Season 1, Episode 15

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Well here we are the final episode of Season 1, let me just tell my readers that I am incredibly proud of the fact that this story is popular. When I first started writing this story I really didn't think anyone would like it. So I want to thank you all for voting and commenting, and just wanting more. With that my rant is done, so here is part 2 of the season finale.
Previously on F.R.I.E.N.D.S.-
"Lindsay we first met when we were 15 years old. When I looked in your eyes for the first time I knew there would never be anyone else in the world for me. I live for you Linds and I love you, so..." Sam gets down on his knee, "So Lindsay Arnold, will you marry me?"
Lindsay looks around the room and stutters, "I-I-I can't... No not...." With that Lindsay ran out of the apartment, Jenna and Witney looked at each other then ran after her.
"Soooo..... How about those Patriots?" Derek says trying to make light of a serious situation.
Central Park on Thursday @ 8:30 P.M.
Lindsay was sitting on the bench crying with her head in her hands when she felt someone standing above her.
"May I help you?" Lindsay asks her head still down.
"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry!" The girl says, Lindsay notices that she has a very southern accent.
"It's cool." Lindsay says looking up, realizing it's Sadie Robertson from Duck Dynasty.
"Are you okay?" Sadie asks concerned.
"Yeah, I'm totally fine."
"Are you sure? Not many people I know who cry their eyes out in Central Park on a bench are okay."
"Well I made a huge mistake. My boyfriend of six years proposed to me and I was in shock so I turned him down. I want to marry him and I want to have children with him, but I can't marry him right now." Lindsay confides in her, because she was such a warm person.
"Well... That's bad, but it can be fixed. I mean you love him, right?"
"Yeah, he's the only one for me."
"Then... Marry him."
"I don't think I would be able to at least not right now."
"Then take it day by day and eventually you will want to marry him, because in your heart you know he is the one for you." Sadie tells Lindsay.
"Thank you."
"Well... I should get going my boyfriend and I are about to go sight seeing, I will talk to you later." Sadie says hugging Lindsay and walking off.
Jenna and Witney ran up to Lindsay.
"Where.... The.... Hell.... Have..... You.... Been?" Jenna says out of breath.
"I've been here." Lindsay states simply.
"And you couldn't shoot us a text telling us where you are?" Witney questions.
"Oh, yeah because my first thought when I ran out of the apartment was to shot Witney and Jenna a text telling them where I am." Lindsay sarcastically states.
"Okay lose the 'tude." Jenna says to Lindsay.
"Ignore Jenna and tell us why you rejected Sam." Witney asks.
"I just don't want to marry him right now!" Lindsay states.
"Oh come on, Linds you two have been together for 6 years. 6 freaking years, most marriages don't even last that long." Witney exclaims.
"Okay. Well... Are you okay?" Jenna asks Lindsay.
"No I broke his heart and I feel so bad........ Wait you two knew about it didn't you?" Lindsay questions.
"Knew about what?" Witney asks playing dumb.
"Witney.... Don't play dumb, you two knew that Sam was going to propose and you didn't warn me."
"Well. He made us all swear to secrecy." Jenna tells Lindsay.
"So everybody knew, but me."
"Well that's kind of the idea, you aren't supposed to find out until it happens.... So.... Yeah we all knew." Witney states.
"It all makes sense now the secrecy, and the quieting down whenever I came around."
"You make it seem like he was cheating on you, he just proposed." Jenna says.
"Yeah, but... What if when we are married he finds someone better-" Lindsay begins before she gets cut off by a voice she recognized.
"I couldn't find anyone better than you if I tried. I am so in love with you, it kind of hurts me." Sam says.
"But I rejected your proposal." Lindsay states.
"Yeah she left your ass looking like a fool in front of like everybody." Derek comments. (Oh my gosh Derek, I'm going to miss writing him.) This comment got him a slap in the back of the head from Val.
"Ask me again." Lindsay says to Sam. As Sam was getting down on his knee Lindsay stopped him, "Not right now ask me again spontaneously, at a different time, I promise I'll say yes."
"Okay, as long as you promise." Sam says kissing Lindsay.
"Awww.... I love love." Witney says looking at Mark. This causes Jenna to make a puking noise, which Val laughs at.
"Oh don't hate." Witney says, causing everyone to laugh.
"On what?" Jenna questions through her laughter.
"My hot sex life with your brother, oh yes the passion is unbearable and his thing is-" Witney gets cut off by Val.
"Can you please stop before I really throw up all over you?"
"Yeah, nobody really cares." Derek states.
"You guys want to go to Central Perk?" Jenna asks.
"It's closed." Mark states.
"Nothing's really closed when you have a key, now is it?" Jenna questions pulling the key to the coffee shop out of her purse.
"That's so true. To Central Perk." Derek says pointing in the direction of the coffee shop.
"Wait... Should we at least tell people where we are? I mean we left like 12 people in the apartment." Sam questions.
"They won't steal your stuff, they know you." Val says shrugging his shoulders.
