Chapter 2. Colder than ice

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Isaac: he isn't responding to the test ma'am
Tesla: we'll have to move him, have him placed in the cryogeddon program...
Isaac: but sir, I don't think he's qualified for...
Tesla: trust me... He's qualified.

Eric stood there immobilised, in his mind, he knew he had failed the Pyro test, it was the only thing that he thought was keeping him in the company, little did he know that there was something much more in store for him... Eric was told by the scientist to follow the white light on the path towards the special test subjects...

Eric: where am I?
DT: you must be Eric... I've been expecting you... So you failed Pyro right?
Eric:... Yes sir...
DT: no matter... Pyro wouldn't fit for you anyway, you're actually lucky because those who failed Pyro usually disintegrated... You even survived without a scratch on you... Come follow me... You're set for Project Cryogeddon...

Eric: what is project Cryogeddon?
DT: well, to tell you the truth, it's actually called project Frost Walker... But that's all I'm telling you, next time don't go asking questions like that around here... You're gonna get yourself killed...
Eric: fine...

After I'd been placed under Tesla in the Cryogeddon program, they had to partially infuse my body with a special synthetic element, this was due to the fact that I used to be a Pyro... Oh well... Anyways, I was placed in a different pod, this time, it was wired to the Cryo test subjects mainframe, they seemed to be experimenting on the Cryo element, seemed dangerous but I have to take it, it's the only thing keeping me in this company...

I was induced into a hibernation-like sleep... Every three days, they open the pods to check and record the results and effects the elements have on all individual test subject... When they checked my pod, it seemed I had "Different" results from the others...

Tesla: it's fine... It's just residue from the Pyro element... We proceed to the phase three of the test... Analysis on the effects of the test on the test subjects' combat style...

Isaac: should I call for DT?

Tesla: yes tell him to ready his Pyros... And that we're done with our Cryo element infusion... All that's left now is the combat test...

Isaac: okay...

45 minutes later...

I stood in the middle of the training arena with the other Cryo and Ice test subjects who were chosen for the battle, bright lights were shining at us as somewhere behind the darkly tinted fibre glass windows were Tesla and DT, observing us.
Opposite our side were the Pyro and fire test subjects also handpicked by DT...

Announcer: The match will be 1 round long! No time limit! Rules are simple... There are two opposing sides! The arena will be split! The line up will be Team Cryo vs Team Pyro and Team Ice vs Team Fire!
Eliminate the other team! Once there is one team standing, the remaining team members will automatically do a free for all... The arena is set! The teams are split! Let the match begin in 3...2...1...

Eric and his team mates sprinted, on the opposing team, Evan was there... His test performance lately had been good enough to land him in the Pyromancy program... He aimed directly for Eric...
As the Cryo and Ice team ran for their opponents, small trails of Ice formed behind them...
Eric and Evan soon cross powers... Eric wasn't used to his new ice powers, his old flame style was his only catalyst... Eric shoots an ice spike at Evan, but missed  and barely missed his neck... Evan went for a head kick but Eric manages to dodge... The battle was fierce... All teams seemed to be on par with the opposing team... After a while, Team Ice and Team Fire finished in a tie...

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