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"Oh, so fairies are more of the playful type while fae are the dangerous type then?" He asked, sounding a lot more relieved as I explained it. "That's somewhat of a relief, although I doubt we should trust them completely with their mischief and stuff."

"I wasn't saying to dive head first into trusting anything here. It's not like our world so anything could kill us, even if it's not a fairy that will. While they're more peaceful, there's still stuff here that could kill us. Like those trees. I don't think the trees will kill us, at least not those." I looked at the sky and despite there being no sun or moon or stars, the sky is getting dark, going from pink to purple and there's a sudden chill in the air. "We should keep walking before it gets too dark."

"Ah you're right. I do know a few stories about what happens when one walks around at night in fairy lands, and I would not want to deal with that tonight." He said, sounding a bit more serious than before as he started to catch up with me, looking at the darkening sky above. "Do you know why the sky gets dark if there's no sun, moon, or star? Or are you in the same boat as me and have no idea?" He asked trying to make small talk.

I shrugged, "There is magic here, not super strong magic but there's still magic. I'm guessing that's how it changes. Maybe some timer of sorts or an hourglass? I can't tell you for sure." We started to walk into the forest, still of these dead "trees". Everything has weird colors or multiple, sparkles radiating from some areas. Not fairies but just their essence. Fairy dust spread throughout the whole world. They did fly everywhere. There were noises around, but not super scary ones as we walked through this forest. I know we'll have to stop once it gets dark, but there's still purple in the sky which means we still have some time. I could see the sky and the forest started getting thick. Trees that started to look more like trees, although, the wood is blue and the leaves are a different shade of purple than the sky. Like a lilac or lavender.

"This place is strange." He whispered and realized he was marveling too much at the surroundings, stepping a bit wider to catch up to me again.

I looked behind me at the prince. "It is, isn't it?" For a while, we didn't talk. Just listening to the silence, or almost silence. It was strange, the silence didn't seem like quiet. I looked up and saw the sky slowly fade into a black color, and I began my search around for a place to stay for the night. A few minutes later, I spotted a cave and started walking in that direction. "The cave will keep us safe, I think. It's not deep at all from afar, just a small shelter from the looks of it." I pointed towards the cave and walked a bit slower, waiting for the prince to catch up again.

The cave had a smaller opening, but a big inside. "Are you sure that cave will keep us safe? It's better than nothing, but I just wanted to confirm." He asked while sounding a bit wary.

"No, but you're right. It's better than sleeping out in the open or not sleeping or resting at all." I ducked down and it opened up nicely, as I thought. There's rock dips for sleeping and it has a back, or ending. I looked up, it was just rocky and dark. I saw a small ash pit, looking around to see some spare wood that was collected by someone or something else. I bent down and said a small thanks to the forest, by the wood, for providing us with some wood, even by accident. I moved it over to the pile and placed it down. "Ignite, scintilla ignita, conscendat flammas." I whispered and pointed my finger in the direction of the firepit, a few small bursts of flames shot out from it and I smiled after stepping away and getting comfortable on a rock stump. The small spell was definitely a good one to mesmerize. 

I could feel his eyes on me as he sat down and watched the spell. He spoke up first about it, "So just a quick question. When you say you said the spell, did it happen, like, poof the fire appeared? Is that how it works? You just snap your fingers or say the spell you want to use and it just happens?"

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