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There was a large growl and I watched the shadows get closer. I moved away from Shoto and we both stood up after he looked over his shoulder. A man, or boy rather, a couple inches shorter than Shoto, with a large dragon by his side, being dragged by a leash or reign of sorts. "Half-'n-half, what the fuck are you doing all the way out here?" The boy snarled. His hair is blond, eyes ruby red, scattered with tribal tattoos and a large velvet cape with white furs slung around his shoulders. Beautiful jewelry adorned his neck. In one hand, a short sword that serves as a machete, and in the other were the reigns of a dragon. The dragon turned out to transform into a human with dragon-like feet, tail, and wings. This hair was spikey red and his teeth sharp. This eyes were casted downwards, but worried. He didn't want his blond friend, or master, to start fights, so it seems.

I shot Shoto a look, hopefully to get him to shut up about me being a witch and us travelling through a fairy world and stuff. This guy wouldn't hesitate to kill me either. Barbarians kill anything they deem as evil. I just stared at the strange sight that was in front of me, as well as being surprised that we were on a barbarian's terf. My mouth hung open for a few seconds, still a bit tired to say anything just yet anyways.

"Bakugo?" Shoto spoke, unsure if he's really seeing this barbarian in front of us or not. They know each other, of course they do. Both are at war with each other. I didn't really make an effort to move yet from where I was stood, still trying to process all of this. "We, uh, got lost."

Bakugou raised a brow and looked at his dragon friend, looking back at Shoto, then looking at me. "We? This girl and you?" He spoke, walking closer to me and crouched down to take some sort of sniff. I stumbled back, not liking that the barbarian was helping himself to my scent. "She smells foul. Like a witch."

I nervously chuckled, "A witch? That's crazy." I managed to say, though I was scared for my life. Shoto and this Barbarian know each other? Oh yeah, the trap I was caught in ages ago was set by the same guy. Bakugou.

"She's not a witch." Shoto said rather sternly. The way Bakugou took a sniff of me annoyed Shoto more then anything. He was being super disrespectful towards me right now, Shoto looked pissed. "She doesn't use magic at all. You have to take my word for it." He said, annoyed that Bakugou would accuse me of what I am, but he needed to keep it a secret. "I know she's not a witch." He said quietly.

I stood up straight, knowing Bakugo had started getting to me and was getting suspicious and dusted myself off, tugging at Shoto. "We should find our own way back home." I whispered to Shoto, watching Bakugou back off, though he wasn't convinced. I was a witch and he definitely could smell my magical power.

A prince hanging around a witch is bad for your reputation. They're dangerous and not human. They're evil." Bakugou shouted out, snarling.

"Strong accusations, barbarian." I spat, though I knew that Shoto was growing more annoyed and nervous about Bakugo finding out that I am indeed a witch. We needed to go before he decided to trap me and kill me.

"I'll drop it, but if I see either of you in my land again, you're both dead." Bakugou grumbled, walking back, the red head transforming back into a dragon. I let out a sigh and thanked Shoto, turning in the opposite direction. It was suspicious. Two people, a prince, and a witch, in the barbarian land past midnight... that's strange. 

The two of them spotted the north star, opposite direction of Barbarian land. They were tired of walking, but after a couple hours, they made it to Shoto's town. Another music market was going on, on a singular road, you could hear the distant music and people cheering, dancing, singing, clapping. Shoto was ready to go home, but (Y/n) had stopped right at the entrance of the city, watching Shoto go in He only stopped and turned around after not hearing footsteps beside or behind him. I sighed, watching him turn.

I clutched my bag, not moving and feeling the tears prick my eyes. I wasn't ready to start feeling emotions, I wasn't ready to feel this emotional over someone I spent months in a whole other world while it was only a full day and a half in our world. I just can't.. but I am. I heard Shoto's footsteps approach me, "(Y/n), is something wrong?"

"I just.. can't go back with you." I mumbled, my eyes looking distant and to the side, away from ever looking at him. This felt awful, like I was leaving him forever. "I'm a witch.. I don't belong in your world. In your life. I have to go back to the forest people." I paused, feeling it all crash onto me, all of the emotions all at once. "I love you, Shoto. But you'll have to become the king for me and be a better king than your father ever was. So for now..." I reached in my bag and grabbed the last teleportation berry, ready to pop it in my mouth to go back home. I kissed his cheek quickly, "I'll see you when you do so. Come look for me."

With that, I hear his shouting at me, reaching out for me, "Hey, wait! (Y/n)! Please!" And I was gone, in my own room, far away from the castle and it's village. I touched my lips slightly, feeling the tingle from my sudden action and remembering the quick confession.

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