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Years had passed at this point. I had heard about Shoto finally being old enough to get crowned and the whole city was there, except for the very few, forest people, including witches, barbarians, and some other categories of people. I was not there, I had duties to do. The first thing Shoto announced as a new rule was no discrimination. Nothing against Barbarians, Witches, Forest Dwellers, Fairies. Those who should be punished are real criminals and outlaws. No one is to die by his hands or his family's ever again. Rumors spread of this, On the flip side, I wished to see Shoto, I missed him very much, but the forest of over 50, now, forest people and witches were in my colony and I had chores, jobs, duties I needed to fulfill. Every day that passed, I wished Shoto would search for me. I still held a special place in my heart for him, turning down every marriage proposal from the forest people's colony. My lips still tingled from the kiss I planted on his cheek before teleporting away.

I was out, a small bit away from the forest colony, picking flowers and more berries to make into teleportation berries, and other various things for spells. It was a beautiful day out, summer just around the corner. A new moon ago, I turned 19, and I was wearing my favorite yellow dress. I tried to be extra weary as last time I was around these parts, I met the prince while being stuck in a trap upside-down.

I heard a growling behind me and slowly turned to see a gigantic wolf beast. It scratched at me and I frantically fell backwards, looking through my bag for a healing potion. I quickly opened it and poured it on myself, grabbing my knife. Yet, the beast swatted it out of my hand and I was backed up against a tree. The wolf beast howled and my eyes widened, watching as a few of his other giant buddies pulled up behind him.

Everything happened in slow motion as a man skidded in front of me, between the beast and myself. He slashed the beast enough for it to back away and shouted at his... knight, I'm guessing, to help handle the situation. I pulled my hat down, so the man doesn't see my face. He made another slash at the beast and it started to back away, the other knight fighting against the other two wolves and beating them. The knight shouted at the man, telling him to get out of the area and that he has the situation handled.

The man nodded towards the knight and grabbed my wrist, but didn't look at me, just telling me I need to get to safety. I held my hat and when I looked at the back of his head, the same white and red half color from years ago was in front of me. We ran pretty far away from the area, stumbling a bit and resting at a small lake, my hat fell off when I bent over to catch my breath and when I went to pick it up, he had picked it up for me. When he looked at me, his eyes widened, though mine did the same. It's Shoto..

Time stood still for a few minutes. I felt frozen, my eyes started to well up. Instead of taking the hat out of his hand, I crashed into him with a hug, my body against his and wrapping my arms around his torso. I started to cry, I was overjoyed. I missed him so much and seeing him, older, and grown up. He stumbled a little, sniffling and wrapping his arms around me as well. I pulled away slightly, only to look up at him. He's so fucking handsome, holy shit. His hair is slightly longer. I held him close once again, I didn't want to let him go.

I felt him look down at me and smile, brushing some of my hair out of my face. "You're still as beautiful as I remember. If not more so." I said, staring into your eyes for a few moments.

"Me? Beautiful? You kept that to yourself for sure." I giggled, smiling up at him with watery eyes, leaning into the touch on my face and closing my eyes. "You're very handsome, by the way." When I opened my eyes, I saw him blushing. I adjusted my arms to over his shoulders and reach up to his face, placing my palm on his cheek and rubbing it slightly with my thumb. "I missed you so much, Shoto." I whispered, nuzzling my face into his chest.

"(Y/n)..." He whispered as he held me tighter, it felt like. "I missed you too." He said in a really soft tone. "I don't ever want to be away from you again."

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