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I was just picking berries and flowers for spells when I stepped onto a string I guess and now I'm holding my dress wrapped about my legs, hanging upside down. The rope was around both ankles and when it all happened, I screamed. Now, the good for nothing prince is watching me, studying me, laughing at me for getting myself stuck. His horse neighs and he tends to it for a second, then turns back to me.

"I- are you alright?" He manages to say, much more calmer. "Bakugou must've set this trap.. reckless barbarian.." He mumbles to himself, watching me struggle.

"C-can you help me down?" I had asked, my face confused, though, I think he liked watching me struggle.

"How clumsy can you be? Are you even a little coordinated, commoner? I should just leave you there and watch you try to get down." His snarky personality starts to show.

"Some stuck up prince you are." I snarl back. I struggled and swung around, until my back hit the tree and I yelped in pain. "Shit." I whispered, rubbing my back with my free hand. I said curses under my breath about this guy being a stupid uptight royal.

He snickered at me before walking forward and grabbing the rope. "Oh? Is this really my lucky day? Are you asking me for help, oh you poor girl in distress?" He said mocking me in a sarcastic tone as he walked over to me and began to untie the rope. I looked at him dumbfounded. Is this guy for real?

"Stuck up prince.." I mumbled, mostly under my breath, but he's so close to me, he could probably hear me.

"Oh what was that? Did I hear you mumble something? Well, you'll have to speak louder than that, girl." He snarled while undoing the rope, still. "It's not every day I get to hear a commoner like you speak so loudly, so I don't want to take it for granted."

The rope breaks free and I move a bit to land upside down on my back. "Ow.." I move some and sit up, rubbing my back and looking at my spilled berries and my basket. I quickly try my best to clean them up before the prince touches them or worse, eats them. Though, when I looked up, his feet were right near my face, in front of my spilled basket.

"Oh? A basket? How adorable. What have you been doing with this basket, girl?" He mocked, bending down to grab a berry before standing back up, observing the berry in his hand. It's a blueberry, but the purpose of this specific blueberry is to squish or eat and you teleport to a well thought out location. "Was this what all this is for? If you wanted food you could've just asked." Luckily, it doesn't have magic inside of it yet.

"It's not to eat, stupid prince." I sneered, snatching the berries away from him, grabbing my basket full of the stuff I spilt, and getting up to dust myself off. I gripped the basket, covering it with the blanket I brought. I looked up at him, he was a full 6 inches taller than me, at least.

"What's it for then?" He stepped forward and when I stepped back, I hit my back against the tree. 

"That's none of your business, stupid prince." I mumbled the last bit, though, he chuckled before grabbing my wrist and pulling me back close to him as he leaned in close to my face.

"You know, I don't think I even got your name, girl. What is it?" His face was mere inches from mine and I debated spitting in his face, but that would probably put a hit list on me.

"What's it to you?" I tugged my arm away, trying to get away from him, but he's much stronger than me.

"Just curious." He shrugged. "Besides, if I know your name, I can at least remember who I humiliated today." He said before releasing my arm with a yank and crossing his arms in front of his chest. I immediately put my basket up my arm near my elbow and took my other hand and rubbed my wrist. That really hurt.

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