Sick day

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I woke up to my alarm going off. I groaned and turned it off.I turned around in my bed and opened my phone to see if Nick texted me because he does every morning, as he's a morning person. I dont want to get up. I don't feel very well and i've got a headache. I open my phone and see that Nick texted me so I reply and finally get out of bed. I stand up but quickly sit back down. A wave of nausea hits me. It feels like I'll throw up any minute but I don't. I stand up again -this time succesfully-  and get dressed in my school uniform. It's hard to do it one handed but I want to keep texting Nick while doing that. I brush my teeth and go downstairs to have breakfast. Which is a lie,really. I think if i eat something right now I might actually throw up and i really dont want to do that. Only Tori is there when I get down. I sit down and grab a yoghurt. That's probably the only thing I can stomach right now. I'll deal with the consequence later. While I'm just slowly poking at my yoguhrt Tori pipes up "You don't look good"  "Yeah. I dont feel it either." I place down my food and go put on my shoes to leave. But it feels like my legs dont work, like im a weak old man who probably has a lot of knee problems. Anyway I put on my shoes and leave. I get on the bus just in time, sit in my usual seat and grab my headphones turning up the volume on my current playlist.

When I get to school i dont go to the picnic tables like usually instead go to form immediatly. When I get there Nick isn't there yet. I text him telling him I'm already here. While I wait for him I cross my arms on the desk and lay my head on it. I feel myself drifting to peaceful sleep when someone pulls out a chair beside me. I look up and see my handsome boyfriend. I sit up normally and try my best to smile at him. "Hey" I beam at him tiredly. "Hi love" he replies, looking kinda concerned.  Sitting down he puts his hand on my forehead and frowns "Char youre really warm" "I'm fine I promise" and I smile at him. "Ok but tell me if something's up please" And he grabs my hand, intertwining our fingers. "I will, don't worry" Leaning up a bit I kiss his cheek and then rest my head on his shoulder. He kisses the top of my had just when the teacher gets here.

I try to focus, I really do, but my head is killing me and that fucking yoghurt. My stomach really didn't like that. I let out a pathetic whimper and snuggle closer into Nick's side. He must've noticed something was up so he asked "are you okay baby?" in a whisper. i look up at him, with tears in my eyes "After this class can we go home?" he smiles and kisses my head again, and puts his arm around my waist pulling me even closer (if that is even possible). Now I'm half in his lap. my legs are draped over his thigh so we're basically fully cuddling on these stupid tiny school chairs.

I zoned out for the rest of the lesson. I only looked up when the bell ringed. Nick got up and took my stuff,putting my backpack on his back and grabbing my hand leading me to the nurse's office.

Nick knocks on the door, the nurse looks up and greets us "Hello boys, come in, what can I do for you today?" we go in and I sit on the bed. "I dont feel really well" I start. "Alright what's your name dear." She asks then starts typing someting on the computer "Charles Spring" she types on her computer again. "Alright and what's the matter?" "Well I have a headache and my stomach really hurts as well, I've also been nauseous the entire morning,and I might have a fever" I tell her then look at Nick, he just smiles and stands closer to me. I lean into him and rest my head on his shoulder (again) and he rests his head on top of mine. "Alright let me just check your temperature really quick" the nurse says and gets the thermometer. 39.5 Celsius. "Yep you're definitely running a fever, I'll call your parents and have them come get you."


When I get home I go straight to my bedroom and strip out of my uniform, putting on a pair of boxers and one of the hoodies I stole from Nick instead.My mum brings me some medicine,water,crackers and a big bowl, and tells me to rest up. I flop on my bed and pull he duvet high on me.I drink some of my water and take some ibuprofen and fall asleep in a few minutes.

When I wake up the first things i notice is that I'm not alone and that I need to throw up. I quickly turn around and grab the bowl my mum set down for me. I trhow up everything I ate. Which isn't much but still. I can feel someone rubbing my back up and down. I realise it's Nick, he's already reassuring me and saying stuff like 'it's okay, let it out, it's better out than in' Once I'm done throwing up I lay back down and let out a big sigh.. Nick sits on the side of my bed, and he pushes my hair back from my sweaty forehead. " Better?" he asks,grabbing my hand. "Kind of" I grumble "Come cuddle me? Please?" I asks making puppy eyes at him. "Of course" he chukles and gets under the covers on his back. I rest my head n his chest and throw one leg around his middle. He starts running his fingers trough my hair. I make a contented noise and am starting to fall asleep but Nick gently shakes me a bit. "Baby, hey, I know you don't feel well but please drink some water and take medicine." I just groan. "Please? For me?" I look up to see him pouting his lower lip out and making puppy eyes. I sigh and sit up a bit "Only for you" I say and he hands me the pill and glass of water. I take it and drink the glass. I hnad it back to him and lay back down. "Just get some sleep,okay?" He asks. "mhm, Will you stay here?" I say squeezing him harder "Imean, eventually I'll have to go home but until then I will stay here, don't worry" I smile and feel myself falling asleep.


In the end both boys fell asleep. When Jane walked in the room, about to tell Nick he should go home, she walked in on the boys cuddling, way too close to eachother when one of them is sick. she decided to not wake them, but she did snap a picture and text Sarah. 

Jane Spring:

Nick took care of Charlie very well

They both fell asleep.


buy some medicine? x 

Nick did end up getting sick, and Charlie also took care of him, even when Nick protested, saying he doesn't want Charlie to get sick, but he eventually relented when Charlie reminded him that he gave Nick the sickness.



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