Season 1 Episode 4

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Okay so I love the response I have been getting with this story. I love the fact that people want to contribute to the success of the story.
At Central Perk with Val and Jenna.
"Okay so I called you here-" Jenna started, which Val interrupted.
"I was here and then you started talking, and then kicked everyone out because you wanted to talk to me alone, but continue."
"Okay, so as I was saying I wanted to talk to you because I was thinking about 'Us'"
"Okay what about us."
"At the fact that..... I don't want to sleep with you, you know just sleeping with you, and not put a label on it."
"Because I don't want to look like a whore."
"To who?"
"I just don't want to feel like I am here whenever you can't get laid."
"Give me an example of when you felt like that."
"Remember when that girl Kelly Monaco wouldn't have sex with you. And then you came over and we started talking and then we slept together?"
"I felt that I was only there to make you feel like more of a man."
"Okay so you want us to be more than friends?"
"Jenna, you know I love you, right?"
Jenna rolled her eyes, "Val I'm not going to keep being your sex doll, so either commit, or don't. But if you don't then I will just find somebody who is ready to commit to me on that level."
"Are you giving me an ultimatum?"
"Yes, so is it going to be Sex or Relationship with Jenna?"
"Oh my gosh you are such a pig!"
"What did I do?"
"You don't care about my feelings all you want to do is get laid."
"Jenna, you know that isn't true."
Jenna turned her head so he wouldn't see her cry.
"Just go, it's about time for me to anyway."
"Jenna, I-"
"Just stop Val, I won't just be there whenever you need an itch to scratch." With that Jenna walked away leaving Val alone to think.
At Jenna and Witney's apartment....
Jenna was sitting on the couch crying, when Mark walked in.
"Hey sorry to just barge in here unannounced, but I need to-"
That's when he heard Jenna.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing, now what do you need Mark?"
"No you are going to tell me what's wrong or I'll get the big guns."
"Nothing is wrong."
"So you expect me to believe that you are just sitting on your couch crying because you just felt like it."
"Okay Jenn you leave me no choice, I am going to call Mom."
"Okay go ahead."
"No really Jenna, tell me what's wrong."
"Promise me you won't get mad."
"Okay I promise."
"So, Val and I have been sort of, you know and today I told him that we can't continue to you know unless he defines our relationship."
"Okay....." Mark says trying not to get angry with his little sister and his best friend.
"And he doesn't want to. Mark, I really like him!"
"Okay so.... How long?"
"3 months."
"What the hell?!?!" Mark says now yelling.
"No. Don't say my name all drawn out and stuff. You have been sleeping with my best friend for 3 months. I think I have a right to be mad at him and at you."
"For what?"
"I can't even look at you right now."
With that Mark walked out.
"Mark." Jenna called out after him.
At Val and Derek's apartment....
Val walked in and he couldn't believe what had happened.
He threw his stuff down and sat on the couch.
Derek walked out of his room.
"What the hell, I was sleeping."
Val looked at Derek, "It's 3:00 in the afternoon."
"You should've had your lazy ass up."
"Hey don't tell me what to do."
"Just shut up."
"What crawled up your butt and died?"
"Derek I am not in the mood."
Derek sensed something was wrong with his best friend.
"Val, what's really wrong? I mean you can tell me and I won't judge."
"Derek its nothing just leave it alone." Val then got up and slammed his door.
"Man, this is why I don't wake up until happy hour, then nobody is this mad. You Chmerkovskiys need to learn to control that Ukrainian temper."
Derek then realized it was only 3.
"I'm going to sleep."
At Central Park (Not perk, but the actual park.)
Mark was so mad, he had just found out that his little sister has been sleeping with his best friend. He was so mad he didn't watch where he was going and ran into somebody.
"Oh my gosh I am so sorry I mean like so sorry." The female voice says.
Mark looked up at the person and his eyes widen, it was Olympic gold medalist Shawn Johnson.
"No no no, it was my fault. I am so sorry."
"No I wasn't watching where I was going."
"Yeah, I mean I am such an idiot."
"What's wrong?" The Olympian asks Mark.
"I just ran into Shawn freaking Johnson."
"Yeah." Shawn then giggled which caused Mark to laugh.
"You want to go to Central Perk?"
"What's that?"
"It's a cafe that my friends go to."
"Oh. Okay, let's go."
At Central Perk with Lindsay, Derek, and Witney
"So he won't come out of his room?" Lindsay asked Derek.
"Yeah, he wouldn't even come out when I threatened to call his Mom."
Witney gasped, "You threatened him with Mama Chmerkovskiy and he wouldn't come out?"
"Yeah then he said 'Go Ahead'"
Both Witney and Lindsay gasped.
"How's Jenna doing?" Lindsay asked Witney.
"Well I got her to stop crying, and now she just won't come out of her room." Witney responded.
"What the hell happened?" Lindsay asked.
Both Witney and Derek shrug.
Before anyone can say anything they hear someone laugh.
"Hey guys you'll never believe who I brought to Central Perk."
Witney and Lindsay's eyes widen.
Derek then says, "That's Shawn Johnson, Olympic God medalist. Damn girl you fine!"
Lindsay slapped him upside the head.
Shawn blushed after hearing what Derek said.
"Thank you I appreciate it."
"You see, she liked it."
Witney spoke up, "So how did you meet her?"
"Well I ran into her in Central Park."
Lindsay then asked, "Are you okay?"
"Yeah I am totally fine. It's nothing compared to the injuries I used to get."
Derek then laughed, "Yeah and it helps that Mark hits like a girl."
Mark glared at Derek.
"So why were you in Central Park in the first place?" Lindsay asked him.
"I just needed some fresh air." He replied.
