> 02﹔" companion "

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HEAVILY INSPIRED BY "sycophantic teens" WRITTEN BY noodlevault ON AO3‼️‼️ plsplsplsplsss check them out, if you know entry point in roblox they write a few fics of it and they're awesome!!!

It's already been a few days after Devlyn joined the organisation, and he's already been given a mission alongside a squad of other operators to work with.
He didn't bother getting to know any of them, as long as they know what they're doing as well, the mission would be simple.

Though, he did manage to befriend someone.


Devlyn packed his equipment early so he can chill in the van for a bit before heading to the location of the said mission, the squad he was assigned in had to break in a mall to find files that were located in the archives of the mall's office. Knowing it'll be a slow job, it's better to rest before action.

Just as he sat with his arms around his bag and almost dozing off, he was startled by another boy, seemingly around his age. The boy chuckled to himself when he saw Devlyn's reaction, which was shock then formed to a face of annoyance.

" Haven't seen your face around here, you must be a newbie aint'cha? The name's Cyclone! "
The cheeky boy held out his hand to him.

Oh, codenames. He forgot about that, it took a while for him to respond because he was thinking of one.

" ..Delta. "
Devlyn replied dryly, he's just staring at the boy in front of him.

" Cool name, dude! I hope we both can cooperate well. "
Cyclone took Devlyn's hand and forced a handshake, at the same time having a genuine smile on his face.

Devlyn, however.. ":T"
He thinks Cyclone's cool though.


Time has passed to when they're halfway done with their mission. The two other experienced operatives went to do their own objectives to find the files and the intel to the mall's vault, meanwhile the rookie duo went to investigate some stores to find valuables, or simple items that they could pocket for later use.

The two stumbled upon a candy shop.
They both stared at each other, then the store. Firstly hesitated, but they had a grin on their faces and managed to break in, using a lockpick they were given to. They wouldn't have to worry about getting caught since the security cameras were shut down by one of the experienced operatives in the squad.

They're technically still kids. Besides, who wouldn't be down for some free candy?

Devlyn was busy picking the lock of the candy store's cash register, meanwhile Cyclone was snooping around shoving as much candy as he can in his bag, which he also used to carry his equipment with.

Cyclone, without thinking, pulled off his mask and took a deep breath.

Devlyn noticed, taking a quick glance at Cyclone. " ..What are you doing? We're not supposed to take off our masks until we get back in the van. " He reminded, at the same time collecting money from the cash register he successfully opened.

" Relax. I'm just trying to breathe, this mask is too tight on me, man.. I'll put it back on later, it's not like there's gonna be any security guards roaming around this zone, we double-checked earlier. " Cyclone uttered, unwrapping a piece of caramel candy and tossing it in his mouth.

Devlyn sighed at his response,
" You do you. "

" Our job is done, head to the same lot we arrived here, be quick. "
The voice was heard from their small radios, the two nodded at each other and went on their way to the said area. As they ran, Cyclone had a hard time trying to put his mask back on.

" Could it take you any longer to wear that thing? "

" I'm trying, alright? "

They both made it to the stairwell, going down as they get nearer to where they're supposed to every second.
That was until they bumped into another security guard, before the man even reacted, Cyclone strikes the man unconscious using the side of his pistol out of panic.

" That was.. close. "
Cyclone panted.

" ...We can't just leave him here. Help me pick up this guy. "
Devlyn went to the unconscious man and picking up both of his hands, gesturing Cyclone to take up his legs as he leads to a men's restroom nearby.

They carried the man into the restroom, Devlyn dragged him in one of the stalls and put his head on the toilet seat, searching for something in his bag as he kneels down to the collapsed man.

He pulled out a pocket knife.

" Wait- what are you .. "

" He saw your face, there's no way we're letting this guy have a chance to describe us to the police. " Devlyn stated as he carefully runs two of his fingers to the man's neck, he pressed them hard on where he could feel his pulse beating the strongest.

" But— "

" I'm doing this for your sake, just shut up for a minute. " Devlyn interrupted, as he quickly sliced the knife across the man's neck. Blood flows out of the severed cut, it was certain the man was already dead from there.

Cyclone was speechless as he watched how his friend silently killed the security guard with not even a slight expression to his face. It was like a normal thing to Devlyn, and that's what makes it uncomfortably frightening to him.

Devlyn stood up from the ground and went to wash his hands and pocket knife in the sink, also wiping a small blood splatter on his cheek. He wiped his wet hands on his own clothes and put back the pocket knife in his bag, walking to Cyclone and forcibly putting the mask on his friend. It was a bit messy, but at least he's wearing it now.

" We're both going to act as if this never happened. " Devlyn put his hand on his friend's shoulder as he said this, getting a nod as a response.

They continued to run back to the van, the both sat the backseat next to each other without eye contact. The silence was broken as one of the older operative started driving and asked them,

" What took you two so long? "

Devlyn stared at Cyclone in the corner of his eye, wanted to see how the boy would respond.

" Ahah, we got lost. That's all, sorry about that. " Cyclone replied, scratching the back of his neck and chuckling nervously.

" ..Okay, then. "

Cyclone quietly exhaled in relief, turning to look at Devlyn as he felt like he was just being stared at a second ago, only to see the boy looking out the window with his arms crossed. He shook it off, closing his eyes to take a quick nap for the whole ride.

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