chapter 1 part two

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Monkey king stopped me as me and Mk were leaving, I look at him confused as we were about to leave, noting the red tint on his cheeks. "Hey Minty, here is some clothes since your were destroyed getting here..." He said handing me clothes. The clothes or at least the shirt and pants would look really big I decided to ignore the nickname since I guess it was understandable with how much green I wear. "Thanks, mind if use your bathroom to change?" I say I take them from his hands or claws as he nods being quite unlike he was with Mk being loud and goofy.

"HEY MK! MONKEY KING GAVE ME CLOTHES TO CHANGE INTO! WAIT FOR ME AT THE BEACH!" I say yelling to Mk who raised his thumb to show he understood as he ran to the beach.
Monkey king was kind enough to show me where the bathroom was at as I went in, not noticing the love struck gaze monkey king gave me as I walked in their after a few minutes I found out how to put them on, I realized I didn't have any shoes but not really caring for going barefoot at all so I went out of the restroom.

I saw monkey king sitting on his couch as I came out of the restroom, deciding to show off, "Hey how do I look? Your clothes aren't my style but I think I still look good even though their a little big." He snaps his head towards me, his face going red as soon as he sees me in his clothes, I looked at him and thought he probably isn't used to seeing people nor people needing to use his clothes as he looked away from me. "You look nice! Next time though please be careful not to burn your clothes so you don't have to use mine, or was that your plan the entire time?"

He said as he turned towards me again, his cheeks still red but not as red from when he turned away I noticed him shift in his posture in sitting "maybe but, I don't think I would do it just to wear your clothes sure their comfy but I'll pass." I say as I head towards the door his head and eyes following my every move, his hand covering something, is what I noticed. "Welp, bye monkey king see ya!" I say heading out the door in his clothes, closing the door behind me and running towards the beach.

Monkey king POV:

As soon as kino left I went to the bathroom and saw his burnt clothes from earlier, picking them up about to throw them away until I noticed his scarf he left, it being untouched almost as if made sure it didn't get burnt in the process going over and picking it up I was about to go and throw it away until his sweet scent from his scarf hit me like a tidal wave. It smelt very sweet like spring and flowers, I moved it closer to my nose and sniffed it, it only growing worse.

My love and my thing down below. Kino was adorable. With the hair dair he uses to color the tips of his hair green to his smile, the more I imagined the more needy I become taking his scarf and leaving his clothes on the floor I went to my room making sure no monkey was their and locking my door, closing the blinds too. Then getting ready to have fun with myself.

Back to Kino's POV:

I make it to the beach and head to mk's side him looking a little surprised with what I'm wearing but soon snapping out of it. "Hey kino! I found a jet that we can use to get back to the city!" I nod and follow going towards the jet, only seeing one seat in it as my hopes into the jet. "You take the jet back, I'll be right behind you, ok?" I say getting ready to transform Mk looks at me a little worried but nods and goes into the jet getting it started soon flying away, changing into a falcon I follow him.

I easily catch up and Mk looks at me in surprise it turning into him admiring me as I fly in falcon form as I give him a smile and fly ahead to the city. Mk smirking deciding to turn it into a race between me and him as I chuckle and race him matching his energy, soon we make it to the city everyone being shocked as we land, well more or so when I land Mk coming behind me and crashing into Cherry Boy.

"KINO!" I hear Tang yell as he jumps on my back hugging me while crying as I chuckle, Mei doing the same to mk as the group surrounds us saying how they were worried as I go with Tang, him poking Cherry boy, "Alright Tang, thats enough let me see him." I say as I move tang away and go to take a look at Red Son, soon using my healing to heal him back to health as a warm glow envelopes my hands using it to heal him slowly him slowly healing but it making him now asleep instead of unconsciousness.

I back away hearing Mk saying he deal with Demon bull king, I nod and summon my double sided sword and getting ready to take care of bull clones, as a few minutes go by I keep destroying bull clones making sure I don't get any oil on me from them.

I back away hearing Mk saying he deal with Demon bull king, I nod and summon my double sided sword and getting ready to take care of bull clones, as a few minutes go by I keep destroying bull clones making sure I don't get any oil on me from them

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(Art is still by me! And yes I'm aware my art is shit!)

I continue to fight bull clones a huge crash coming from where Mk and Bull king were at. Sandy comes and picks me up, protecting me so I don't get hurt as he covered me, Tang, Pigsy and, Mei so we don't get rumble from the battle on us as mk and demon bull king finish their battle as Mk the winner and Demon Bull king the loser. As soon as Sandy lets go of me I run over with Mei to Mk dropping Cherry Boy causing him to wake up from me dropping him and engulfing Mk in a hug with Mei.
(Dad and kids goals.)

"Great job Mk! With out us this city would be destroyed!" Mai says cheerily, Tang joining in. "Monkey kid did you say?" As Pisy smiles while Sandy comes from behind and hugs the three of us, scaring Mk and Mei while I laugh from the hug, enjoying it a whole lot as my tail wags, I noticed that the bull family left, seeing Princess Iron Fan looking at me as they leave, as if its a warning that they'll be back. I nod in understanding.

Watching them leave as they monologue or well Princess Iron Fan does, the only one paying attention is myself as the group is to busy celebrating. We soon decide on having noodles as a way to celebrate, I smile, knowing I will have a lot of adventures with this group of friends that I enjoy and being able to to my job now easily.

Later at night:

Right now I'm in my night clothes and on my balcony as I stargaze, do to my room being more higher then the city, I can see the stars and look down not even seeing the people do to how I am. I look back up to the stars it looking beautiful as I can easily touch the clouds from how high I am. I noticed some one jumping at me from the conner of my eye, quickly blocking it before it can hit me, it being another monkey like me and monkey king.

My eyes widen as he smirks quickly pulling me closer to him as his tail wraps around mine him whispering something in my ear. "See you soon Greenie~" he then goes away into the shadows as I back away and quickly head into my room in the corps. Locking all doors and windows. Before taking a few minutes to fall asleep.

Word count?: 1,380

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