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My eyes scan across the crowded club as I sip on my drink. I feel a hand hit my arm and I look over to wes, my incredibly gay childhood best friend. "What about you? Is it hook up week for Miss Barker?" He asks making me roll my eyes. I sigh before muttering "Maybe if you get some more alcohol down me first.". Wes grins at me "thats the spirit!".

After many more drinks its my turn to go and get the next round. I slide out of the booth we are in and I walk over to the bar. The club we are in is in a pretty decent area of new york. It is one of the most well known places for is you want to meet someone s most people come here.

I feel a tap on my shoulder so I wait for the waiter to come to me. I turn my head to the left to be met with a set of green eyes. I look the redhead up and down, my eyes checking out her muscular body in the jumpsuit she is wearing.

I look back up to her face when she begins to speak "You alone dorogoya?". I shake my head and I point over to the table of my drunk friends "No I'm with that lot". She tilts her head and looks down slightly whilst sighing "thats a shame I was hoping I could get to know you a bit better. And maybe..depending on how the night went I could have taken you home".

I smile at her "you could still do that..don't let them bother you". "I like your thinking. What's your name pretty girl?" She asks holding onto one of my hands and running her thumb over my knuckles. A blush covers my cheeks at the nickname "Emma Barker. And you are?". "Natasha Romanoff. Care to dance?" She asks and I nod.

I wave Natasha on and I pull my phone out to text the group chat I'm in with my friends.

Me: Have you guys
seen the woman I'm
about to get fucked

Vic: Dude thats an

Wes: Bitch you did
not just pull black

Ava: be careful with
her Em she could be
a dick

Me: ill be fine guys.
Love ya.
Sorry about the

I look back up from my phone and I slot it into my bag. I walk over to Natasha and I place my arms around her neck. Her hand go to my waist as we dance to the music. I start to grind against her making her groan. I turn around with her hands on my waist still. My eyes widen when I feel a bulge against my ass. I turn back around and Natasha puts her mouth next to my ear "let me take you home dorogoya". I nod quickly holding onto her hand as she escorts me out.

2 hours later...


Fuck-" I pant out as I watch Nat thrust into me through the mirror. Her hair rests on my head as my back is arched for her. Her other hand rests on my ass as she starts to thrust into me faster. "Your doing so good malyshka..so good. One more for me" Netherlands redhead mutters out rubbing her thumb over my ass.

I whine out as another orgasm comes crashing through me, the pleasure being too much. I feel Nat twitch in me and she leans over me as she cums in me. "Shit i forgot to ask if your on the pill" she asks whilst leaving sloppy kisses along my spine. I nod slowly not having the energy to speak.

I'm turned over and carefully lifted off the cum stained sheets. My legs and arms instinctively wrap around Natasha as she carries me to her bathroom. She seats me on the cold toilet seat and I tiredly watch as she runs a bath. She lifts me back up and places me in the bath tub before climbing in behind me. I fall asleep to the not so harsh avenger washing me over gently.

I wake up to the sound of an alarm. I look over to the clock on the bedside table and it says 5:00AM. Why the hell does this woman have an alarm set for this time?

I feel an arm tighten around my waist and I release a relaxed sigh. "Go back to sleep kotenok..its just me alarm telling me to go and train" a voice whispers. I turn over and I bury my face into her neck "do you have to get up?". "I'm sorry..ill come and wake you once I'm done" I whine as the warmth next to me leaves.

The next time I wake up its to a door closing and to the smell of pancakes. I sit up against the headboard not bothering to cover my chest up. "Jarvis blinds up" Nat says and the blinds open. She sits next to me on her bed and pecks my lips "Good morning pretty girl. I made you pancakes and strawberries".

We sit for the next hour whilst she slowly feeds me the food she made. Afterwards she helps me get changed as my legs are still weak and takes me home. "Thank you for last night" I whisper leaning over the middle of the car to kiss Natasha for what probably is the last time. "Your welcome malyshka" she tells me before watching me go into my apartment building.

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