Chapter 9

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Warnings: Mentions of Elia and her children. A little bit of flirting and a bit of angst.

Reader's POV

As I walk in the gardens, I can't help but think of Oberyn. All of the horrible memories must be constantly on his mind. How can someone be so cruel to hurt his sister and her innocent children the way Mountain had? It's sicking.

"My Goddess, how are you this morning?"

Speak of the devil...

"I'm fine my prince, considering everything that has happened so far.

"Well, hopefully, my presence can make your day better my Goddess."

I let out a little laugh and smile at him. "Do you always flirt?"

"Only when I'm with you".

"We both know that's a lie".

Oberyn looked at me softly "It would have two months ago, but certainly not now".

I look at him for a couple of seconds, and then I lean towards him. My lips just touch his ear and whisper to him. "Well, I guess you have to prove it to me .... My prince.

As I take a step back, I can't help but chuckle at this site before me. Oberyn is blushing and staring me down.

I then turn around and keep walking. Oberyn quickly follows after me saying "My Goddess wants to play with fire I see." Oberyn smirks at me as he says this and continues to walk next to me.

I smile and say, "Would you like for me to stop?"

"Definitely not, my Goddess."


Oberyn POV

"My Goddess, I did need to talk to you about something serious".

"What's wrong?"

"Tywin came to me this morning. We had an interesting talk and he wants me to be the third judge at Tyrion's trial and to serve at the small council."

"And what did you say, my prince?"

"I told him that I would do it".

Y/n looked unsure as I said this, probably thinking why Tywin didn't ask her considering she is the Goddess of Justice.

"I told him, I will do it as long as you are with me."

"You did?"

"Of course, my Goddess".

"Thank you, Oberyn."

"Anything for you" I said.

Y/n smiled and kissed me on the cheek. "Join me for some tea, my prince?"

"I would be honoured, my Goddess."

As she started to walk in the direction of her chambers, I couldn't help but watch her hips sway from side to side while holding my cheek.

"Gods and Goddesses help me".


Reader's POV

It's been a week since the trial, and Tyrion has demanded a trial by combat to prove his innocence

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It's been a week since the trial, and Tyrion has demanded a trial by combat to prove his innocence. When he said this, I looked up to Oberyn, who was standing next to me. There was only one chair and he refused to sit down saying to me "My mother taught me manners, my Goddess".

As I looked at him, I could tell what he was thinking. He wanted to fight for Tyrion, but I wasn't going to allow him to do that. I had a bad feeling something would happen to him if he fought against the Mountain.

So here I am talking to Art and Tyr about my plan.

"Are you sure about this little one?"

"I need to help him, Tyr. He did the best he could to keep Sansa safe and I don't trust Oberyn fighting the Mountain. His anger will take control of him and distract him if he were to fight against Mountain."

"She right, my love. Plus, she's strong and if she does this, she will gain quite the respect and fear she needs to lead the seven kingdoms."

"Your right." Tyr signed.

"Your wife is always right, uncle". I said with a gentle smile trying to reassure him that I will be fine.

"You do realise you need to talk to Oberyn little one."

"I will but first I need to talk to Tyrion."

Art looked at me with a small smile saying, "You like Oberyn, and no I know what you are going to say. You have a little crush on the prince of Dorne, don't you?".

There was no hiding it. "Just a little, but that's it. It will go away soon. He doesn't like me like that." I said with a frown.

"Oh, little one, he follows you around like Shadow does. Maybe even more!" Tyr was laughing loudly, while Art sent him a glare.

"Leave her alone. I think it's sweet, but he is right my girl. He definitely likes you. Don't doubt yourself. And if it helps, he only flirts with you. I have seen others trying to flirt with him, but he just walks away."




"I will be your champion" I said to Tyrion.

"Thank you, Goddess..."

"Don't thank me, Tyrion, you tried to keep Sansa safe for me. So, thank you. Also, call me Y/n we're family after all."

As I was about to walk to my chambers, I bumped into Oberyn.

"My Goddess, why are you here?"

"I told Tyrion that I will fight for him against the Mountain".

Oberyn's face had changed from curiosity into anger.


Shit, before I can say anything he starts shaking his head.

"NO! Absolutely not, I'm not letting you do this. It's my fight!"

"OBERYN I am fighting him regardless of what you are going to say. This is my duty as the Goddess of Justice, I'm supposed to do this! If I were to allow you to do this, your anger will cloud your mind during the fight. I would like it if you were right by my side supporting me on the sidelines with Tyrion, Art, and Tyr."

I walked away from him. I couldn't look at him while he was looking at me with so much anger.


Oberyn's POV

I shouldn't have yelled at her. I just don't want to lose her when she has just entered my life. She was right. My anger does cloud my mind. I only realised this when I'm all alone.

My Goddess - Oberyn Martell x readerWhere stories live. Discover now