Chapter 2: What Happens When Guys Get Bored

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Having a new roommate has been great so far!! Ruby has been kind, a little... lost in who she is and her interests maybe, but she has a sense of determination that's all around respectable. Her determination has led her to try and befriend the group, and she's been accepted as if she were a lifelong friend. Meanwhile, the determination of another member of the friend group has led to some... less than wanted results

The light of the morning sun shone brightly through the window of the group's resident coffee enjoyer. She had to get up, but she didn't want to. But she has to be a productive member of society, but comfy, but coffee, but...


Coffee is enough of a convincer!!

Now with motivation, powered by the thought of hot bean juices, Essa slowly gets out of-


-falls out of bed and grabs her glasses. With a heavy yawn, she makes her way to the door to go make coffee. She was suddenly stopped by some sort of invisible wall that stole her glasses!

Essa: W-what the... I'm not awake enough to even know what just happened

Suddenly, the group's king of mischief appears

MJ: Ha!! I put Saran Wrap on your door!

Only thing is, he uses so much Essa only heard muffles

Essa: *yelling* I can't hear you!

MJ then resorted to pulling out his phone, and texting her what he had just said

Essa: Oh.

She created a vine with thorns sharp enough to rip a hole in the wall so she could get her caffeine

MJ: I made you lose your heart shaped glass- wait. Heart shaped glasses?? They were octagons yesterday!!

Essa: What were?

MJ: Your glasses!!

Essa: No they weren't


Essa: This prank isn't as funny

MJ: I'm not pranking you!! You have never had heart shaped glasses before!!

Essa: I've had these for years, I don't know what you're talking about

She leaves for the kitchen, leaving MJ to ponder if he is being gaslit, or just going crazy. As she enters the living room, the smell of her plate suddenly catches her and she seems to float just above the ground. For some reason we get a small box view of her feet floating just a few millimeters above the ground and then being led away to a full breakfast plate awaiting her at the island.

Narrator 1: Since when did we budget a broadcast for a floating scene?

Narrator 2: Um...

He checks documents

Narrator 2: 2 weeks ago it seems.

Narrator 1: Huh... Alright then back to the story.

As she sits in her chair, a glass of Orange Juice is slid to her.

Shadow: Catch!

As she puts her hand on the countertop, it summons a vine stopping the orange juice from sliding off.

Essa: Got it!

She takes a sip

Shadow: Nice catch.

Meanwhile, Shadow and Ruby have a small argument.

Shadow: No, Ruby. I made a mess while cooking, I'll do the dishes.

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