[Fatui Harbinger with new member of Harbinger Male Reader]

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-He would immediately start to examine and staring at you during meeting. He would request you to follow him to lab to do..you know..'something' in his lab.

-As for him, he would doing same thing like Dottore did. But this time Pantalone would sneakily hold your hand and maybe give you some of his Mora just to spoiled you even if your new.

-He would challenge you to spare him. He being energetic ginger boy isn't he? During spare he would be acting like an weak with you letting you win the spare everytime. He even admire your skills and your elements burst.

-He will just stand there. You can't see his face since he wore helmet, but inside his helmet his face secretly was admiring your looks and be gentle around you. You will try compare your height with him and he would just stand there standing still while smirk under his helmet.

-When you are new member of Fatui Harbinger he would welcome you in almost seductively way. He would gently kiss your back hands for welcoming you to the Fatui Harbinger.

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