Chapter 1: Demi Yuzuki

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"Mr. Yuzuki? Get to class." Principal StarShine said.

"Heh, no. I'll go to class when I feel like it." I said.

"You don't have a choice in the matter! Get to class, you delinquent!" Principal StarShine shouted.

"And I said 'no.' Now fuck off." I bit back.

"Boy! You listen here and listen good. Get your ass to class or so help me." Principal StarShine threatened.

"Oh shiver me timbers, Teach, I'm so scared. You-You got my shaking in my boots. Wha-What am I gonna do now?" I asked, feigning fear.

"You aren't worth the oxygen nor my time. You aren't even worth the space in this school. I wish I could get rid of you." Principal StarShine said, somewhat defeated.

I saluted him.

"Thanks for giving up." I laughed.

He glared at me but inevitably walked away. I'm Demi, short for Demietrius, I'm seventeen and a Demon. The school I attend, sometimes when it's convenient for me, is a supernatural school. The students, faculty, and school board hate my guts. I'm rude, disrespectful, rebellious, I love to fight other students or anyone really. I'm angry, hateful, I love to do things out of spite. Overall, I'm a really bad person. I've been casted out of Hell due to my 'god awful attitude' and my 'bizarre actions.' So now I torment whomever I can, whenever I can. Our school, Utopia High School, houses the vast majority of supernatural creatures. Ranging from demons, vampires, witches, wizards, warlocks, werewolves, zombies, fairies, mermaids, centaurs, lastly is phoenix and dragon shapeshifters. Over 5,000 of us reside on school grounds. Each type has it's respective realm. Demons have literal Hell, Vampires have the Vampire Realm, etc. etc. But we attend school here and live on campus. We only go to our home realms on breaks or if we're summoned to. Our school, for each type, has between two to three Masters. They are a year to two years older than us and they are the real deal. They're highly respected by all and are practically famous. All are God-like in looks. They help keep the peace in the school. They usually aren't notified with issues unless the school faculty brings a case before them to review. If they accept the case, the Master or Masters, of the same type as the person in question, will fix whatever the situation is. Zaedyn and Zereth Hutchings are the Demon Masters, sent by Lucifer himself to aid this school. They're twins and are so fine as fuck. I'm gay as well. I'm honestly surprised the school has dragged me to them yet or presented them with my case. 

"Move it, faggot." Drago NuLeo, a Dragon shapeshifter, shouted.

"Oh please, Drago. Come off it. We both know I'll steamroll you." I said, dryly and uninterested in his antics.

"Oh yeah? Meet me off campus, you twink." Drago threatened.

"Shit, I'll beat your ass right here and now." I said.

"Drago! Demi! Knock it off. Get to first period!" Mrs. Claudia shouted at us, poking her head out of her classroom door.

Drago shoved past me and I glared at his retreating backside. 

"Bitch ass." I mumbled, as he was too far away to hear me properly.

I walked slowly to my first period class, Magic Gathering, room 216B. We learn different types of magic in this class, not that I care as I'm a Demon and don't use magic. But I still have to attend it for 'credits towards graduation.' Which I've been told that 'I'll be lucky if I do graduate on time.' Walking into the room, all eyes turned to me.

"The fuck y'all bitches staring at?" I snapped.

Everyone looked down or away.

"Mr. Yuzuki? Thank you so much for joining us." Mrs. Granger said, sarcastically.

"Oh  you're so welcome." I said back, in the same mocking tone.

I walked over to my desk. It has a seat next to it as we have partners in every class but I'm always alone. I'm used to it. My parents resent me, I have no friends, I have no crushes and have never been in a romantic relationship. The school and everyone in it hates me. I've always been alone so I'm pretty used to it. Clearly it has destroyed any chance of social skills I could've developed as a kid. I've been told that my social skills are on par with a brick wall before by the guidance counselor. So there's that, I guess. As far as my behavior goes, I like to act out. I like the attention. To me, negative attention is still attention nonetheless. Regardless. 

"Class, work with your partners and work on this packet I'm handing out. Pop quiz!" Mrs. Granger said.

She stopped at my desk, slamming the packet right in front of me.

"You, Mr. Yuzuki, can work all alone. As usual." Mrs. Granger said, chuckling to herself.

And that comment caused an eruption from the class.

"Jokes on you. I prefer being alone." I said.

"You are so poor, pitiful, and pathetic." Mrs. Granger said, causing the class to laugh once again.

"Bitch." I said.

"I oughta deck you, you entitled and spoiled brat. Your parents failed to teach you manners and social skills. No wonder you don't have any friends and no wonder no one wants to be around you, much less date you." Mrs. Granger said.

I flipped her off to which in response she slapped my hand away. She walked away and I started to work on the thirty page packet. Sighing heavily, I thought to myself: 

"God, I really hate it here."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2023 ⏰

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