Chapter 11

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I stayed in Anika's parents' house for a while. I was dreading going back to the empty penthouse I used to call home.

I didn't want to go when she wasn't there anymore. But I was there, with Mist by my side. I went everywhere with Mist, last night was the first exception in all the years I'd had her. 

Normally my anxiety was so bad when she's not around, but the moment I spotted him, I felt my heart grow still and race at the same time. It was insane because I felt something I could not have for someone I'd just met. A feeling so old and new it washed over me completely leaving my soul bare for him

I couldn't stop thinking about Andras. I stared at the card in my hand. It was simple; black, silver lettering. It said only his name and his number, nothing else. No occupation, no business name, nothing.

I had already saved his name on my phone, but I couldn't let go of the card for some reason. It still smelled like him. Like expensive cologne and whiskey.

I was not going to call him, I promised Darsh I wouldn't, much to Anika's dismay. But in a random fit of impulsivity, I searched for his name and called him. 'Andras Killian' flashed on my screen.

I cannot believe I just did that.

I started panicking the moment I heard it ring. It was so late, he probably wouldn't pick---

"Hello?" his deep voice suddenly filled my ears. His accent was so evident even if he had just said one word. Mist's ears perked up at the sound of his voice and she seemed to tense.

I was frozen, I knew I should say something, otherwise, he would hang up. But I just couldn't.

"Hello?" he asked again and my breathing got louder as I brought a finger to my mouth. What in the world was I thinking? Who just randomly calls, I can't do calls, calls give me so much anxiety.

I was about to hang up, so happy he didn't know who just called him when he asked, laughter in his voice "Arella?"

My heart stopped, and I honestly had no idea how in the hell did he even know it was me. I still couldn't talk as he said "I was hoping you'd call, what took you so long?" his voice was so seductive it made me clench my thighs. 

What was he doing to me?

"Don't be nervous, little lamb, speak" he coaxed and I was struggling to breathe. 

It took me longer than I'd like to admit but I managed a "Hi,"

He laughed softly, the vibrations shaking my core "There she is."

All the boldness I had in his presence didn't seem to return this time. I was stuck with my usual awkward, anxious self.

But he was patient, and even though he teased me and his voice was filled with sexual promise, I had a feeling he wasn't mocking me.

"You're so cute" he mused as he spoke again "Why did you call me, Arella?" he was the only person in my life who used my full name, it felt different somehow.

"I..." I had to think of something I couldn't just say-- "I don't know" I blurted out. 

I hate myself.

"Mmmm" he contemplated "I'm glad you called either way," he confessed "I'd like to see you again someday, when are you available?"

I wasn't sure I could ever manage seeing him again, he was so breathtakingly beautiful I was having such a hard time just imagining him. And he rendered me useless with just the sound of his voice. I couldn't handle this.

He spoke again abruptly "I'm sorry, darling, I'm afraid I'm going to have to hang up," he sighed, disappointment evident in his tone "And just when things were getting good," I had no idea how I knew this, but I could tell he was smiling.

"It's okay, I understand," I said, finally remembering how to talk.

"Please do not let this..." he paused looking for the word "...inconvenience, prevent you from answering my question" his voice was filled with amusement "Think about it, and text me later." That was not a question or a suggestion, it was a statement, an order.

"Goodbye then, love," he said and I thought he was going to hang up but he waited.

"Oh, uh... Bye," I said and heard a final laugh as he hung up.

Mist seemed to relax the moment she stopped hearing his voice. Weird.

My phone vibrated a moment later, I had a text from him.

'Take as much time as you need, but don't forget you owe me an answer'

I took a deep breath contemplating an answer as he texted again.

'And I take collecting what people owe me, very seriously'

I couldn't think of a reply, I was too busy pondering the implications of what he said. I swear to God, everything he said always had another meaning, and he did it on purpose too. This was what made it so attractive, it wasn't vulgar or obscene, it wasn't obvious either. It was meticulously worded, so elegant it was laced with sensual promise or threat.

I couldn't think of anything but 'Good night'

His reply wasn't immediate, but the moment my phone vibrated I rushed toward it.

'Good night, angel'


I lay awake in my bed, staring at the ceiling of a room that didn't feel like my own anymore. But I was too busy thinking of him to care.

I hated how I reacted to him, to everyone that I didn't know.

I didn't use to be like this, I used to be confident and outgoing, maybe a little flirty.

It was like that part of myself died when my sister did, and I had no idea how to find it.

My fears and nightmares kept me awake often, I've always had a hard time falling asleep. They haunted me, like the memory of my sister, so pale... So pale.

I give up trying to fall asleep as I walk to my suitcase and search for my sleeping pills.

I swallowed them dry and headed back to bed. Knowing that this time I'll dream about the same thing all over again. That dream never changed, always the same happy memory and then the awful fall.

The sky was cloudless, only stars surrounded us. Millions of colorful galaxies, swirling and moving, twins to the ones that always prevented her wings from being seen, an extension of her power. She didn't do it on purpose, in the way Azrael didn't willingly cover hers in shadows or Uriel covered his in pure light. I couldn't think of the faces for those names, or who they were, but I knew them.

In this realm, there was no moon or sun, but the sky was way more beautiful. I looked at the girl I always saw in my dreams, she was looking away from me.

"Hello," I heard a voice, a voice so familiar and comforting I wanted to run toward it.

And then I was flying and there was someone behind me.

And just as I turned around to see who it was I saw him.

And he smiled, and I remember thinking kingdoms would bow for that smile.

Kingdoms did bow for his smile. 

Because he brought them to their knees.

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