Season 1, Episode 11

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Val and Derek's apartment on Tuesday @ 2:55 P.M.
"This is very short notice babe." Jenna tells Val.
"How is it short notice the dinner is on Friday it's Tuesday?" Val asks.
"Yeah, but I have to get a new dress and shoes." Jenna tells Val.
"We are just having dinner with my parents who you have already met." Val states.
"Yeah, and your brother and Peta, plus I am not just your friend, I'm your girlfriend. That's a whole new ballpark." Jenna informs Val.
"Baby, you know my mom and love you. So all you have to do is be the cute lovable person I know you are. I love you and that's enough." Val says grabbing Jenna's waist.
"Yes, but I mean your parents are your entire world. I don't want to mess up and have us lose our relationship."
"Okay, Jenna calm down. You'll be fine. You've known them for 13 years it's fine."
"Yeah, but for 13 years I've been your friend and you know that when I get nervous I blurt out secrets, I might even tell them that we hooked up in Maks' bed for our first time, or I might say that we started out our relationship and friends with benefits or I might tell your parents that we bang like bunnies." Jenna panics.
"You will be fine. Leave it alone. Now come here and let me show you how much I love you." Val says pulling Jenna toward him, as he begins to kiss her neck.
"Mmmm... Babe, I have to.... Mmmmm.... And then I have to....Mmmm" Jenna tries to say before taking Val's shirt off and jumping on him while saying, "You really have to much power over me."
Val smirks before walking into his room while she discards her shirt.
Central Perk on Tuesday @ 3:35
"Okay so, Jessie J, Zooey Deschanel, and Nicole Scherzinger?" Derek asks Witney, Mark, and Lindsay.
"Well I would bang Nicole Scherzinger, marry Zooey Deschanel and kill Jessie J." Witney says.
"Really I would bang Zooey Deschanel, then marry Nicole Scherzinger and of course kill Jessie J." Lindsay says.
"I agree with Lindsay." Mark says.
"Okay so how about Ellie Goulding, Shakira, and Jenna Dewan, you know if she wasn't married to Channing.." Lindsay suggests.
"Well, I would bang Ellie Goulding to death on our honeymoon." Mark says.
"Dude that's a total copout, I mean you have to bang Jenna, and marry Shakira, but I don't know about killing Ellie Goulding." Lindsay says.
Before the game could continue Jenna walked into the shop.
"911 emergency." Jenna tells the girls.
"What?!" Both Lindsay and Witney ask seriously.
"Val want me to have dinner with his parents, brother, and his brothers girlfriend." Jenna says to them.
"So what's the big deal you have known them for 13 years." Mark says looking at his sister shrugging.
Lindsay looks at Mark like he has 3 heads then explains, "Yeah, but that's 13 years of friendship. Not relationship. This is a whole new ballpark."
"Yeah, but Mama and Papa Chmerkovskiy love her." Derek points out.
"No they love friend Jenna, not girlfriend Jenna. They haven't met girlfriend Jenna." Witney says like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"That's what I told Val." Jenna tells the girls.
"Wait quick question. Ellie Goulding, Jenna Dewan, and Shakira." Derek asks.
"Bang Shakira, Marry Jenna, and Bang Ellie, too." Jenna says.
Val walked in, and picked Jenna up out if her seat, sat down and put her in his lap, "Hey babe."
"Val, I have a question for you, Shakira, Ellie Goulding and Jenna Dewan."
Jenna looks at him and says "Answer carefully."
"I wouldn't want to marry or bang any other girl, I have Jenna Ballas." Val responds.
"Aww baby, you know if we didn't just have sex, you'd be in for the banging of a lifetime." Jenna tells him.
"Eww..." The rest of gang says out loud.
"Okay so Val someone was telling us that you want them to meet your parents." Lindsay says casually.
"Jenna said it like 2 minutes before Val walked in, it wasn't just anybody." Derek says confused.
"Babe, are you still worried about it?" Val asks.
"Well, duh. I mean I mean she is meeting them as girlfriend Jenna, what if Mama Chmerkovskiy doesn't like her?" Witney asks.
"Oh my gosh she is right, what if your mom doesn't like me? What if she hates me?" Jenna panics then runs out of Central Perk.
"Really, Witney?" Val asks, making a motion to get up.
"No I'll go talk to her." Lindsay says getting out of her seat.
Val nods in appreciation toward Lindsay.
