Chapter 24: Conversation and Compassion

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This one might be the longest chapter yet, but there are a lot of feelings and they need their space.

The tension wasn't crackling in the air as you sat with Natty, Poppy, Ominis, Sebastian and Professor Weasley in the latter's office, but it was certainly awkward.

Part of you wished you never left the Room of Requirement, but part of you wanted to talk it all out so all of you could enjoy the rest of your break with each other.

You had been able to tame the bird's nest on your head in the bathroom the Room had provided by taking a nice long bath and making sure your hair got some treatment of shampoo and conditioner.
   The dark circles under your eyes and the paleness of your face weren't easily remedied, but it'd have to do. After brushing your teeth, you had walked out wearing the black stockings, black knee-length skirt and the soft yellow jumper Poppy had given to Professor Weasley for you.
   You had slipped on the black shoes you had thrown beside the bed and let Professor Weasley lead you out of your hiding spot.

She had taken you all the way down to her office, not bothering to use a Floo Flame, but you found you quite liked the walk.
   Your muscles were a bit stiff, but it didn't take long for them to loosen up going down all those stairs. It also gave you some time to figure out what you wanted to say.

Once in her office, she had procured some chairs and offered you to take a seat. After that she had gone out to summon your friends, who arrived within minutes, making you suspect that they had already been waiting close by.

And now you were all there. No one dared to speak first, but going by their expressions, everyone definitely had enough to say.

Professor Weasley cleared her throat.
"As you all know, I'm letting you use this space to talk things out between you all. From what I've heard, there are a lot of hurt feelings, concerns and thoughts on your mind." She looked over at you.
"You've had a hard time dealing with a lot on your own, but your friends are worried sick for you and from what they told me, they're frustrated how you refuse to let them help you and be there for you."

Your head hung in shame. It was not the full truth, you had let them help, but you did keep secrets from them and lately you hadn't been open and honest with them with your feelings even when they asked.

"I am purely here to mediate and step in if necessary." Professor Weasley continued, sitting herself behind her desk with her hands folded on top of it.
"You are all of age, but I still think considering everything that it's wise to have me here in case you might need some more guidance."
   She looked pointedly at everyone in the room and then leaned back, an obvious sign she was done talking and someone else should begin.

A few seconds of silence followed until you felt like it was best to start with an apology.

"I assume you all know by now what I've been hiding from all of you." Part of you didn't want to raise your head, but if you truly wanted your friends to listen and accept your words, you should be mature enough to look them in the eyes for it.
   So you raised your head and made sure to look all of them -with Ominis as much as you could- in the eyes for a couple of seconds. They all nodded at you.

You did your best to keep looking at them, your gaze going from one to the other, as you took a deep breath and started talking.

"I really am sorry that I kept this all from you." You were glad that your voice didn't shake. "I truly did not mean to hurt you or make you think I didn't trust you or I didn't want your help."
   Sebastian shifted in his seat and so did Poppy, but they remained quiet which you were grateful for. Your nerves wouldn't allow you to continue if they interrupted now.

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