
I smile at the secretary as I walk into stark building. Its been 6 weeks since I told Natasha about the baby. So far the only symptom I've had is terrible morning sickness..which is shit. I've also developed a small bump which also may just be bloat..I'm not too sure yet.

I haven't told anyone other than Natasha, Wes and work about the pregnancy yet. I had to tell work as due to a heart problem I've had since I was born I've had to have more scans. I've had one once every week to make sure I haven't miscarried and that the baby is still growing. Each time Natasha picks me up from the school at 5pm and takes me however today she had to train a bit later with Clint Barton so asked me to meet her at stark tower.

"Ma'am she's busy!" The Receptionist shouts as I walk towards the elevator. "She's fine with me going up" I shout back as I press the button to the floor she said she will be on. I walk out onto the floor and I spot alot more people than the usual few avengers there normally is. There is a man with an eyepatch and a woman with brown hair talking to a ginger woman and Tony stark.

Tony looks over to me and frowns "your back?". I nod "I...uh..was coming to meet Nat for something". He holds onto my upper arm and leads me over to the people he was taking to. He points to the people as I stare at them "This is Pepper, Agent Hill and Nick Fury. This is....whats your name again?". "Emma" I mutter. He grins at me"Right..this is Emma. Shes Romanoff's g-".

"Mr stark Miss Romanoff is requesting you point Emma towards the training room" a voice says. Tony groans and points down a corridor "that way..I hate that they can see the security cameras". I nod at him "thanks.." before walking off.

I stand at the doorway of a massive hall as I watch Nat dodging arrows and tackling a brown haired man. They finish by Natasha pinning the man to the ground by his own bow "you need to work on your multitasking". "I know its just hard to do with the bow and...Nat" the man nods towards me making her turn to me.

A grin covers her face and I spot the man give her a look. She walks over to me and hold onto my hand "Clint this is Emma. Emma this is Clint..my best friend. He is..in the same situation as us. He has two kids and a wife which only I know about". I nod at the two "its nice to meet you".

I lean against Natasha's side as she places an arm around my waist. I turn my face against her and I nuzzle my face against her. "How much sleep did you get last night detka?" Nat asks kissing my head. "I..fell asleep at 12 after marking books. Woke up at two to be sick..fell asleep at 4 and woke up for work at 5.30. So three and a half hours" I tell her.

I hear the taller woman sigh "Dorogoya you need more sleep than that. You are pregnant Em". I frown at her growing annoyed "hey I didn't ask for your kid to give me morning sickness at stupid hours of the day". "Our kid" Nat corrects. "Nuh uh. When they are being annoying its your baby" I tell her. She laughs and rolls her eyes at me "alright detka whatever you say.".

"You two are cute together" we hear making us look towards Clint. We both go to speak at the same time making us go quiet. I notice Clint giving Nat a look as I say "We aren't together.". "Mhm..I give it two weeks" Clint says walking off.

I cover my mouth with one hand as I yawn. I get my phone out of my pocket and I look at the time "we should get going so we aren't late". Nat nods and holds onto my hand as she picks up a jacket and starts walking me out. We get in the car and the whole car ride is spent in a comfortable silence. Every now and then Nat places her hand on my small bump and rubs her hand over it smiling.

We get put the car and we sit in the waiting room. "Hey I never asked..do you have any siblings?" I ask turning to Natasha. She hesitates slights before saying "I have-..had a little sister. Yelena. From..when I was in the red room. She was placed into a home with...kind of our Foster parents with me I guess". I send her a soothing smile before holding her hand and kissing the back of it.

"Were you close?" I ask fiddling with her rings she has on. Nat nods but doesn't speak. I decide not to ask anything else as her sister seems like a touchy subject. "Emma Barker" we hear the doctor say making us both stand up.

"And there's your baby" the doctor says grinning at us. I smile as I look at the larger blob on the screen "They've gotten bigger..they have haven't they?". The doctor laughs and nods "yes they have. You are measuring right on track. Would you like to hear the heartbeat?". Nat manages to speak before me "yeah..do they do that thing where you can get it put in a bear or something?". The doctor nods before pressing so we can hear the heartbeat.

A sob breaks out of my mouth as I hear the sound. "Detka what's wrong?" Nat asks standing up to hug me. "Were having a baby. A..an actual living baby" I cry out as I Natasha runs her fingers through my hair. "I know dorogoya.." she whispers placing a kiss on my head "we still have time to..terminate if thats what you want". I shake my head "n..no..im happy Natasha".

The doctor smiles at us and hands us over ultrasound photos "So when we're you two married?". I frown at her "No we are just..friends having a kid". The doctor nods and stands up "well..congratulations you two. What stuffed animal do you want the heartbeat in?". I look towards Natasha "its up to you". Nat nods and holds onto my hand "do you have an elephant?". The doctor nods and leaves the room.

I sit up on the bed and I push my shirt down to cover my stomach. I button my jeans up and I slide off the bed. I cover my mouth as I yawn receiving a laugh from Nat "Still tired detka?". I hum at her "mhm..". "Why don't you come back to mine to get some rest?" She offers. I give her a look "I'm not sleeping with you again". "I know that! I just wanted you to have a comfortable sleep" she tells me and I nod.

Sitting in the passenger side of the car I rest my head on the window. I keep tight hold of the elephant in my lap as I struggle to stay awake. I feel a hand on my thigh and I open my eyes again. "Stay awake detka..we are nearly there" she tells me and I hum.

10 minutes later we pull into a garage. Nat gets out and comes around to my side of the car. She opens the door and helps me out. We go into an elevator and it takes us up to the main floor. I lean against her as we walk out.

"Where have you been?" A man with short blond hair asks coming over to us. "I was out with a friend. This is emma" Nat tells the man before whispering to me "Em can you go to my room whilst I talk to Steve?". I nod and I kiss her cheek before wandering off to her bedroom. I end up falling asleep on Natasha's bed whilst I wait for her.


"Is that her?" Steve asks as we watch Emma walking away. Steve and Clint are the only people I've told about Emma and the baby as they are the only people I trust up to now. I nod at him and I smile "yeah thats her. She's sleeping over for the night so she can get a decent sleep".

Steve looks around before speaking again "how's the baby?". I smile looking down "Its fine..the heartbeats strong and its growing properly". He smiles at me "Good. Have you asked her yet?". I shake my head "no. People keep asking if we are together and she tells them we are just friends. I just..don't want to ruin that by asking her to start something".

I speak to Steve for a while longer before going to my room. I smile when I spot Emma laid asleep ontop of the bed. I go over to her and I pull her jeans off of her. I press my lips to hers gently before reaching my hands under her back to unclip her bra. I lift her shirt up slightly and I press a kiss to her stomach and I whisper "Goodnight malysh". I lay down next to emma and I rest my arm over her waist "Goodnight dorogoya".

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