Season 1,Episode 2

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At Jenna and Witney's apartment.
"So you guys have been shacking up with each other, since when?"
"Since we went home for Christmas break, so about 3 months." Jenna responded.
"How did it happen?"
"She totally came onto me."
Jenna smacked him.
"Lindsay, I love you, but can you get what you need and go. Val and I were in the middle of something..... So yeah....."
Lindsay scrunched up her face, "Okay ewww, but before I leave can I ask you 2 questions?"
Val rolled his eyes, "Sure go for it!" He says unenthusiastically.
"Okay first question, is this an actual relationship? And second question, where is the rubbing alcohol?"
Jenna looked at Val and answered, "Well this college and both he and I don't want a monogamous relationship, so it's no strings attached. And it's on the dresser"
"So you guys are friends with benefits?"
"Yes, now go we have important business to get back to. Oh and don't tell anyone." Jenna says pushing her out the door.
"Okay, well I'll see you guys later."
"Yeah okay"
Jenna turned around to see Val there.
"Now, where were we?"
"Hmm we were just about to get down."
She jumped on him and wrapped her legs around his waist,
"To my room."
"To your room, Jennachka." He whispered, then bit her ear.
She moaned in his ear.
At Derek and Val's apartment.
"What is taking Lindsay so long?" Mark asked, for the tenth time.
"Again I say I don't know." Witney responds.
Just as Mark would've said it again Lindsay walked in.
"Finally, you are back. What took you so long?"
"MARK!" Witney and Derek screamed.
"Shut up!" Derek responded.
"What took me so long was that....... I was ummm...... Looking for the rubbing alcohol."
"I told you where it was."
"Yeah I know that Wit, but Jenna moved it and I had to look for it. So here you go!"
"Thanks Lindsay, now c'mere Wit."
Mark then began to dab Witney's scratches.
29 minutes later Val and Jenna walk in.
"Where have you two been?" Mark asks his sister and best fiend.
"Well we were at Central Perk having a marshmallow contest." Jenna replies.
Lindsay gave them a look.
Derek excitedly tells them, "You guys missed a great story, Witney kicked Brittany's ass!"
Jenna gasped, "And I missed it? Damn."
Val looked at Witney's shirt, "Whose blood is that?"
Lindsay responded "Brittany's"
Val high-fived her, "Go Witney!"
"So, you guys want to go out to Exchange tonight?" Jenna asks.
"Why?" Derek asks.
"To celebrate the fact that Witney beat Brittany's ass completely and the fact that it's a Friday night"
There were choruses of "Yeah" and "Okay"
"Good so we will all get ready and meet out front of Central Perk at 10:00, okay?" Jenna asks.
"Damn straight" Witney yells.
"Well, Sam and I were going to have a couples night with Brittany (Cherry) and Alan, but let's do this, let's get lit bitches!!!!!"
"You make me so proud little sister." Derek sniffles.
Everyone leaves except for Derek and Val, considering it is their apartment.
Location:Exchange NY
Operation:Get Lit.
"Okay, so we are going to have fun and be just awesome." Jenna says.
She grabs Witney's hand and they go to the bar.
"What do you guys want to drink?" The bartender asks Witney and Jenna.
"Hmmmm.......... Well can we get a vodka tonic on the rocks?" Witney asks.
Jenna turned around and saw Val dancing with some girl. She was upset, even though she had no right to be. She was. He was her man.
"I'll be right back, I am going to the bathroom!"
Witney nodded to preoccupied with the bartender in front of her to actually formulate a verbal answer.
Val looked at Jenna and she nodded toward the bathroom.
Val nodded back.
He excused himself from Janel and went to Jenna.
"Why the hell were you dancing with her?"
"She asked and I said yes. Is there a problem?"
"No and Okay. Well we have a good 15 minutes before they realize that we are gone, so........"
"What the hell are we waiting for, Jennachka?" He picked her up and they went into the bathroom.
