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Chapter 3
Unfamiliar faces  


"Who's that?" 

Leaning against the wall in one of the many halls of curse technical college were two tall lean figures. One being a teenage boy wearing shades that slipped down the bridge of his nose, concealing his piercing blue eyes. Along with his striking eyes was a head full of snow-white hair, the boy beside him with contrasting jet-black tresses pulled into a bun and dark eyes.

The duo being none other than Geto Suguru and Gojo Satoru, the inseparable and gifted second years at the school. 

Dark eyes flickering over to his friend, his gaze then followed where their blue eyes were trained on. 

"Oh, her? That's the new first year." Geto responded casually, stuffing a hand into his pocket uninterestedly. 

"Hahh?! There's a new first year and no one told me!?" Satoru pushed himself off the wall, turning his stare away from the window he was looking out of to land on his friend. 

"No. Yaga-sensei did tell us, you just weren't listening." The boy shrugged watching as Satoru scratched his head in confusion. 

Placing a hand to his chin, Satoru ransacked his memory for a time his sensei had brought up the words surrounding a new student. Unsurprisingly though, the student who had the attention span of a 5 year old most likely spaced out whenever Yaga had mentioned it. So there was no memory to be recovered. 

Walking up to the window he looked at the girl who spoke enthusiastically out on the field with her classmate--Kento Nanami, the tall blonde boy clearly not contributing much energy to their conversation as they walked. 

"She's grade 4, came from a very small village not much experience if any." Geto added, filling Gojo in on information he missed the first time around. "Rough upbringing apparently, people weren't very fond of sorcerers where she's from." 

Her long hair was pulled back into a low ponytail, the locks of hair woven into a braid that looked like it'd gone through hell and back. Not to mention the strands of hair that she repeatedly tucked behind her ear, strands that were meant to be part of her ponytail. The top of her uniform fit her loosely, like it was a size too big, and instead of the usual skirt she wore a matching pair of shorts that cut at her mid-thigh. 

A bright smile adorned her face as she spoke enthusiastically with her hands, maintaining strong eye contact with the boy beside her. It hadn't even been a full 48 hours since she'd arrived here, but she was talking with Nanami like he was a lifelong friend. 

"Did you meet her already?" Satoru asked, his eyes not peeling away from the girl who'd caught his attention. 

"I gave her a tour of the school." 

"What!? And you didn't tell me?!" 

Suguru sighed, shaking his head, at this point he wasn't surprised just disappointed.

"Yaga-sensei literally assigned us both but you were a no show." 

Once again, Satoru found himself searching his mind for a memory that never even existed. He couldn't even focus on doing that properly as he was too focused on the sight of a significantly shorter girl slinging her arm around the shoulder of a significantly taller Nanami. 

"What's her name?" 


"Y/n L/n." 

Yaga placed a hand down on the young girls shoulder who anxiously played with her hands. The man gestured his hand towards her in an introducing manner, before doing the same towards the boy standing in front of them. 

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