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                "Hello, my name is Mark and I am 19 years old. I'm from Austin, Texas, though, my family moved here to Japan when I was 15. Needless to say I kind of stick out with my brown skin, must come from my Ma's side. I'm a freshman in college and I have to say that I'm loving it so far, my major is in BioMed so I can one day make advances in human medicine. The only downside is that my family is on the other side of Japan so it's rather sad I'm unable to see them too often. I'll let you in on two secrets about me. Number one, I'm in love with this cute catgirl who works at this pastry store I frequently visit. The other, is that I'm a ghost wielder, or whatever it's called. I have this natural ability to have this cool ghost thing stand by my side when I want to, it's hard to explain because no one else can see it so they think I'm crazy. Though, those guys that tried to jump me the other day would probably believe me, it messed them up good. Look, I'm even showing it now, though, I'm unsure anyone watching this will see it on the camera either... But to describe it, it's red with like white lines on it, it kind of intimidates me but that's something I'll have to get used to. I've decided to call it King Crimson, after that British band my Pa likes. Gah! I'm out of time. Uh, anyways, that's it for now, I'm running late to my usual scheduled time at La Soleil. Sorry, that's the name of the store that the girl works at. Anyways, that's it from me."


Mark Ends the recording and collects the camera he has pointed towards him. "Who would I even show this to? Never mind, it doesn't matter right now, I'd die from embarrassment anyways." He thought as he put the camera into his travel bag and started leaving the park. Thinking on how he was going to manage to pass his upcoming exams, he bumped into someone. "Sorry, I wasn't paying attention- Kaito? Is that you, it's been a while, how have you been?" Mark asks to this familiar person. "Mark how's it going, I wasn't expecting you to be here. I would offer to catch up and hang out for a bit, but unfortunately I can't." His friend says. "Ehhh, why not? Are you busy?" Mark questions. "Not really, though, I have a flight that scheduled to leave in about an hour. I'm going stateside for the while." "If only that were me, but partially glad it ain't. I still gotta get my degree first, then I'll join you." Mark comments. "What do you major in again, if I remember correctly, it's biomed isn't it? Man that stuff is way too hard for me, it's cool that you're smart enough to take it up." His friend compliments. "Nah, it's kind of easy. Though, saying it's easy coming from me doesn't sound reassuring. But it's something I enjoy." Mark downplays. "Anyways, I hope you do well, and well... good luck. I'm not sure why, but the world is changing these days, and I feel you'll need it." His friend says as he pats him on the back before he shook MC's hand and went in the opposite direction. "Thanks, old friend." MC whispers as he makes his own way to La Soleil.

La Soleil, Yokohama...

It's been a full year since the opening of La Soleil, and business has been never been better. The store has grown to a local attraction, bringing people from all over Japan just to have a taste of some of the finest pastries known to man. From a poll conducted a few months ago, the number of foreign visitors has increased nearly ten-fold. Goes to show how this once brand new, unnoticeable store boomed. Though, a lot of it is a result of the owner's younger sister, Shigure, who has basically been the backbone of the marketing front. The whole shop is run by one family, the Minadukis. While Kashou the owner, and Shigure, his sister are humans, their employees, are catgirls. Catgirls have become a relatively common sight despite the restrictions placed on them. "May-chan, can you take over the register for a few minutes? May-chan?" Cinnamon, a Scottish Fold with periwinkle colored hair asked an orange-haired American Curl by the window. "He's running late..." Maple thought to herself as she's promptly snapped out of it by Cinnamon tapping on her shoulders. "Huh? Cinnamon, did you need something?" "Oh, nothing. You're thinking about him again aren't you." Cinnamon teased, "Don't worry, he'll be here soon." Cinnamon left her best friend to her own devices by the window. "She's off in her own world again isn't she. She could at least be a little productive at the same time." A short, brown Munchkin sighed. A rather tall Maine Coon with Light Blond hair taps on her back, "Now Onee-chan, you could at least cut Maple Onee-chan a little break. I don't see you constantly thinking about a specific someone."

Mark's Bizarre Paradise: The Land of the UndeadWhere stories live. Discover now