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Just another normal day.

Except it's not.

Kazuha wakes up in an unfamiliar bed, she can tell immediately by the way the sheets smell like citrus and not her vanilla laundry detergent, she also can't hear the fan she always keeps on at night to fall asleep.

And her head hurts, bad.

She musters up the courage to sit upright, the headache pierces her head more as soon as she moves, the sweat resting on her Cupid's bow tasting salty when she licks her lips. She dreamt of Chaewon again last night, but this time it was different. It felt so real. She could feel the girl's fingers smoothening her frown while she lay in bed, it was similar to her other dreams but so unalike them at the same time. She really needs to get some sleeping pills to stop them, they disturb her sleep and make her all groggy, eye bags aren't particularly desirable in this industry. It takes Kazuha a minute to rub her eyes and register her surroundings, she runs a hand through her hair, glancing around the dimly lit room, coming to three conclusions after her analysis.

The room is messy as fuck, strewn clothes litter the entire floor and furniture, almost swallowing the room whole.

Everything's dark and black. The bedside table, the bed, the dresser, the wardrobe, the dressing table, the ottoman. All black.

Considering the extra door in the corner, this is definitely Chaewon's room.

And that thought alone makes Kazuha's head feel dizzy, why the fuck is she sleeping in Chaewon's bed? Luckily, there's no one beside her, but what if there was?

Did she sleep with Chaewon?

No. There's no way. Kazuha remembers she got drunk last night, and Chaewon would never take advantage of her. Not to mention her clothes are still on, and she's pretty sure she'd remember sex with Chaewon.

Oh God, now she's imagining sex with Chaewon.

That is not the priority right now. She got drunk last night, Chaewon simply offered her room so that it'd be easier for everyone, like she would do for any other member out of politeness. And Kazuha hates the way her heart races at the fact that she's in Chaewon's bed right now, out of everyone else's.

The sun peeking through the blinds tells her that everyone should be awake, so Kazuha stands on wobbly legs, regaining her ability to walk. She runs a hand through her hair, walking to the kitchen when she hears a sound from outside.

"You're awake?" Sakura laughs at Kazuha's groggy greeting, the younger girl catches sight of herself in her reflection on the fridge that she opens for a bottle of water. God, she looks awful. Dark mascara blurring her waterline and her hair long and mussed. She turns around and flinches when she finds Chaewon's unconscious body uncomfortably lying on the sofa, her hair more messy than Kazuha's and her lips parted to let quiet snores pass.

"She slept here?" Kazuha asks Sakura, guilt washing over the younger girl like a tsunami, Chaewon's really going out of her way to respect her wishes.

"Shh, we should let her sleep more." Sakura joins Kazuha in the kitchen, "did you guys argue or something? You share a bed all the time." Sakura frowns when she asks this, it must be her motherly instinct to resolve all disputes and quarrels between the members.

Kazuha bites her lip, stealing another glance at Chaewon before speaking. "I'm just- I must have taken up all the space." She laughs nervously, "I should apologise to her when she wakes up." Kazuha tries to gauge Sakura's reaction, the older girl doesn't look like she buys it but she stays quiet, resuming cutting up the strawberries she bought a couple days ago.

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