Witney and Jenna's apartment on Tuesday @ 4:00 P.M.
"Hey Jenna." Lindsay says walking in.
"Hey Lindsay." Jenna says sitting up.
"What's up with you?"
"What do you mean?" Jenna looks confused at her best friend.
"About meeting Val's parents."
"Oh... I don't even know. I'm usually as cool as a cucumber when it comes to things like this, but with Val's parents it's different because...."
"....You are in love with Val, and you're afraid of losing him?" Lindsay finishes.
"I don't want to lose Val, he means too much to me." Jenna tells her best friend.
"Jenna, you're a great person and quite frankly I think that the Chmerkovskiys are going to love you, just as much as Val does."
"Lindsay, I've never felt this way before, but what if this is a sign?"
"A sign that shows what?"
"That if.... If...." Jenna struggles.
"You think it was easy for me to meet Sam's parents?"
"Well, yeah."
"Why do you say that?"
"I don't know, you're likable everyone loves Lindsay."
"Well, Val loves Jenna and that's all that should matter. It may be a whole different ballpark, but you're still Jenna."
Jenna hugged Lindsay, "Thank you."
"You know I love you girly." Lindsay responds.
Derek and Val's apartment on Thursday @ 9 A.M.
"Thank you for the fun night, Bethany." Derek says going to kiss the girl, who rejects the affection.
"No thank you, I had fun."
Derek tried to play it off, "I'll see you soon."
"Maybe." Bethany says walking out.
Mark who was standing there started laughing.
Derek turns around to look at the man, "Shut up!"
"She rejected you." Mark says through laughs.
"Screw you." Derek says stomping into his room.
Val walks out of the room in his boxers, rubbing his eyes, "What the hell, it's 9 o'clock in the morning."
"Bro you missed it, the girl Derek brought home last night rejected him." Mark says laughing.
"Okay, that's nice keep it down, I'm sleeping." Val says grumpily and walks back into his room, leaving Mark alone in the living room laughing.
Central Perk on Thursday @ 2:30 P.M.
Witney and Mark were talking when Derek walks in.
"Okay just the couple I was looking for." Derek says.
"Dude be quiet." Mark tells Derek.
"Oh yeah nobody knows that you two are in love." Derek mock whispers.
"Well, what do you want?" Witney asks agitated.
"I want you two to go on a double date with me and Bethany." Derek tells them.
"Why would we do that?" Witney asks him.
"Because if you don't then everyone on campus will know that you two are dating, that includes Jenna." Derek threatens. Mark sighs then looks at Witney.
"Fine we'll go on your stupid little date." Mark says.
"Yeah I know." Derek says.
"So when and where is it?" Witney asks bored of the conversation.
"At Eleven Madison Park at 9:00 tomorrow, I want to be able to bang her later that night and have her not spend the night." Derek informs the couple.
"It's a wonder why she left you this morning." Mark says sarcastically.
"Yeah I know right." Derek says.
Both Witney and Mark roll their eyes and shake their heads at the blonde boy in front of them.
Eleven Madison Park on Friday @ 8 P.M.
"Mama, Papa hello." Val says kissing his mom and dad on cheek and hugging them.
"Hello, my baby." Mama Chmerkovskiy says.
"Hello, son." Papa Chmerkovskiy says.
"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Chmerkovskiy." Jenna says.
"Oh, Jenna what have we said, you can call me, Larisa and call him, Sasha." Larisa says hugging Jenna.
Sasha then hugs Jenna.
"Hey, little bro." Maks says kissing Val's head.
"What's up?" Val says.
"Hello, Jenna. You still think I'm the sexiest guy alive." Maks says, making Jenna blush.
"Hi Maks and Peta." Jenna says hugging Maks and Peta.
"Well let's sit down." Sasha says.
They get to the table and the men pull out the chairs for the women. The waitress came and they ordered their food and drinks.
"So Jenna, how long have you been dating Valentin?" Larisa asks.
"We've been dating for about 4 months now." Jenna answers.
Larisa looks at her son, "This is the first dinner we've had with your girlfriend and you've been dating for 4 months now."
"Mama, you've had plenty of dinners with Jenna, and her family." Val says.
"She was your friend, now she's your girlfriend, there is a difference." Larisa lectures her youngest son.
"So how did he ask you out?" Peta asks.
"We were just hanging out one day and then he asked." Jenna states simply.
