Gimme X Gimme (PT.2)

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Miku sat there, frozen, as Rin hastily left the bar, her heart racing and her mind in turmoil. The confession had caught her completely off guard, and her thoughts swirled like a storm inside her. 

She watched Rin's retreating figure, the echoes of the confession still ringing in her ears. Her initial surprise gradually gave way to a surprised sense of realization.

Miku couldn't let Rin go like this. Not after all these years of friendship and shared experiences. She knew she had to chase after her and talk, but before she could move, the bartender approached her.

Bartender: "Is everything alright, miss?"

Miku shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts. "No, it's not. But I have to make it right." She pushed a few bills on the counter, more than enough to cover the drinks, and hurriedly left the bar in pursuit of Rin.

Outside, Miku scanned the streets, her heart pounding. She spotted Rin in the distance, still walking away with determination. Miku quickened her pace and finally caught up with her, grabbing her arm gently to stop her.

"Miku, I'm so sorry," Rin began, her voice trembling with regret.Miku held onto Rin's arm and turned her gently, forcing her to look into her eyes. "Rin, you don't have to be sorry. You have no idea how much this means to me." Miku's eyes glistened with awe. "I just... I never expected this, and it took me by surprise. But you're one of the most important people in my life."Rin's eyes widened, hope flickering in her gaze. "Miku, does that mean...?"

Miku smiled, her heart swelling with a newfound warmth. "Yes, Rin. I've always cherished us, and I don't want to lose it. But I also want to explore that choice of us being more than just friends. It's just that it's a lot to take in right now."

Rin's eyes lit up with happiness, and a bright smile spread across her face. "Miku, I'm willing to wait, to give you all the time you need. I just couldn't keep my feelings hidden anymore. I love you."Miku leaned in and planted a gentle kiss on Rin's lips, a sweet and tender touch that spoke volumes. It was a promise, an affirmation of their feelings, and a new beginning.As they pulled away from the kiss, Miku chuckled softly, "Rin, you really know how to make a dramatic confession."

Rin blushed and laughed along with her. "I guess I do. But hey, it worked, right?" Miku nodded and intertwined her fingers with Rin's. "It did. Now, let's start this new chapter together, no more fake love or paparazzi scandals, just us."

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