He pinned her up against the wall.
While Val and Jenna were having fun....
Derek walked up to Witney,
"Hey Wit what's up?"
She was a little drunk so she asked, "Why isn't Mark into me?"
"What? Wit are you okay?"
"No I mean I have had a crush on Mark since I was about 10 years old, but he doesn't look at me like that. All I will ever be is 'Jenna's Friend' and that is not fair."
"Okay, Wit calm down!"
"No! Why was he so willing to go out with that skank and not even notice that I am here like.... am I that bad?"
"Wit, you are not bad at all."
"Then why doesn't he notice me?"
"Because, maybe he doesn't want to hurt you?"
"So I can't handle a relationship is what he is thinking?"
Before Derek had the chance to answer, he saw Witney walk up to Dylan Chambers, one of Mark's other friends and kiss him.
"Uhhh..... What the hell is she doing?" He turned around to see his step-sister looking at him.
"I really don't know!"
"Well why is she making out with Dylan? What did you say to her?"
"To be honest, I don't even know!"
"Well I am going to find Jenna, maybe she can keep Witney from doing this."
Lindsay then walked over to the dance floor to look for Jenna.
I walk over to Witney and tap her shoulder, "Hey Witney, we are about to leave!"
She pulled away from Dylan so she could tell me, "Okay you guys leave. I'm having fun!"
At this point Derek has no other option, but to pick her up and carry her to Mark.
After Jenna and Val have their fun.....
"Well that was fun." Jenna said out of breath zipping up her dress.
"Yeah, now I have a question for you."
"Were you jealous at the fact that I was dancing with Janel?"
"So her name was Janel. Hmm what a slutty name!"
He laughed at her, "How is it a slutty name?"
"It starts with a J, and it isn't Jenna"
"Well I will let you know you are the only girl I would do this with."
"Good to know, now after the club we can do one more round, right?"
"Just one?"
Just as Jenna was going to respond, Lindsay came into the bathroom.
"I have been looking everywhere for you Jenna, and eww you two just had sex didn't you?"
"Why were you looking for us? and Maybe!"
"Well, Witney is having a major meltdown and is making out with Dylan!"
"Okay, Dylan isn't that bad." Val said.
"Yes, but she can't have a thing with Dylan because..... Never mind." Jenna responds
"No don't never mind, why can't Witney have a thing with Dylan?" Val asks, curiously.
"That's not the point, let's go get her!" Lindsay says pulling Jenna out of the bathroom away from Val.
Derek, Witney and Mark talking near the bar.
"Why'd you pull me away?" Witney whines.
"Because you aren't in the right mind." Derek says.
"What the hell, Witney?" Mark asks
"What the hell with you Mark, you can go out with whoever you choose, but when I want to have fun I can't."
"I am not saying that you can't, but you are drunk so you aren't thinking straight."
Before Witney could respond Jenna and Lindsay walked over.
Jenna starts checking Witney while saying,
"No bumps, no bruises, and no cuts. So what the hell is your problem? Considering the fact that you don't have a head injury!"
"Jenna, calm down." Lindsay said
"No I won't calm down she isn't making great decisions."
"Jenna shut up, who are you to tell me how to live my life." Witney says.
"I am not going to tell you how to live your life, but as a friend I want to prevent you from making dumbass decisions."
"So basically every decision you have ever made?"
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"You are just a home wrecker aren't you, sleeping with Alan. Of course your 'Friend' Brittany Cherry doesn't know about it!"
Jenna then slapped Witney, Derek grabbed Witney before she could jump.
Witney then yelled, "Let that whore go, Mark. She thinks she can judge me. Newsflash you can't."
Jenna yelled back, "You're the whore, why are you always criticizing Brittany(B.C.) about the things she does when in reality you are just as much of a whore!"
Before the argument could continue, Mark pulled Jenna out of the club.
Jenna and Mark on the way to her apartment.
