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Kino POV:

I continued to walk endlessly in the desert, feeling the wind wanting to push me back. I held my ground, Luckily.

I saw a city or much rather a megatropolis, I decided to head to it deciding I could find a corps hotel or something similar, also needing to restock on equipment, and food along with water so I continued on my way to the megatropolis most it would take a few good days, but since I've been doing this since I was 5, it doesn't take me long only taking a few hours instead of days

I make it to the Megatropolis, I decided to walk around the city to enjoy the view before I have to leave, the neon light looking pretty and not overwhelming, I soon went deep into thought, not noticing I was going to bump into someone, I quickly caught myself and the stranger by their arm I apologized just as he did with eyes closed and rubbing the back of his neck with his eyes closed when they opened and saw me they immediately went wide in awe, which was rare.

They boy said I looked cool as he looked through my monkey features I didn't mind since this was normal when people wanted to see if I was actually a monkey along with not being the monkey king, Sun Wukong. I held out my hand and introduced myself. "I am Kino, pleasure to meet you....?" I say as I wait for him to say his name, he finally gets the hint after a few seconds and introduces himself, his real name being very long and said if I wanted I could call him Mk for short.

I nodded and soon a pig demon came out of the shop telling Mk to do his deliveries already and to quit slacking off, Mk jumps and quickly hops into a vehicle it having a sign saying 'Pigsy's Noddles.' I turned to the pig and asked if I could have some noddles, Finally he noticed me, jumping when i spoke to him put a smile on and told me to come inside, I went the place looking comfy, I look to see a man with glasses eating noddles, a tick mark appearing on Pigsy's head, or at least I'm guessing this is Pigsy if not the I don't know who.

Pigsy started to yell at him for being a freeloader, as he was yelling I was checking what type tang? I think Pigsy said his name when we walked in. Pigsy stopped his yelling when hearing some money being placed on the counter, "I'll pay for him, I'll have what he had please." The guy Tang looked at me dumbfounded, soon starting to yell that I'm monkey king me having to explain to him I'm not while Pigsy is making my noddles in the back or kitchen

After being questioned by the now confirmed Tang and being served by now confirmed Pigsy I pay for my food and leave,

As I was walking on the sidewalk I felt being watched, I look down at the ground catching purple eye looking at me from my shadow out of the corner out of my eye. I make some grass grow, and use their shadow trapping the person in my shadow, as I now bolted away from them while they are stuck in the vines shadow them chuckling, surprised I did that, since most couldn't do nor figure that out so quickly.

I continue to run dodging people making sure I don't bump into anyone finding the corps hotel I plugged its location in my phone when i found it on google maps. I headed inside, paying for my room and heading up to it, at the very top of the corps hotel, the view from the balcony was stunning. I loved it I went to the bathroom taking a warm shower and enjoying the warmth from it unlike the cold lakes I had to wash myself in.

After I finished I went to brush my fur and change into fresh clothes while I was in the shower placing the dirty ones from today in the hamper for the hotel cleaner or keeper, whatever you call them came to clean and pick them up. I fell asleep on the soft and warm bed being tired after today, making through a hot desert, bumping into a boy who I could have accidentally hurt, answering a thousand questions by the guy named tang, putting up with Pigsy being mad at tang for freeloading,

I must admit I had fun probably will go there if I'm bored enough to. There's a reason why I don't teleport everywhere, I at least wanna have a little fun. Now I can go to sleep in peace.

Third Person POV:

As the brunette tipped green fell asleep he was unaware of the two sets of eyes on him. One watching with interest while the other in adoration for what he pulled with him earlier. Both watching one with a piercing gold color in their eyes the other with a purple color in their eyes. Both watching making sure he sleeps peacefully and soundly.

Soon Kino Woke in the morning enjoying sun that came from the glass doors on the balcony before getting up and brushing his fur, being careful on his tail of course. Brushing his Canines and Putting his traveling clothes from the dryer on. Heading to the docs in the megatropolis aftering checking where he can head to watch the sun rise once he gets there a smile escapes his stoic expression facing away from the rising sun and the sea and looking at the Megatropolis. Opening one Green eye.

 Opening one Green eye

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(Art made by me!)

Feeling the sun on his cloak and the back of his head felt relaxing, enjoying the feeling of the gentle warmth unlike the desert burning him out alive like yesterday. Soon Kino left the doc, heading to Pigsy's surprisingly it being open, as he walks in and sits down not wanting to deal with commissions just yet. After ordering some breakfast he went on his phone checking places in the city he can visit just cause he wanted to.

A long with asking advice from Pigsy where to find some good ingredients and supplies for traveling is at since Pigsy mumbled about needing to go to the Market, after getting good information from Pigsy and suggesting they may go together in the future and now eating breakfast Tang walking in and Mk coming down the stairs, surprised to see Kino their while he just waves at mk, this now becoming something Kino never felt before and it starting just today.


Word count?: 1,128

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