"Aww... Look at Valentin. He fell in love with the girl next door." Maks teases.
"Shut up, you jerk." Val tells his older brother.
"No my little brother is in love. Time for a toast."
"Yes let's toast to you two having a great relationship." Larisa says.
They toast and continue their conversation.
In the same restaurant @ 9:05
"Can't we just bail, I mean he's late." Witney says agitated.
"I have a better idea." Mark says leaning toward Witney.
"I like that idea." Witney says putting her arms around Mark's neck and pulling him in till their lips meet. They kiss for a good 5 minutes until they are interrupted by a voice, "You two do realize you two are in public, and not in Mark's apartment?"
Mark pulled apart from Witney to ask his friend, "What took you so long?"
"Oh I picked Bethany up, and knocked on the wrong apartment door twice."
"Of course you did." Witney says.
"Hi I'm Bethany, and you two are?" Bethany introduces herself.
"I'm Witney and this is my boyfriend Mark."
"Hello." Mark says waving his hand, before Witney began wiping lipstick off of his lip.
Derek and Bethany sat down and Witney asks her, "How'd you meet Derek?"
"Well I was walking out of the library and I ran into Derek who was walking in." Bethany tells Witney and Mark who start laughing.
"What's so funny?" Bethany asks confused.
"Does Derek even know what a library is?" Witney says laughing.
"Yeah I do know, it's that big building next to the football field, with all those books." Derek says smartly.
"Why were you going in the library to begin with?" Mark asks as his laughter calms down.
"Well I had a paper due that I had to do research for and the teacher told me that there were computers and books called Encylopedas, in the building considering I can't find my laptop." Derek says.
"Encyclopedias." Mark and Bethany correct Derek.
"What?" Derek says confused.
"The book is called an encyclopedia not an encylopeda." Witney explains.
"Well, it's the same difference." Derek says frustrated.
"Anyway, you two look cute together. How long have you been dating?" Bethany asks Mark and Witney.
"A little over a month." Mark answers.
"Aww. So how long have you guys known Derek?"
"We've known Derek for 4 years." Witney answers.
"Where are you from, Bethany?" Witney asks, trying to make small talk.
"I'm from California." Bethany answers.
"That's cool." Derek nods.
"Where are you from?"
"I'm from NYC." Witney responds.
"I'm from Houston." Mark informs Bethany.
"Well, I'm from Utah." Derek says.
"Yeah I know you told me." Bethany says.
"Do you have any siblings?" Mark asks Bethany.
"Nope I'm an only child, how about you guys?"
"I have 1 sister, named Jenna."
"I have two brothers, Jaxon and Cade, and a sister, Camry." Witney tells her.
"Cool." Bethany says.
"Okay well I have to go to the bathroom, I will be right back." Witney says getting up.
"Ooo.... I'll come with you." Bethany says.
In the bathroom @ 9:30 P.M.
Jenna and Peta were re-doing their make up and talking about dinner.
"They are such mamas boys I swear." Peta tells Jenna.
"Yeah, Val was like 'He is probably going to embarrass me in front of Mama."
"Maks said the same thing." Peta says laughing.
"So how have you and Maks stayed in a relationship for so long? I mean it's been 5 years." Jenna asks.
"Well, the sex is great so..." After Peta says this Jenna starts laughing.
"It must be a Chmerkovskiy thing." Jenna says through laughs.
"No, but in all seriousness I love Maks and I want it to work and that has been what's kept us together is the will to want it to work."
Before Jenna could say anything Witney and Bethany walk in talking. Witney looks up and sees Jenna.
"Oh hey, what are you doing here?" Jenna asks Witney.
"Well we are here with Mark and Derek. You know the standard double date." Bethany answers.
Jenna looked confused, "Mark as in Mark who, Wit?"
"You know Derek's best friend Mark." Bethany answers yet again.
"Well the only best friend named Mark Derek has is my brother, care to explain Witney." Jenna says emphasizing Witney's name.
"Since when do you have a brother named Mark?" Witney says trying to play dumb.
"Witney Capri Carson..." Jenna says angrily.
"Jenna.... Surprise I'm dating your brother!" Witney says with mock enthusiasm.
Jenna looks at Witney, shakes her head then walks out.
"Wait that's Jenna, I imagined her a lot younger." Bethany says.
Witney puts her head down and shakes it.