"I swear to god,..... She just..... Ugh, you should've let me kick her ass....."
"Well I won't let that happen for 2 reasons: 1. Being the fact that she is drunk, and 2. Being the fact that you two are best friends. Jenn whatever was said tonight you know that is not how she feels at all."
Mark looked at his sister.
"I hate when you are right.... Still it's not cool. I told her that in confidence."
"I get it Jenn, but she was mad, you know she didn't mean anything she said!"
"Drunk words are sober thoughts."
"If that was true then based on the things we've all said, we are weirdoes. You said that you thought Val's brother was the 'sexiest man alive'"
"I did not!!!"
"Yes, you did!"
"Is that why his girlfriend kept looking at me sideways?!"
Mark started laughing.
"It's not funny. I'm going to tell Daddy that you are making fun of me."
"You wanna play that card?"
"Try me."
"He still thinks you are a virgin, so you aren't that innocent."
"Do you at least feel better?"
"A little bit, so..... Why did the Grinch break your date?"
"She was only using me to make some older guy way jealous, so he will want to get with her."
"To contract STDs? What a tool!"
"I really like her, that's the thing."
"Oh my gosh, stop, ewwww."
"What do you have against her?"
"Nothing, I just don't like her."
"No.... There has to be a reason."
"Oh look at it, this is my building. Time to go up, love yah bro."
"You too, little sister."
Val and Derek's apartment. Val and Derek were talking to Lindsay. Witney is asleep on their couch.
"So.... What the hell happened tonight?" Val asked.
Lindsay looked at him, "While you were in the bathroom?"
"Yes Lindsay while I was in the bathroom."
"Derek take it away I don't even know where to begin."
"Okay so it was sunny earlier today-"
"Not that far to the beginning, to the part where you and Mark were talking to her up to the beginning of the fight." Lindsay explains.
"No Lindsay I want to hear about the day that I lived through." Val says sarcastically.
"No need to be harsh, Val!" Derek exclaims.
"Just tell me what happened"
Derek then explains to Val everything that happened.
"So basically, and correct me if I am wrong, but... Jenna slept with Alan Witney called her a whore because he was still with her friend and she was going to attack Witney, but you and Mark stopped it?"
"Yeah, basically that is what happened, now that I think about it." Lindsay says.
"Well I am going to go see if Jenna is okay, since I really don't know.... So yeah." Val says awkwardly.
"I will come with you I need to borrow some scotch." Derek says.
"Well what do you mean, 'No!'"
"Well Jenna is probably still mad, so I will calm her down and tell you when it is okay to come over, okay Derek?"
"Okay Val."
Jenna and Witney's apartment
Jenna is sitting on the couch watching 'Two and a Half Men', when she heard a knock on her door.
"It's Val."
She looked down at herself. She was a mess.
"I'll be there in a minute!"
She took off her sweatpants and replaced them with short spandex shorts. She replaced her tank top with a bra, and took her hair out of the messy bun it was in.
She walked to the front door and opened it,
"Hey Val." She said seductively.
"Well hello, Jennachka."
"Come on in!"
He walked in the door and the minute he closed the door she jumped up on him and wrapped her legs around his waist.
"Well aren't you eager?"
"Shut up!"
"No I like it."
"Glad you do." She smirked.
He then asked her,
"Are you okay?"
"What do you mean?"
"I heard about the fight you had with Witney, and what she said about you."
"Oh. Well if you're here to judge me go ahead."
"Well we can all agree I am not here to judge you."
He starts kissing her neck, biting and sucking on the flesh of her collarbone.
"Mmmmm, Val, don't stop!"
He carried her to the bedroom and they had a lot of fun. 😏.
Well that is episode 2. Hope you enjoyed it. Tell me something's you would really like to see and I will try to incorporate them. Hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoy writing it.

F.R.I.E.N.D.S (DWTS) Season 1Where stories live. Discover now