"Okay, let's go to Central Perk, bitches." Witney says grabbing Mark's hand and running in the direction of Central Perk.
Central Perk on Thursday @ 9:25 P.M.
"Wait so you two actually thought you could hook up and stay friends without getting emotionally attached?" Sam question Val and Jenna.
"Yeah, I mean... We thought that it would never go anywhere because it's his past year in college and we're just like.... There was never..." Jenna struggled for words.
"So how did it happen anyway? You never actually told us." Lindsay asks.
"Well it all started Christmas Break...." Val began.
Val was on his balcony getting some fresh air when he heard a voice, "You know you are only supposed to be on those things if you are looking to find your Romeo."
Val smiled, he knew that voice it was Jenna Michelle Ballas, one of his best friends.
"Well, I can do what I want, now why are you bothering me?" Val asks.
"Hey you made yourself an easy target by just being you." Jenna states.
"Is there a point to this conversation or are you going to leave me alone?"
"Well the point to this conversation is to talk, I'm coming up." Jenna says as she begins to climb the ladder to get to the second floor.
"Well, what do you want Jenna?"
"I wanted someone to talk to. My mom has been bothering me all day." Jenna says.
"Oh, so you chose me?" Val wonders.
"Well Witney is extra busy as well as Lindsay, and I don't want to talk to Derek. So of course I chose you."
"Aww you warm my heart Jennachka."
"Ewww, the last time you called me that we were having sex."
"So why are you out here, Val?"
"I don't know, I'm bored inside my house and I see Peta and Maks coupled up, my parents as well. I feel lonely."
"Well, my Christmas is pretty weird. I mean my parents need to like find new people, it's been 7 years." Jenna says.
"Why are our families so weird?"
"What are you talking about your parents are #relationshipgoals." Jenna tells the boy.
"Yeah, I hope to have a relationship like them, one day."
"Yeah, don't we all hope to have a relationship like Aleksandr and Larisa." Jenna states smiling at Val.
"Yeah..." Val looks at Jenna's lips.
"Are you going to stand there or are you going to kiss me?" Jenna asks. Next thing you know Val's lips are on Jenna's and they are making out.
"Wait so you two hooked up while his parents, brother, and his brother's girlfriend were downstairs?" Witney asks looking at her two best friends in disbelief.
"What they don't know won't hurt them." Val shrugs.
"If you two are willing to hook up with your family in the house where else have you two hooked up?" Lindsay ask.
Jenna and Val ponder for a moment.
"Well the bathroom here, the library, this couch, the counter-" Jenna gets cut off by Mark.
"Ewww.... You two are insatiable."
"Well, what can we say..." Val shrugs his shoulders.
"Wow.... It seems like yesterday we met Derek, now in less than 2 months we will be graduating." Witney says changing the subject.
"Yeah, I am so awesome thanks for saying that." Derek says.
"Who said that?" Jenna and Val question in unison.
"Umm... Witney." Derek states as if it was obvious.
"No, I said I remember the day we all met you." Witney tells him.
"Oh yeah, let's not reminisce on that." Derek states.
"Another time?" Lindsay asks.
"Yeah." Val states.
They were talking when Nina walked in.
"Hey Der, babe I've been looking for you everywhere." Nina says.
Derek looks at his friends for help, more so Jenna.
"Help me." Derek mouths to Jenna. Jenna rolls her eyes.
"Hey Nina, guess who just got rejected?" Jenna asks.
"Ummm....." Nina was lost.
"Well I'll give you a hint, it's you. Yeah he's not into you, like the complete opposite, so if I were you I would leave while I still had all my dignity." Jenna says rudely.
"Um okay." Nina says confusedly.
"Yeah, but you should still follow me on Instagram." Jenna says to Nina as the girl walks out of the coffee shop.
"Thank you so much, I owe you like 2." Derek states. Jenna looks at him and rolls her eyes, but she is smiling.
"Yeah, okay."
Jenna's phone pinged.
"What is it?" Lindsay asks Jenna.
"Nina tagged me in a video along with Derek." Jenna says showing everyone the video.
"Bitch be crazy." Derek states after watching the video.
They spend the entire night talking and laughing with each other and at each other. That's when they realize they are more than just friends they are family (the next story is still going to be called F.R.I.E.N.D.S.).
Well that's the end of Season 1 and I urge you guys to tell me about your favorite part of season 1. I hope you guys enjoyed the way I ended things also. I updated as a Birthday present to me. Thank you to jkurtzman01 because I am writing a new story. You can also expect Season 2 around end of August or in September. I also really want to thank you for the support. This is the best thing in the world to feel like you've done something important. So thank you to everyone who voted and commented and even PM'd me in shock of what happens (GraceRasor ). So with that we can call this A WRAP (Always wanted to say that). Did you guys like that I chose Sadie? Anyway..... Comment and continue to vote. I also urge you to read jkurtzman01 Valenna Prompts and DWTS high stories.
Mwah, kisses and love.
-Mia😴🇺🇸 (That means Lazy American, by the way)

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