Dinner with the Chmerkovskiys.
"Well babe I have to get going, it was nice talking to you Larisa and Sasha, same to you Maks." Jenna says pecking Val on the lips.
Before Val had the chance to respond, Jenna was already gone.
Peta walks up to the table and asks, "Where's Jenna? She left her make up bag in the bathroom."
"Yeah, I was going to ask you what happened in there." Val says.
"Well apparently Mark is dating Witney, and she just stormed out." Peta responds.
"Mark and Witney are dating?!" Val exclaims.
Peta shrugs, "Apparently so."
The double date.
"Mark we have a huge problem." Witney says urgently, when her and Bethany return to the table.
"What's up, Wit?" Mark responds.
"Jenna knows we are dating." Witney tells her boyfriend.
"What?! How?!"
"Blabby over here doesn't know when to shut up!" Witney exclaims pointing to Bethany.
"Hey, you can't blame me I didn't know she didn't know." Bethany defends herself.
Witney rolls her eyes and says, "She is never going to forgive me."
"She will." Mark reassures her.
"Jenna can hold a grudge, you know she still hasn't forgiven you for breaking her limited addition dollhouse." Witney tells Mark
"Really? I thought she forgave me like 6 years ago."
"No she plans on shaving your hair while you're sleeping." Derek tells him.
"No she doesn't." Witney reassures him.
"Well there's nothing you can do about it now, so you just have to let her calm down." Mark tells his girlfriend.
"I know." Witney says dejectedly.
Witney and Jenna's apartment on Friday @ 10:25
"So let me get this straight, Witney and Mark are dating and Derek knew about it and they are on a double date?" Lindsay summarizes what Jenna told her.
"Yeah, and then when I found out she tried to play stupid." Jenna tells Witney.
"Oh god." Lindsay says.
"It's not even the fact that I didn't know it's the fact that I had to hear her bitch and moan repeatedly about Mark and Brittany and then she tells me she is never going back to being in love with him and then she hooks up with him, after he rejects her feelings. So when they break up whose going to have to have to pick up the pieces?Me that's who." Jenna rants.
"Jenna...." Lindsay says.
"No I mean like seriously, it gets old. Holding her while she cries and then she goes back to him. It's a bit pathetic."
"Jenna..." Lindsay begins.
"No Lindsay let her continue to tell you how pathetic I am. I really want to hear it." Jenna turns around to see that the source of the voice is Witney.
"Witney, you were never supposed to hear that." Lindsay says beginning to mediate the situation.
"Okay, I'll continue. You look desperate. I mean come on 10 years, Witney." Jenna says.
"Come on, you two don't mean it." Lindsay says.
"Shut up, Lindsay." Witney and Jenna say.
"Really Jenna, I'm desperate. You were the one sleeping with a guy for 3 months, and you didn't even put a label on it because you were trying so hard to be relevant to a man who isn't your dad or brother." Witney says spitefully.
"You're the desperate pathetic mess, let's see how much Mark love you when he finds out you slept with Derek." Jenna fires back.
Witney takes a deep breath and then walks out of the apartment. Which causes Jenna to walk into her room, leaving Lindsay trying to figure out what the hell happened.
At Mark's apartment on Friday @ 11 P.M.
Mark is in his living room waiting for Witney, when he hears a knock on his door.
"WHO IS IT?!" Mark asks.
"It's Witney."
"Oh coming.", when he opens the door he sees a crying Witney.
"What's wrong?" Mark asks pulling her into his arms and closing his front door.
"Jenna hates me and I hate myself." Witney cries.
"What's wrong?"
"I just can't..." Witney breaks down.
"It's okay." Mark says rubbing Witney back, wondering what the hell happened.
At Witney and Jenna's apartment on Saturday @ 1 A.M.
Val was comforting a crying Jenna.
When Val walked in the door, Jenna fell into his arms crying and hasn't told him what happened.
"Babe, what's wrong?" Val asks Jenna again.
"I screwed up."
"Okay, how?"
"Can we not talk about it and you just hold me?"
"Okay." After Val says this he makes a mental note to ask Lindsay what happened.
Well that's the end, I am thoroughly proud about how this Episode turned out, hope y'all liked it. Ooo... And how do you feel about the fact that Witney slept with Derek and the big Jenna and Witney fight? Who do you think is right in the situation? Who is your favorite character thus far?
(Lol... I said thus😂)

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