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We've been fighting for so long that time is starting to fade away. It's the year 2001. That still clings to my head, and it's been 18 years since the Protogens rebelled. We call it The Great Collapse. The day they turned against us, and the day since the nukes launched. 52 percent of the Validian population died that day. We knew that day was coming from the moment we gave them the power of space exploration. The moment we made them our rulers. Now, is the call for the Resistance.

Leader of the Validian Resistance, stood on top of some boxes as he entered the hanger deck. Called everyone's attention, and quickly there was a crowd that had formed around him. Everyone knew who he was: An anthropomorphic gray-furred wolf with militia armor around his entire body. He had goggles over his head, and boots on his feet. Everyone else that surrounded him were also anthropomorphic animals, from foxes to dogs to cats. The list was endless. They all waited.

"Today!" He shouted, the crowd getting a bit closer "Today, is our last chance to topple the Protogen Empire! We've been at war with the machine for almost two decades now, and through that time we have fought, lost our own brothers and sisters. Our sons and daughters. Our families, but most of all, we had faith. We had faith that there'd be brighter days ahead of us, and soon there will be! Soon, we will show them that it is not the machine that rules over the flesh. No. We created them, and we will stop them!"

Everyone whooped and cheered upon hearing this encouraging speech, dismantling the crowd as everyone went about their business. The leader stepped off the boxes as I walked over to him. There wasn't much about me; just another member of the Furry Resistance. A brown furred fox I was. I walked over to him, shouting his name.

"Tom!" He turned his head a bit to look back at me, then turning his body.

"Wyatt, good to see you, lad." He replied back, shaking my paw as I put it out

"A pleasure, sir." I put my paws on my hips. "So, you ready for war, Thomas?"

He scoffed. "War. This isn't war anymore. It's life. Live it to the fullest, lieutenant."

I chuckled as I pat him on the shoulder, and somewhere in the nearby distance a metal door could be heard opening, then someone shouting.

"Antigens! Antigens coming in!" The metal door squeaked open, audible to most if not the entire hanger. After all, it was a large hanger, vulnerable to loud noises.

I couldn't see who the door opened for, but everyone quickly stood out of the way, frightened it seemed. I got a closer look at one of the 'Antigens'. Massive 6 to 7 foot tall anthropomorphic wolves. Metal body armor covered every inch of their body, from head to toe. Working your way up, you could see the metal around their thighs, making it abnormally large. On the sides were a logo printed on the side, showing a paw print. Moving up, the armor got thicker in the upper part of the chest, and a gray collar protected the neck. The key detail was the boxed visor covering it's face, with light coming in formation to form a face. Two sets of ears were on both sides of the head, left and right. Lastly, a massive four foot tail stretched out from the tailbone; the fur was of a combination between dark blue and black, making a zigzag pattern around the tail, and ending at the tip. Both Antigens were similar, the only difference being the fur color.

The two slowly walked towards myself and Thomas, and everyone stood as they stopped nearby. I didn't move, nor say a word. I waited for Tom to make the first move.

"Antigens, what do you have to report?" Everyone stood still.

The black-furred Antigen spoke, it's voice metallic and sharp "Protogen armies are assembling over by the Eastern Coast. It's theorized that they are preparing to unleash their super weapon. We are still unsure as to what it may be."

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