Truely Frigid

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DT: the frost has awoken... I cannot possibly let them survive now...

???: yes... It is most... Unfortunate...


Isaac: you sure this is gonna work?

Tesla: no not really.

Isaac: that's reassuring.

Tesla: we can't let this boy die, he has all the answers we need about our 'abilities'!

Isaac: ... I guess we don't have much of a choice... What are the risks?

Tesla: excruciating pain, insanity or death...

Isaac: oh great. Do we ever do an experiment that doesn't involve death?

Tesla: no, not really...

Isaac: *sighs* oh well... Let's begin...

Eric stands on a bridge, around him was nothing but darkness. He walked forward with echoing steps across the seemingly endless bridge until he meets someone.

The figure before him stood with icy mist gathering at his feet. The mist crackled as the surrounding temperature began to noticeably drop. Eric shivered and put his hands in his pockets, his teeth chattered and his eyes felt extremely dry.

Eric: w-who the h-heck are y-you?

???: so you're the host? Why'd they have to put me with such a wimpy host?

Eric: w-what?

???: ...

Eric: tell me who you are..

???: ... I am known as Hail Eyed Kold... Kold, or Hail Eyes for short

Eric: Hail Eyes? I think I'll just stick with Kold...

Kold:  so, you are the new host?

Eric: host?

Kold: yeah you don't know? Our consciousness has been fused into one. Whatever I feel you feel, whatever you feel, I feel.

Eric: What?!

Kold: yeah...

Eric stands there and attempts to pinch himself on the arm.

Kold: that won't work... I'll only feel pain when you're actually conscious... Here, we are separate.

Eric: Why did they fuse you with me?

Kold: I don't know, but all I know is I'm not gonna get stuck here with a wimp like you!

Kold dashed for Eric and punches straight through his chest. Eric said stood there in shock, not able to utter a word. Slowly, he began to black out as his body began to disintegrate.

In the lab...

Isaac: Tesla! I think Eric's waking up!

Tesla: what about the other test subjects?

Isaac: also waking up.

Tesla: phase one of project Frost Walker is complete then.

Isaac: Wait something's wrong...

Eric struggled inside the cryogenic chamber. As if having inhuman strength, he dented the machine with his kicks and punches until the cover came off with a cloud of frigid smoke. Emerging from the smoke was a somewhat deranged Eric, with eyes shining bright blue like the sky, but a chilling air surrounding his body. Ice crystals formed all around him and at Tesla's and Isaac's feet as Eric slowly walked toward them.

A few steps forward and Eric stopped, looked up and put on a very unsettling and almost evil smile.

Eric: it's good to be back...

To be continued...



You may have noticed that I have removed my other book known as the Frost Walker and renamed this one as well. I realised how confusing that story seemed to the readers so I decided to remove it and work on this instead. This story shall focus on the origin of Eric the Frost Walker.

If you haven't already noticed, my other book, At The Edge of Our Time also has Eric in it. But note that it is a different Eric from My Digital Partner and The Frigid Way(this book). There is no way their stories could intertwine! Right?

Also, I think I'm going to set a time for myself to update or upload certain chapters so that everyone who reads can expect or sort of have an idea when the next chapter for my books will be out.

Leave any comments or PM me on when you want me to work on a certain book and I'll see what I can do!


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2018 ⏰

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