Chapter 6 - Mikey's talk

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⚫ - "So~.... Angelo! My guy, what's up between you and ginger?"

🟠 - "Huh?"

⚫ - "You know... she seems to be enjoying herself more when she's around you."

🟠 - "You think so? That's... nice."

⚫ - "Is something wrong, man?"

🟠 - "It's just that.... I feel like April has been... I don't know, hitting on me?... I just don't know how to feel about it just yet."

⚫ - "You don't?! How?"

🟠 - "I guess... *sigh* it's Donatello, I know how he feels about April, you know how he feels about April, everyone knows how he feels about April, I feel bad about liking April because of this, and Donnie's mad at me too, I thought you would be bothered too, didn't you have a crush on her too?"

⚫ - "Nah, it was mostly platonic, I was just having fun and playing around, I knew she'd turn me down, so I just let go after a while, but I do like messing around with her a bit sometimes."

🟠 - "If you say so, I'm just glad you're not upset with me too."

⚫ - "Is anyone else mad at you?"

🟠 - "Not mad but... my brothers are also quite... uncomfortable with everything, Donnie has been kinda picking on me and they don't really do anything, I guess this is unusual for all of us, no one is used with scolding Donnie, but I guess he isn't doing anything that bad."

⚫ - "That sounds rough, buddy."

🟠 - "Yeah..."

⚫ - "But, do you like her? Like... romantically?"

🟠 - "Uhh.... a bit, just a little, I'm still figuring things out, I guess."

⚫ - "Got it, are you planning on telling her?"

🟠 - "I.... didn't really thought of that, I don't think so."

⚫ - "Well, maybe you should, who knows? It might work out for the two of you."

🟠 - "Eh, I don't know, I like her but I don't think it would be enough to build a whole relationship over, what if the feelings die out?"

⚫ - "Oh, come on, man."

🟠 - "I'm just saying, dating is a big deal, pal. It could probably... in paper... work out, but it also couldn't."

⚫ - "How so?"

🟠 - "I'm a mutant that can't leave the sewers for most of the time, and there's also my brothers, it would be difficult to go on dates or have any times for ourselves, I'm not that good with romance either, I just can't see how we could wrap things up, y'know?"

⚫ - "Ok, that's some valid arguments."

🟠 - "Right?"

⚫ - "Where did you learn this sort of stuff?"

🟠 - "My brothers."

⚫ - "....?"

🟠 - "I watched where they mostly failed and I made some research on it."

⚫ - "Oh! Makes more sense."

🟠 - "Heh, pretty boring, right?"

⚫ - "Nah, I think it's kinda clever."

🟠 - "Really? Thanks. Oh, look! April's coming back."

⚫ - "Hah, neat. How about taking a shot on romance?"

🟠 - "Pfft- cut it out, man."

⚫ - "Hahahah! Ok ok, I'll stop."

The two call out to April as she climbed up with some snack, they help her climb up for her to join them, they all share the snacks and watch the city lights at night, it's such a pretty sight and it feels awesome,Mikey and April kind of share a silent but sweet moment together while Casey tries to plan out a way to get Mikey out of the frame for long enough for him to have a private chat with April as well.

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