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"You're coming to the game tonight right?" I make a line with my index finger down his abs, just drawing random shapes along his chest.

"I've never been to a game before but for you, yes I will go." Tom nods. "You've never been to a football game before?" I laugh a little.

"I'm not friends with the footballers, they're all white and weird. Also like ten people on the team are named Chad." Tom snickers. "Tom, you're literally white."

"Yeah, but i'm not a Chad."

"Okay what's wrong with the name Chad now." I start to hysterically laugh. "Literally everything! They try to be me but they can't and they hate that!" Tom says.

"Your ego is mad big." I replied. "And my dick is even bigger." He sticks his tongue out at me.

"I'm a visual learner." I shrug. "Mm, nice try no sex for you." He shakes his head. "Why not!" I whine. "Hear me out when I tell you this okay..." He says.

"I'm ears wide babe, tell me." I cup my ear with my hand. "Some of the girls on that team who aren't tight, have stumbled during a game because they've had sex with me the night before. I've gotten threatened, a lot."

"What girls on my team have you been inside?" I questioned, suddenly I was really curious.

Tom looks away, scratching the back of his head. "That's not important right now." He replies, awkwardly gulping. "Tell me, I won't judge."

"Umm..." His voice goes up an octave.

"Like all of them other then Gemma and Katherine." He looks to the side.

"Tom there's 19 girls on that team." I whisper. "Yeah.. it's like not that big a deal. Ha.. Ha.." He fake laughs. "How many have you finished to?" I followed up.

"Maybe like, half of them." He shrugs. "Well i'm special because you came to a photo of me." I grin, Tom's eyes bolt open.

"You know about that?" He breaths out, surprised. "Yeah I literally fucking saw you, you idiot." He waves his head around. "How?!" Tom sits up.

"Your window was open, dumbass." I snort. He was just staring at me. "It's okay, I had a dream." I get on his lap, hugging him tightly.

"I know, I heard it and I decided I would shoot my shot." Tom pretends as if he's playing baseball with a fake bat. "You're not funny."

"I'm very funny." He nods. "Nope." I disagree. "I'm very funny Ivy." He deepens his voice.

"Where the fuck did your accent go." I pull away from him flabbergasted. "It's gone." He mimics his deep voice, kissing my neck.

"No bring it back, I don't like that." I squirm. "Ho, Ho, Ho, i'm Santa." Tom mimics, flipping us over. "Stop it!" I push his face away.

"Would you like to sit on Santa's face for some presents?" He continues talking in that weird voice.

"Oh yes Santa let me sit on your face!" I say, in a high pitched voice. "No, this isn't kinky i'm just trying to be funny." Tom laughs. "You're so weird." I grab his face.

"You don't want to sit on Santa's face?" He pretends to have a beard, he starts to squeeze my boobs licking down my chest. "Tom!" I giggle.

"Okay, okay i'm done." He gives me a kiss before hopping off me. "What's the theme for the game?" Tom asks. "Pink out." I replied.

"Okay, don't you have practice like in thirty minutes so you can warm up before the game?" He says, oh yeah I did have to go. "Why did you remind me." I groan.

"How about this, if we win the game then i'll eat you out but if they win you give me head." He suggests.

"That's scary, why would you voluntarily lick my pussy." I say with a weird look. "Tastes good." Tom shrugs. "Woah." I say back.

"Now, go home and change and i'll see you at the game." Tom gives me a kiss, I think he can't stop kissing me. He's been deprived for so long.

"Okay fine, bye bye." I get up, waving bye. "I lo-" Tom and I say at the same time before stopping.

"What were you gonna say?!" We say at the same time. "Nothing!" Tom and I follow up.

"Okay, im going now." I step out the door backwards slowly, before making a run for it to Bill's room. I trip on the carpet running.

I pick myself back up quickly, barging into his room out of breath. "Girl are you okay?" He seemed genuinely concerned for me.

"I think, Tom almost just said I love you and i'm going nuts." I pant. "Yeah so just say it back." He was acting as if he was saying the obvious but he wasn't.

"Okay, so I was saying bye and then I almost said it and then he almost said it and then we both paused and I ran out." I explain.

"You love Tom?" Bill curves his lips, happily.

"Okay so here's the thing, don't you think it's too soon? I feel like i'm moving way too fast." I sigh, sitting next to Bill.

"It took you a month to get your first kiss, that's too soon for you?" He chuckles.

"I mean like the I love you thing, i've never said that to anybody Bill." I drag my hands down my face. "Well, if you think you love him then just say it." Bill says.

"Well, I know I love him but i'm nervous about what he's gonna say back." I start to wave my hands around as I talk. "He'll say it back don't worry." Bill smiles patting my shoulder. "And how do you know that?"

"Twin thing, I just know also he's said it before you're just stupid and haven't caught on." Bill throws himself back on his bed, hysterically laughing.

"Are you okay..." I ask, worriedly. "Ich liebe dich Ivy." Bill mocks Tom from the other day. I slap my hand over my mouth, jaw dropped.

"I told him I loved him in spanish." I whisper yell surprised. "On the same day?" Bill questions. "Yes!"

"That's some telepathy shit."

A/N- YALL THIS CHAP WAS LIKE A LIL FILLER OKAY, also i'm gonna warn you now i'm not doing very well with writing smut so you may get robbed later on. BUT THERE WILL BE MORE SCENES LATER ON IN THE BOOK. IM SORRY 😰

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