl of food, having to leave his own meal behind to throw Donnie's away, but just as he was about to dump the ramen down the sink, he noticed that the cockroach was fake.

🟠 - "Wait... that's not a bug... that's plastic! Maybe someone's trying to prank Donnie? Raph is too scared of roaches to pull this one off, it was probably not Leo either, April is not the type to do something like this, even if she is not that big of a fan of Donnie... hum... maybe it was Casey? But he's not even here today... what should I do..?"

Mikey looked at the food and now that he knows the roach was fake, he just decided to sit down and enjoy the meal while everyone else was watching a movie.

🟠 - "Welp, throwing this away would be a waste of food, I think no one will mind if I eat it up."

Meanwhile, everyone looking at Donnie suspiciously, they know he did something but they wanted to hear it from him.

🔵 - "Donnie. What did you do?"

🟣 - "Excuse me?"

🔴 - "Was that cockroach real?"

🟣 - "I don't know what you mean."

🟡 - "Donnie..."

🟣 - "Ah! Yes, princess?"

🟡 - "Did you seriously put a toy bug in your own food?"

🟣 - "!..."

🔴 - "So... what do you have to say for yourself?"

🟣 - "Oh, come on! So what if I did? It's just some teasing! Don't act like you never did similar stuff to him."

🔵 - "Listen, Donnie. Raph teases Mikey too, but unlike you, he doesn't do it out of malice."

🟣 - "What the... MALICE?!! What do you mean by that?!"

🟡 - "Urgh! I can't believe you've actually done this, I'm over this, I'm gonna go check on Mikey." April takes her food and walks off

While April goes to the kitchen, she can hear Raph and Leo giving Donnie a hard time about the petty thing he did just to upset Mikey.

When she gets there, she sees Mikey sitting by the table on his own, eating the food his older brother just so regardlessly discarded, this made April feel bad for Mikey, those ramen he made were great and he definitely took a long time to make them for everybody, her heart melted, April decided to sit on the table with Mikey and join him for dinner, sitting right by his side before starting to eat, not a single word was exchanged between the two, but the atmosphere around Mikey seemed to lighten up once he had company, and to comfort him and cheer him up from what happened, April rested her hand on top of Mikey's in a sweet and gentle way, Michelangelo was not used to this kind of gesture, finding it very odd at first until he gets fully comfortable with it, the subtle touch was small and not very flashy, but it meant a lot to him that it came from a friend he was growing closer to, April was a bit shy about it, blushing a bit while holding Mikey's hands, her heartbeat accelerates as she smiles warmly at him, Mikey smiles back and then goes right back to eating, April follows along.

A million thoughts run through April's head while she's around Michelangelo, she seemed to have suddenly realized the position she put herself towards the situation, Mikey had just had a bad experience with his brother and she responded by following him to an empty room and romantically getting a hold of his hand, to Michelangelo, that handholding was just a sign of a good friendship, but to April, it's the most blantaly obvious flirt she ever pulled on someone, and while Mikey calmly eats with one hand and keeps the other one under April's, the girl blushed so deeply that it felt like her head was gonna implode out of embarrassment, after a short time, Raph and Leo were dragging to the kitchen so he could make up to Michelangelo for what he's done and maybe even apologize, but they get quite shocked when they walk in to see Mikey and April holding hands, for a moment, it almost seemed like the two were in the middle of a dinner date, Donnie, of course, furious, glares at Mikey's eyes with a burning hatred from a thousand suns, Mikey gets the message this time and awkwardly let's go of April's hand with a very uncomfortable look, until Ralh slapped Donnie in the back of the head and forced Donnie to apologize to Mikey.

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