Chapter 2: Concocting the Perfect Plan

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Everyone was looking at me, literally everyone. I mean, the CEO of Jeon Industries, Jeon Jungkook, was asking me to marry him. I couldn't believe it. He was a complete stranger and I had already figured out that he didn't actually want to get married to that girl. He was just faking it. So, with a heavy heart, I nodded.

Everyone started clapping. Some were even recording the whole scene, which I knew was going to blow up. Others were gossiping. I was pulled back from my train of thought when I felt a pair of soft lips on mine. Jungkook was kissing me, and the kiss was sensual, leaving me with a feeling of eternal sensuality. He broke the kiss and slipped the ring onto my finger. Everyone cheered.

"Thank you for pretending," he whispered in my ear, his deep voice giving me goosebumps. "I will make sure I return the favor in my own way."

He placed his hands on my waist and started leading me out of the place, while reporters surrounded us. It felt like a scene out of a movie, and I couldn't help but feel butterflies in my stomach.

In the car, as we glided smoothly down the busy streets of the city, my heart was still pounding. I had so many questions running through my mind. Who was this man beside me? Why did he need to fake an engagement? And what did he mean by returning the favor in his own way?

"What just happened?" I finally mustered the words, my voice filled with confusion and frustration.

Jungkook took a deep breath before answering, turning his face towards me. "It's nothing Y/N, I promise to explain everything once we have some privacy."

I clenched my teeth, frustration bubbling within me. "How do you even know my name?" I demanded, searching for answers in his eyes.

A small smile tugged at the corners of Jungkook's lips. "Your friends were calling you by that name earlier, so I figured it out," he replied calmly.

Eventually, the car came to a stop and we stepped out onto the sidewalk. I tried to shake off my exasperation and focus on our current predicament.

"Okay, so let's get one thing straight. This engagement is fake, right?" I asked, crossing my arms.

Jungkook nodded. "Yes, it's all a charade. We've found ourselves in a difficult situation, and this is our way out."

I mulled over his words, contemplating the implications. "Fine. But how are we going to make it believable? We can't just announce our fake engagement without anyone suspecting something."

As we walked down the bustling street, Jungkook seemed deep in thought. "We'll need to plan this carefully," he said, determination in his voice. "First, we should establish a backstory for ourselves, one that explains why we suddenly became engaged."

I nodded, processing his suggestion. "Something like a long-standing friendship that turned into a romantic relationship over time?"

Jungkook smiled. "That's a good start. We can say that we've known each other for years and recently discovered our feelings for each other."

I furrowed my brows. "But what about our families? Won't they question this sudden development?"

Jungkook understood my concern. "You're right. We'll have to ensure our families are on board as well. We can organize a meeting, a sort of engagement announcement, to introduce them to each other."

I smiled, seeing the potential of the plan. "And what about our friends and colleagues? They'll surely be skeptical."

Jungkook adjusted his suit jacket, thinking of the logistics. "We have to be consistent in our actions and behavior. We need to convince everyone that our romance is genuine."

I couldn't help but feel a flicker of excitement. "So, we'll have to act like a couple in public?"

Jungkook grinned mischievously. "Exactly. We'll go on dates, hold hands, maybe even steal a kiss now and then."

My cheeks turned red at the mention of physical affection. "Don't worry, it'll all be an act. We just need to be convincing to make everyone believe in our fake engagement," he reassured me.

I took a deep breath, determination filling me. "Alright then, let's do this. Let's give everyone the performance of a lifetime."

As we continued to walk, we discussed the details of our plan - the date of our engagement announcement, the ideal venue, and how to handle the media's interest that would surely follow.

With each passing moment, I grew more intrigued by this audacious plan. It seemed like a whirlwind of uncertainties, but I couldn't deny the thrilling prospect of stepping into the role of Jeon Jungkook's fake fiancée.

I really hope you liked this chapter. I will try to update regularly from now on as i got my motivation back. lmao


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