My Best Friend

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For about a week now, the sun shone over the city of Anthropolis. It wasn't cold either, and gentle drizzles coming from faint clouds above made it look more like spring time, rather than winter. No flowered bloomed, but tiny shrubs peaked out from between the concrete sidewalk. A small array of cars drove down the street, surrounded by a wall of buildings. At the end of this street was an intersection, and on the other side of it, a titanic library. Surely, it had to of been the place of all knowledge, Sky thought to herself. She was correct, mostly. Inside the library were walls of shelves on both sides, and a grand staircase leading to the second floor, where a labyrinth of shelves was present. The main reception desk was straight ahead, but she took a quick turn towards the left, trapping herself between two walls of knowledge. She inspected the wall on the left, then on the right, flipping through book and book until coming upon the section of books beginning with the letter "R". For a while, she'd been looking for knowledge about this "Resistance" she was introduced to, and if the Office of Knowledge hadn't yet erased information about the Resistance, the city library would be the best place to find it.

A well hour had passed, and a small hill of books surrounded Sky, who sat with her legs crossed, and a small moat of carpet between herself and the books forming. She had been studying a book of world history, and had several others as part of the hill. She flipped the page fiercely, a gentle slap coming from the pages as wind blew against her visor, then dissipated. It was hard to read a few of the words on the pages, as the faint neon gleam coming from her visor blotted out a sentence or two. She moved the book slightly farther from her, revealing the blocked words "and so the Validian Republic rose to power..."

She had faint memories of the Validian Republic, but knew it was the greatest foe of the Protogen Empire. Either way, with the wars they fought and the millions of Protogens killed, the Collapse would have still happened. Considering the sanity of the world before the Collapse, doom was coming to this world, everyone was just waiting until that day came.

Reading was one of her passions to say the least, so the hours she spent in that library swept through feeling like minutes, and so intrigued she was that she didn't even notice Spyro standing behind the hills for a few seconds, looking down at her. Not until he made a comment.

"And here I believed I was the only fan of literature. Blessing to meet a fellow enthusiast." Her head rose up, and a soft smile grew on her visor.
"My best friend, Spyro. I think I found your name once or twice in a couple of these books—" Even Spyro grew a soft smile on his visor.
"So you say. My name is pretty common to say the least."

She giggled, and pushed the hills around her farther away, enough room for the two of them to fit in. She even patted the area next to her, gesturing to join her. So he did.

"Do you know who Captain Spyroticus was?" She asked curiously.
"No, I don't"
"Neither did I. Apparently he was some sort of famous captain. Over 80 clean kills straight in the medulla."

She continued to read.

"What brings you here?" Spyro asked.
"I usually come here, but today I'm searching for information about the Resistance."
"Resistance? The Validian Resistance?"

Her eyes widened, and she slowly turned her head to face Spyro.

"Yes, actually. How do you know?"
"One of their members came to me, seeking to recruit. They said they spoke to you, too."
"They did, at least one of them did. He spoke of my father, who he said was a revolutionary. I doubt it. My father was a proud Protogen."
"Maybe they're right, Sky. They seemed to track us down, so no doubt they would know something about us. It's a logical conclusion, no?"
"But bringing my father into this? Why?"

Spyro had struggled to get words out of his mouth, stuttering a bit in the process. Sky had chuckled and jokingly punched the side of his shoulder, bringing him back to reality.

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