Chapter Two

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~Present Day~ 

Jasmine's POV

The cold wind blew through the leaves, making rustle and some fall to the ground. I passed by yet another adlewood tree that had been picked clean of its branches and had oil dripping from it.

By now I knew what the woodsman did with the wood, and how the Beast got the trees to grow.

This was the fate I was trying to avoid. I was still wandering around this lonley place, trying not give in to the beast, trying to stay alive. It got tedious to try to stay alive after all these years, so long I lost count.
It was the same thing everyday. I'm not even sure how I managed to do this when I was eight years old. I constantly had to fight off creatures and cursed beings of the unknown. 

As I walked I saw a wolf in the distance. It was skinny and thin; it was weak. No matter its physical state, when it saw me it licked its lips and started towards me. I got out my knife and stepped back, ready to fight the thing.

Ryan's POV
I sighed, standing next to Jasmine's hospital bed. She had been in a coma for 6 years.

It was all my fault. I dropped her into a freezing cold river. If I had kept hold of her maybe this wouldn't of happened.

Jasmine's state didn't only affect her, it affected our whole family. I couldn't stand the fact that this was my fault. Her twin brother, Michael, felt alone and unloved without her. Our dad couldn't even stand to let another woman in his life after losing the two most precious women in his life. My other two brothers where just plain upset that she wasn't around.

Everything around the house seemed less happy. She was always the one two cheer us all up with a joke, or make us feel better with her little kid cuteness when we were feeling down.

And I know, if she ever woke up, she wouldn't be the same eight-year-old kid that I knew her as, but I still wanted her to be okay.

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