Chapter 14

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I stared at my phone for the five minutes it took Andras to text me back. Then picked it up immediately as soon as the screen flashed his name and regretted having done so. Desperation wasn't a good look on anyone.

'Hello, little lamb' he didn't wait for a response before adding 'I'd been waiting to hear from you all day, can't believe you've forgotten me so easily.'

If he only knew how impossible he was to forget. 'I'm sorry,' I texted then immediately added 'I promise I didn't forget about you.' I'd just forgotten to reply, but he was always on the back of my mind in some way or another. 

I felt terrible.

When his reply took a while I resisted the urge to add old-school emoticons, a nervous tick I had when texting if only to make sure people didn't take what I was saying seriously or to make me feel less awkward about serious things. I may have not flirted in a while but I was pretty sure smiley faces made out of commas, colons, and parenthesis were not very sexy.

Not that I was flirting with him, or even considering anything romantic with him. I had promised Darsh I wouldn't.

I was trying to remind myself why this was anything out of Darsh's business as he replied 'I believe you', I smiled 'Don't feel bad' and then added 'I'm only teasing you.'

When isn't he? 'hehe, I still feel bad, though'

'Then pick up' he didn't even let me wonder what he was talking about before I saw his name flash again on my phone screen. He was calling me.

Oh no, not this again. My mind was flooded by memories of our last call, and how I had frozen so badly he had to coax responses out of me. I had always gotten very anxious during calls, but it had never been so bad.

My palms started sweating and I was seriously considering not answering, but I did not want to offend him, I had already texted him so late. So I picked up, half because of guilt and half because I wanted to hear his voice.

"Hello, angel" How could an accent be so attractive?

I took a deep breath "Hi," Good. So far so good.

He laughed softly and it sounded like he was in the room with me. It sounded like he was whispering in my ear. "I'm glad you can talk this time, should I take it as a sign I no longer make you nervous?"

His cockiness inspired a response I didn't think through very well "I'll have you know everyone makes me nervous, especially you." The whole point was not to let him think I was nervous, but I clearly, am not very good at comebacks unless hours have passed and I'm alone in my room, staring at the ceiling as I fail to fall asleep.

He laughed again and I was about to ask him what he found so funny when he said "You're just so adorable," he then quickly added, "Especially when you're nervous."

"So you're doing it on purpose?" I said, hardly keeping my smile from being evident as I spoke.

"I guarantee you, little lamb, everything I do is on purpose." There it was again, the tone that conveyed confidence yet also a subtle hint of sexual promise.

I cleared my throat "Why were you waiting for me to text you back?" I managed, steering the conversation away from his very possibly evil intentions.

"Because you still owe me an answer" he saved me the trouble of asking as he said, "I'd like to see you again, when are you available?"

"Oh, I uhh..." Available for what? What did he want with me? 

Well, that was a stupid question. He clearly didn't have any good intentions, seeing as he referred to himself as a wolf the first time we met. He wanted something from me, be it a one-night stand or something else, something he wasn't saying.

I knew this man was trouble from the moment I saw him, I knew he was darkness personified. So what was I doing?

What did I want from him?

It couldn't be love, no. This is not the type of man who falls in love with just one person, he isn't kind or caring. He's charming and straightforward with his advances, he doesn't sugarcoat anything. But he is not honest, he doesn't strike me as faithful or romantic in any way.

So is it sex? It can't be. Because as much as I am attracted to this man, I cannot sleep with someone without feeling an emotional connection, without being in love. I don't do that anymore, I can't.

So it has to be information. I want answers. Answers to why I see him every time I close my eyes, answers to why I feel like I know him like I--

Yes. Answers. I want answers.

"Angel?" he asked, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, I..." I cleared my throat "Does tomorrow night work for you?"

"Well," he thought for a moment "I am to attend a party tomorrow night, it will be an intimate thing. Just friends and business partners, But I'd like it if you came."

"T-to a party?" I asked unsure, parties were always too crowded, and they were not ideal for me or Mist.

"I promise it will not be anything crazy, it is more of a gathering of colleagues. What I would normally describe as the most boring thing ever, filled with people trying their best to impress one another and talking about snobby things."

"Well, that sounds..." I was trying to find a more kind word for what he said next.

"Dreadful," he said without missing a beat "I'm aware, but your presence would certainly make it bearable, dare I say, even fun." 

I kept quiet for a moment, considering it "You can, of course, say no. And I would completely understand" he said.

"Is it a black-tie event?" I asked, unsure of why I was so eager to see him that I would put myself in the most uncomfortable place ever.

"Yes, but do not worry, I can provide you with everything you'll need."

 I smiled. "That is very kind of you, but you don't have t--"

"I want to." he added "It is my fault, after all, that you have to spend your evening surrounded by so many horrible creatures."

I laughed "Not at all" Hey, I'm the one who said yes.

"I'll pick you up at eight, and If I may ask one more thing of you..." he said with a pleading tone.

"Yes?" I asked softly.

"Please do not bring that dog of yours, I am terribly allergic," he said with a slight laugh.

"Oh..."I couldn't bring Mist? Well, that was worrying. I wasn't used to going anywhere without her, but the doctor did say it was time for me to start doing things and going places by myself.

But I wasn't sure I could do it. Not so soon.

I was about to say no when I thought about it for a second. I pictured myself there and though it made me extremely anxious, I felt excitement as well. I could do this. I had to, I needed to get better.

"Okay," I conceded and I could've sworn I heard relief in his reply.

"Alright then, see you tomorrow, angel."

"See you."

And it wasn't until we hung up and I started running over every conversation we'd ever had and fantasizing about tomorrow that a bone-chilling realization hit me.

I had never mentioned I had a dog before.

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