Picture Perfect (Part 2)

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"It's gotten a bit quiet now... no more gunshots for the time being. It's unnerving." Lenard thought as he slowly motioned his way to a janitors closet. He figured he would try to treat the bullet injuries. He found some napkins on a table earlier so he was going to use them to pack the wounds.

"I think I should consider writing this off as a loss and get the hell out of here and back. Of course I would do that if I was dumb. The moment this guy walks in this building is when I win."

Lenard quickly got quiet as he listened to his surroundings and heard footsteps. To his annoyance, there were more than one set. "Guess there's some zombies in the mix too. That's bad, I can't freely use the stored punches I have without giving away the surprise." He thought to himself.

"I want to let you know something. I can see everything that my stand tells me from the wind. I know not what your ability is so I've set some of the undead here to found out for me." The sniper spoke. "And also know this, the name of the man who killed you, Fritz"

Lenard thought that was a pretty bland name and didn't bother responding to him either. Len figured that adding zombies to the mix was a double edge sword. Fritz could easily flush Lenard out into the open if they attacked him. But on the other hand, adding more moving objects into a large room with air circulating makes it harder to single him out.

"Fuck! The best course of action is to sit my ass here and even that is terrible."

Lenard continues to hide out and tend to his wounds, using diver down to automatically force out the bullets, when another shot rings the air. "Stupid ass zombies for real!" The enemy stand user said disgusted as he shot a zombie that got too close to him, the bullet going through the body and hitting somewhere.

He himself conceals himself in a cubicle and has manhattan transfer do the rest of the scouting work. "He's gotta do something that gets a lock. It's just a matter of when." He muttered. "But those two could be coming any time now... looks like I don't have the time to wait for long."

"You really don't know how to use a shotgun do you?" Mark rolled his eyes as he watched Austin struggle to put a shell in as Mark was reloading his own, having King Crimson keep the undead at bay. "Wait a minute! Where the hell did you pull out another shotgun?" He exclaimed.

"It's my stand's ability, "perfect copy". It lets me copy things an unlimited amount of times from my phone." Austin explains, at the same time dropping a shotgun shell on the ground.

"That's a pretty neat, I guess that can explain it. It would be a lot easier if you make a tank or a grenade launcher right about now." Mark hoped.

"Sorry but in order to make copies, I have to take clear pictures of an item before I can start copying them. And I'm also limited to making things about the size of a mini car." Austin frowned, having Picture Perfect make a new bag full of shotgun shells.

Mark was still impressed by it, almost losing focus on his foes in front of him, "even with its limitations, that's still cool as hell."

Mark didn't think as to where Austin got a picture of a shotgun here in Japan so he put it off.



"You god damn idiot, look at yourself, the stitches ripped, you're bleeding again!"

"So? I can still handle business fine. It doesn't even hurt anymore." He sneered. Austin looked at him in disappointment as he walked over. "Don't complain to me when the adrenaline wears off and all of the pain comes back. Oh, did I mention that having an open wound in a ZOMBIE scenario might not be a great idea?"

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