Frozen Feelings

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The Winding Woods stood tall and imposing, its ancient trees shrouded in mist. Ash sat alone among the shadows, his expression a mix of frustration and disappointment. The recent defeat at the hands of Wulfric, the Snowbelle City Gym Leader, weighed heavily on his mind. His trusty Greninja, the Pokémon he'd shared countless battles with had run off after the loss. He was lost in thought, replaying the match over and over.

Meanwhile, back at the Pokémon Center, his friends were worried. Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie gathered around Nurse Joy, who explained the situation. "I'm sorry to say this, but Ash's Greninja ran away" she told them. "However, its strength had returned after the battle. It didn't leave because it felt weak."

Clemont was deeply worried. "Why would Greninja run away, especially after it was back to full strength?" he wondered aloud.

Serena's concern deepened. She knew how much Greninja meant to Ash, not just as a teammate but as a close friend. "We need to find him" she declared determination in her voice.

Clemont nodded in agreement. "You're right, Serena. We can't let Ash down."

Bonnie chimed in, her cheerful enthusiasm undeterred by the problem ahead. "I'm sure Ash and Greninja will be back together in no time!"

Back in the Winding Woods Ash continued to mull over the events of the battle. He knew that Greninja had been giving its all, pushing its limits. Maybe he had pushed it too far this time. "I should've done better" he muttered to himself his voice tinged with regret.

Ash couldn't help but replay the battle in his mind again and again. He had pushed himself and Greninja to their limits by far, but it hadn't been enough. He wondered if Greninja had sensed his disappointment or frustration. "Greninja" he muttered to himself "I hope you're okay."

As if answering his thoughts, a voice echoed in his mind....a connection forged through months of partnership. "I needed some time alone, Ash. To clear my head and train in solitude. But I'll be back. I promise."

A tear welled up in Ash's eye as he heard Greninja's voice. It was the same unwavering determination he had always admired in his friend. "I believe in you, Greninja" he said softly.

As Serena set off into the Winding Woods in search of Ash, her determination shone in her eyes. She knew they couldn't let Greninja roam alone for too long, and she was also worried about Ash being alone in the forest.

Bonnie watched Serena go, her expression a mix of concern and curiosity. Turning to her brother, she asked "Clemont, will Ash be okay?"

Clemont tried to sound reassuring as he replied "Don't worry, Bonnie. Ash is strong and he's been through tough battles before. Besides, I think greninja is with him and they've been through thick and thin together."

Pikachu, as if understanding their emotions he  released three of Ash's trusted kalos partners from their Poké Balls: Talonflame, Hawlucha, and Noivern. With solemn expressions they nodded at Pikachu, understanding the task ahead.

Pikachu pointed toward the direction Ash had gone and spoke to them in Pokémon language. "Find Ash. Protect Ash. Bring him back safely."

With a resolute chirp, Talonflame took to the skies, its fiery wings gleaming in the dappled sunlight. Hawlucha leaped into action, soaring gracefully between the trees while Noivern spread its wings and soared above the canopy.

Serena ventured deeper into the forest calling out Ash's name, but there was no response. She felt a mix of emotions worry for Ash and Greninja, determination to find them, and a longing to make sure they were okay.

Serena had been searching for Ash deep in the Winding Woods her footsteps light and her heart heavy with concern. The forest was eerily silent, adding to her unease. She thought about Greninja, knowing that it had run off possibly feeling responsible for their recent defeat.

Amour Festivel (Amourshipping Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now