At that moment Jenna's boss came to talk to the group.
"Have you seen Jenna?"
Derek said, "Yeah, she was hugging the toilet when I saw her."
Lindsay, Witney, and Mark agreed.
"Yeah she said for me to tell you that she couldn't come in, because she couldn't move without throwing up."
"Oh okay well tell her I said to feel better." Jenna's boss said before walking away.
"Whew that was a close one, now where the hell is Jenna?" Mark asked.
"Apparently she is in her room and won't come out of her room." Derek says.
"Well why?" Shawn asked.
"She won't tell anybody." Witney responds.
"Oh. Well somebody has to know something. Mark didn't you say something about a friend named Val?"
"Yeah, where is Val?" Mark asked.
"Same as Jenna, even threatened to call Mama Chmerkovskiy." Derek responds.
Mark looked shocked, "And he didn't budge."
Witney, Lindsay, and Jenna nodded their heads no.
"Wow this is more serious than I thought."
"So here is our game plan...... Lindsay and Witney go talk to Val and Derek and I will go talk to Jenna."
"Okay, and we will meet back with both of them." Lindsay agreed.
"Sounds good, and Shawn we will see you later." Mark says.
"Yeah and take my number so you can call me." Derek says handing Shawn his phone.
Shawn giggled, "Mark call me when everything is resolved. Maybe then we can all hang out."
"Kay Shawn Johnson."
With that Shawn walked out.
"She is so into me." Derek says.
"Yeah totally." Lindsay sarcastically responds.
At Derek and Val's apartment....
"Val will you come out please?" Witney asked.
And for the fifth time they got a resounding no.....
"Valentin Aleksandrovich Chmerkovskiy, get your ass out of your room or I will call your mom!" Lindsay says yelling at Val, getting sick of his kid like attitude.
"Go ahead call her."
Lindsay and Witney gasped for as long as they had known Val he was a Mama's boy and he never wanted to get in trouble with Mama Chmerkovskiy, from what they heard the 2 brothers get their temper from her. She sounded scary. So he never wanted any of the friends or anyone in general to call his mom ever.
"Will you please tell us what is wrong?" Witney asked nicely.
"I messed up. Okay, I messed up with the one girl who I let myself give a damn about." Val says coming out of his room.
"What happened?" Witney asked.
"For as long as I've known this girl we've had a great friendship, and then we became more then friends which I have enjoyed immensely, but that doesn't even matter because she won't talk to me."
"Are we talking about Jenna?" Lindsay asked.
"Yes and today she gave me an ultimatum, either we stop being friends with benefits or I commit to her, she said if I don't pick one then she is done with me all together and is going to find someone who will commit to her in the way I won't."
"How'd you respond?" Lindsay asked.
"I didn't know what to say so I didn't say anything. I messed up. Whenever I'm having a crappy day all I need to do is look at her and I feel better. She is one of the best people I know and whenever I'm not around her I feel empty, like I don't belong."
"Val you really like her don't you?" Witney asked.
"It's more than that, I can't stop myself from falling for her, even if I tried I wouldn't be able to. I'm going to go tell her how I feel." Val says standing up.
"Yeah, no you're not going to do that, Mark and Derek are talking to her." Lindsay says stopping him.
"You are really going to trust those idiots to talk to Jenna."
"Well that is the only option we have left, so even if we don't trust it we are going to have to go with it" Witney explains to him.
At Witney and Jenna's apartment...
".... That's why you should come out of your room." Derek says.
"You really want me to come out of my room, fine." Jenna opened her door and took a step forward out of her room, then attempted to walk back in her room.
Mark grabbed her arm, "Oh no you're not."
"Ugh... Why won't you just let me be sad?"
Derek responds with, "Because we care about you. Now tell us what's wrong."
"You really wanna know, it's because I'm an idiot, I fell for somebody who I knew wasn't ready to be in an actual relationship, for 3 months I have been falling for a guy who... In reality I knew was never going to catch me. When I told him it was either sex or relationship he just said 'Ummm....', I told him I would find someone else, but I don't want anyone else." Jenna put her head in her hands.
"You know what I heard my mom tell Julianne one time: You are going to fall in love a lot and you are going to have your heart broken a lot, but one day you are going to find someone who knows how to handle it so it will never break again." Derek says rubbing her back.
"Who the hell are you?!" Mark asks Derek.
"I'm Derek Hough."
"No Derek I think Mark means where the hell did that advice come from I mean that was smart and you aren't no offense."
Derek looked offended and before he could respond, Val ran into the apartment.
"Jenna I know you hate me and I am probably the last person in the world you want to see, but I am falling for you, I am scared to fall in love with anybody and that is why I didn't answer, but to the hell with that Jenna, because if being scared means that I have you in my life then I'd rather be scared than fearless. I want you in my life. I can't imagine not being able to have you in my life. We can even go back to being friends if that means-"
Jenna cuts him off, "Shut up and kiss me you idiot."
Val kisses her.
Mark and Derek look at the door to see Shawn, Lindsay, and Witney standing there.
Derek ran to Shawn, "I knew you'd come back to see me, you want me."
Shawn laughed at him, "No you gave me your phone and told me to call you."
Mark, Lindsay, Jenna, Witney, and Val laughed with Shawn at Derek
"Yeah so you wanted to call me?" Derek asks.
"No, well I better go my flight back to Des Moines leaves in 3 hours."
"Bye ShawnJohn." Mark says waving at her.
"Bye MarkBall." Shawn waves back then leaves.
"How the hell did you meet Shawn Johnson?" Jenna asked her brother.
"Luck, I guess."
Well that's the end this is a long chapter for those who were upset. Hope it is enjoyed. Thanks for all the comments and the support.

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